Outdoor plant defoliated and topped ,


Well-Known Member
So today I defoliated my outdoor plant and also topped ,
I remove lower growth in all branches/lollipop)

Did I defoliate good enough ? ?

Here some before and after pics

after: the top half of the plant , those shoots should be shooting out right after topping? There still not long enough to bend under the ring

the bottom branches I’m training more outward so those branches can encircle top half growth tht 9C2EE6B1-AB95-430C-BACC-D33E5750B538.jpegA9EA9B23-9898-41E3-9044-3903569EAC9C.jpegB351145E-7CBA-496C-865C-A768F6F22F54.jpeg

I would like all my branches to look like this thts what I’m going for and then just let them grow vertical , if I’m still LSTn should I wait to top the branches once there curling up like this one ? Or can I go ahead an top while there still horizontal ? Or wait till they start growing vertical again?2797A62D-D0CF-4112-9BED-6164F656BA5B.jpeg

I’d like all my bottom branches like this so they can encircle the top half the plant , would this work/be a good

Can I top while branches are horizontal from being LSTd ? Or wait for them to start curving up and are vertical ?

can I go ahead and top all my branches at the same time along with the main stalk aswell ?
It’s also been droopy , I’ve just watered 2 days ago so the it still looks&feels moist/damp ..

I’m thinking it needs to be transplanted , or it can’t get any oxygen from being wet , it’s also been very windy lately and I beleive it’s either of those 3 tht it can be .. ive been using about 2-3 liters of r/o water every watering in sunshine grow mix with ewc ,Malibu compost and patio plus
You can do ot its no harm.
If you wqter when its dry and you are sureyou are not overwateringand she is droppie still.the pot could be too small.or wind could be too strong as you said and she got distroyed.
You can do ot its no harm.
If you wqter when its dry and you are sureyou are not overwateringand she is droppie still.the pot could be too small.or wind could be too strong as you said and she got distroyed.

I’ll be transplanting it to a bigger pot see iftht helps if not it’ll be the wind or watering but for now I’ll see if the transplant will help ..

thanks for the input!