The fishing thread ( not about fish fertilizer)

It's not the same. I pack the cavity with the salt sugar and then in a Ziploc with the same around it......let it sit for a while and then cold water rinse, dab dry and on the smoker. You can over brine it by letting it sit with the salt and sugar too long. But it's still tasty just different.
Ice fishing's fun as hell too at night. With a big sack of weed and some beers in a shack with a heater, :bigjoint:

Lots of ice fishing up here. I always run in to some chill , fun party people. I love the starkness , the moonscape, the white below and azure above , the sounds of the lake flexing on a sunny day.......( night fishing ....a blast.......some real characters at those lare hours.
I've never had smoked trout, but my grandmother use to smoke them all the time. She would fish almost everyday. Her freezer was packed with trout.

Does it taste anything like smoked salmon?
A smoker is really easy to make, my one consists of a metal ammo box aprrox 24"x18" a camping stove and a wire grill.

I chuck some whisky/sherry/brandy shaving in then put the grill on and close it for 20/30 mins deppending on weight, it's in the garage I'll snap a few pics in the morning if you're interested in making one.