Stunted flowering


Well-Known Member
Thing is if a plant goes deficient it usually doesnt stop growing, mostly its leaves will start yellowing from the bottom up.
There are rare exceptions like when Bor would be completely missing, but your plant looks actually rich in nutrients, you did fertilize, and the shoots dont show necrosis.

In my opinion overfertilization leading to a toxicity will stunt a plant much more severe than a deficiency, esp. when you use swift mineralic bottled fert.

I kind of doubt you can do anything because 3 weeks without change now is already a long time, but u got nothing to loose trying, well, except for the money spent....

I know you are in a precarious situation but maybe one of your associates have a EC & pH meter then you could do a slurry soil probe and see how sharp it is.


Well-Known Member
Thing is if a plant goes deficient it usually doesnt stop growing, mostly its leaves will start yellowing from the bottom up.
There are rare exceptions like when Bor would be completely missing, but your plant looks actually rich in nutrients, you did fertilize, and the shoots dont show necrosis.

In my opinion overfertilization leading to a toxicity will stunt a plant much more severe than a deficiency, esp. when you use swift mineralic bottled fert.

I kind of doubt you can do anything because 3 weeks without change now is already a long time, but u got nothing to loose trying, well, except for the money spent....

I know you are in a precarious situation but maybe one of your associates have a EC & pH meter then you could do a slurry soil probe and see how sharp it is.
The problem is not money here, i can afford smoking here so:))) 10 grams here are 100 euros, the money people make in 5 working days:))the problem is here aren’t any good gardening things here, as in the whole country maybe 100 people have gardening as a hobby(because most can’t afford hobbies) i only found a ph tester with kind of some coloured papers that costs like one dollar so i doubt it’s any good. And ordering online is very dangerous BUT i thought there might be a ph problem because i think lately the water is full of chlorine and i started boiling it before and since then they started shooting new pistils!!i think at least(the newest ones are more greener appearing fresher, right?)


Well-Known Member
The problem is not money here, i can afford smoking here so:))) 10 grams here are 100 euros, the money people make in 5 working days:))the problem is here aren’t any good gardening things here, as in the whole country maybe 100 people have gardening as a hobby(because most can’t afford hobbies) i only found a ph tester with kind of some coloured papers that costs like one dollar so i doubt it’s any good. And ordering online is very dangerous BUT i thought there might be a ph problem because i think lately the water is full of chlorine and i started boiling it before and since then they started shooting new pistils!!i think at least(the newest ones are more greener appearing fresher, right?)
Tap water could be your problem as it is usually high pH so the addition of nutrients could help lower it. I only use RO water so I don't have to worry about all the crap in our tap water.



Well-Known Member
Tap water could be your problem as it is usually high pH so the addition of nutrients could help lower it. I only use RO water so I don't have to worry about all the crap in our tap water.

Do you have like a filter for the water? I was looking for some, they are like 300€ here, but i don’t know which one is good, that’s why until i got the fund for a filter i hope that boiled water can do the trick… i found out that boiled water has 6.4 ph, i think it has to be better than the white tap water, yes it’s so bad it’s white


Well-Known Member
Tap water could be your problem as it is usually high pH so the addition of nutrients could help lower it. I only use RO water so I don't have to worry about all the crap in our tap water.

And honestly i’m learning so many new things simce i planted them, i’m a 22 year old girl that just moved out a year ago, so i’m pretty new with this technical stuff+the tehnical terms in english are so different in romanian i don’t even know where to start:))