Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
Considering how many of their demographic they killed off with covid bullshit, I'm surprised their ratings never took a hit! I mean dead old people don't watch TV much and the antivaxx message never caught on with the elderly.
Let's talk about Fox news ratings....



Well-Known Member
She reminds me of the mother in the original movie Carrie, couldn't happen to a more deserving person.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Michael Cohen REACTS to Georgia Trump Grand Jury

Elie Honig analyzes focus of Trump grand jury in Georgia
while he was actually pretty coherent, how did Michael Cohen get to be an anti trump commentator?..or any kind of commentator? we should be making trump allies, even former ones, persona non grata, not paying them to become talking heads on yourube


Well-Known Member
while he was actually pretty coherent, how did Michael Cohen get to be an anti trump commentator?..or any kind of commentator? we should be making trump allies, even former ones, persona non grata, not paying them to become talking heads on yourube
He has an axe to grind with Donald, the enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of thing. He does seem to have turned over a new leaf and his wife at least was smart enough to make him see the light, she's Ukrainian I think. He knows these people, how they think and how they operate. He is mightily disappointed over NY dropping the case against Trump and was going to testify against him in court. He is one of the few who actually did time, but he lucked out with covid and had house arrest for most of it.

I don't think he was paid for this, he has a book, a podcast and gets paid for some TV appearances I imagine.