Elons Little Plan

So I can join a group that lets me mind control beautiful women into having sex with me??? Where was this shit when I was 18 :(.
Dawg it's not funny if your seriously saying that without extrapolating the ethical implications of this scenario then you must be a real creep sicko cuz mind controlling people to have sex with you against their natural free will constitutes rape unequivocally....
Dawg it's not funny if your seriously saying that without extrapolating the ethical implications of this scenario then you must be a real creep sicko cuz mind controlling people to have sex with you against their natural free will constitutes rape unequivocally....

Depends on the terms and conditions.

Gotta read the fine print.
Dawg it's not funny if your seriously saying that without extrapolating the ethical implications of this scenario then you must be a real creep sicko cuz mind controlling people to have sex with you against their natural free will constitutes rape unequivocally....
Well if you put it like that :(……But if I actually thought you were sane and this was remotely true, then yes it would be a terrible thing. But I don’t lol.
What are the terms and conditions of you using mind controll to rape Yong girls bro. I can't believe your trying to defend that shit.

Terms and conditions is where they hide the mind control, Bro!!!

Accept their terms, you get raped.
No, that is not how legitimate studies are carried out. There is a proposal, the funding has to be set up, the limits of the study and the goals of the study has to be put down on paper. Here, you can get an idea what is required.

If you want to look at more examples,

Trials that are running right now.

And more,

So if I read this correctly you are saying there is a secrete study that has a 300 year window that repeats itself every 100 years or more. I would say that is the ultimate in job security, don't you think?

I commend the Google searching and quoting. I understand your point of view.
I told you the truth, there are sensitive studies. But, only for clean data. Please don't read into 'secrecy', too many connotations for a layman.

Simply do as you said and check for this study. And, look into this historic cycle of 'millennial mindset'. If I remember correctly, past historic episodes of this syndrome lasted for approx. 300 years.

Like I said, its been almost 25-30 years since I was involved.

That's what it really is bro. That's why they made all that shit up about "Q anon" and put a bunch of neuralink zombies on the news sounding like retards explaining how they were brain washed by "Q anon" basically it's damage controll. That way they can discredit anyone who exposes the pedophile golden state killer rapist agenda by saying they are just another "Q anon" nut job conspiracy theory weaving attention seeker like Alex Jones or something. This way anyone who tells on them looks like "just another delusional Q anon cult member" instead of a victim of rape and mind controll.
Reel it in, man - you sound like you’re 15 minutes from protective detention
Nah; he is safe and snug in mama’s basement wearing nowt but 3X briefs and half a Hot Pocket, typing compelling and devastating insights that will buckle us the ma-a-a-asses at the foreknees, just you see now.