What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Had an ad from these people pop up while playing a game earlier, creeped me out. https://hegetsus.com/

One I saw was about cancel culture and jesus....really came across as targeting the holy part of the rahowa.
They arrested another child for the murder of 10 year old Lily Peters in Wisconsin, sounds like another Kyle Rittenhouse in the making.
I am not one to spend much time here but this might be of interest to others.

Revisiting the Christian fantasy novels that shaped decades of conservative hysteria

Demons, angels, and elite liberal conspiracies: Frank Peretti’s books sound like today’s headlines.

A sinister schoolteacher steadily grooms kids in their care to accept liberal indoctrination, ultimately leading to the takeover of young minds by shadowy forces. All the while, the teachers are backed by a larger, high-powered conspiracy to control the government, the educational system, and the national media — all in the name of evil leftists battling the ongoing culture war.

That rhetoric might sound like sheer fantasy, but it’s increasingly becoming the dominant worldview of many right-wing US conservatives, especially white evangelicals. It’s also the literal plot of two novels by Christian fantasy author Frank Peretti, This Present Darkness (1986) and its sequel Piercing the Darkness (1989). Although not household names to many, these are very likely two of the most culturally influential novels in recent history.

Though they flew under the mainstream radar, especially relative to the bestselling Left Behind series that followed them a few years later, Peretti’s novels were formative and fundamental in a way the Left Behind books never were. They went viral in the pre-internet era, selling millions of copies and spreading through word of mouth across churches all over America. It’s easy to see why: The Darkness duology arrived at the peak of Satanic Panic, when, as Peretti later wrote, “demons — and their doctrines — were gaining a weird, glassy-eyed respect from the popular culture.” Peretti envisioned a new kind of Christian fiction that visualized and vivified his idea of modern spiritual warfare: Angels and demons engaged in very real, literal battles for humanity, often just out of sight of their impassioned human charges.

Peretti’s angels and demons are humanized and captivating. The angels are all tall, hot, witty, and sophisticated, the demons are brutish and calculating; all are dedicated to their metaphysical Pokémon battle for saints. Meanwhile, prayer and faith, at both an individual and collective level, function as a kind of angel Gatorade, juicing their battery packs and helping them find the strength to defeat the enemy. These books essentially transform Christians into crucial NPCs helping their favorite video game avatars defeat increasingly awful, powerful enemies. The prize? Nothing less than the souls of mankind.

If that sounds gripping and immersive, now pair it with the other half of Peretti’s plot: an international conspiracy fueled by evil New Age practitioners using seemingly innocuous tools, like yoga, self-help psychology, and environmentalism, to indoctrinate the masses....
^^^ doesn’t have a clue how his country’s system of government and laws works.

this explains why 73 million Americans voted for an imbecile with a mid 70’s IQ.
^^pretends to to know about other members, but he just insults people he doesn't agree with.
Thought this was funny. You can't public records us, we will public records you! Fuckin dicks.

Huh...so, the schools were a big draw to my area, we had some assholes come in and now we can't keep teachers because the board pushes their weird political views. My guess is they push to put cameras in the class in case a teacher says slavery existed or whatever. Anywho....I think you can sue people for lowering property values.
It's one of the few issues I feel strongly about and think it impacts how we approach all current and future problems. We have kneecapped ourselves and pushed ignorance for a long time. We sort of get what we deserve.
They are trying to get rid of public education, it's a cult.
It isn't just public education. They are trying to get rid of the idea that there are facts.

I'll quote this again because it is the best description I have yet found of what is happening.

In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.”
― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
Just read that over the last 3 years that there are on average 5 road rage freeway shootings per month on metro Detroit freeways. Human beings are horrible morons and they're armed.