Elons Little Plan

Ide be way more worried about him directly controlling people's mind with his company neuralink. Which develops brain chips for "medical purposes" however it seems far more realistic that this is a cover that him and his competitors use for developing v2k and mass mind controll technologies. Which use quantum entanglement and microwave lazers to create nonlocal quantum effects on the brainwave patterns and neuronal structures of so called "targeted individuals" aka people they dont like. Or their "assets" which turn out to be pedophiles and mass shooters and false flagg terrorists. It's basically remote controlled Manchurian candidates that they use to do school shootings every other day and make "assets" like the Golden State killer in order to entertain their deranged gangstocking cult and traumatize the masses into falling into line behind totally demonic degenerates who nobody would ever follow without their use of mass trauma based mind controll techniques and technologies developed under the cover of companies like Elon musks neuralink aka MK Ultra etc.
You forgot to include Illuminati.
I commend the Google searching and quoting. I understand your point of view.
I told you the truth, there are sensitive studies. But, only for clean data. Please don't read into 'secrecy', too many connotations for a layman.

Simply do as you said and check for this study. And, look into this historic cycle of 'millennial mindset'. If I remember correctly, past historic episodes of this syndrome lasted for approx. 300 years.

Like I said, its been almost 25-30 years since I was involved.

Still no luck googling. It sounded interesting. Too much to find on the Millennial generation, not what I'm looking for. Could you give dates when the last 300 year part of the cycle occurred? That might help.
I commend the Google searching and quoting. I understand your point of view.
I told you the truth, there are sensitive studies. But, only for clean data. Please don't read into 'secrecy', too many connotations for a layman.

Simply do as you said and check for this study. And, look into this historic cycle of 'millennial mindset'. If I remember correctly, past historic episodes of this syndrome lasted for approx. 300 years.

Like I said, its been almost 25-30 years since I was involved.

A "millennial mindset" cycle that lasts "approx. 300 years".

You don't understand why that's so funny, do you?
The last time I heard this much gibberish was in the early days of the 90s after a rave. Still made more sense than this though.
A while back somebody was claiming the recent changes in global climate was because the solar system had moved into an "area of high energy". No evidence but great you tube animations.

that was a pretty good one, I thought. Pseudoscience is fun.

The ravings of religious nuts are less interesting, IMO.
A while back somebody was claiming the recent changes in global climate was because the solar system had moved into an "area of high energy". No evidence but great you tube animations.

that was a pretty good one, I thought. Pseudoscience is fun.

The ravings of religious nuts are less interesting, IMO.
I have found most of these folks pretty resistant to the fact that energy is measured in joules. If it cannot be measured on a dumb machine, I question the use of the term energy.
A "millennial mindset" cycle that lasts "approx. 300 years".

You don't understand why that's so funny, do you?

What I said was true. How, you are viewing what I said ...
I wrote as layman as possible.
The nitpicking, the assumptions, in the replies. Totally understood.
Just think about it as others have stated here; as Pseudoscience, religious ramblings straight from the Royal Medical Institutes
*prays to Hippocrates. People, don't Google*
There is nothing to see here. You are all, alright :)
somehow all of my history texts missed out on this massive revelation. I breathlessly await the lynx.
Searching for clues, the following notable events occurred in the year 1722.
  • Jan 24 Edward Wigglesworth appointed 1st north American divinity professor (Harvard)
  • Mar 8 Afghan monarch Mir Mahmud occupies Persia
  • Mar 17 Willem KH Friso appointed mayor of Drente
  • Apr 22 19 VOC "komplotteurs" in Batavia executed
  • Apr 30 Game of Billiards is mentioned in New England Courant
  • May 3 Pierre de Marivaux' "La Double Inconstance" premieres in Paris
  • Jul 25 The Three Years War begins along the Maine and Massachusetts border
  • Sep 12 Russian troops occupy Baku & Derbent in Persia
  • Oct 19 French C. Hopffer patents the automatic fire extinguisher in England
  • Nov 2 Willem KH Friso (11) appointed viceroy of Gelderland
  • Nov 7 Richard Steele's "Conscious Lovers" premieres in London

Crossreference with "psychiatric studies" and the answer becomes obvious, amiright, @Puff_Dragon ?

(approximately) Three hundred years ago, two comedies premiered and a guy named Wigglesworth was appointed divinity professor at Harvard. Clearly, these funny events are proof that your hilariously named "millennial cycle" -- that lasts 3 hundred years -- exists.
What I said was true. How, you are viewing what I said ...
I wrote as layman as possible.
The nitpicking, the assumptions, in the replies. Totally understood.
Just think about it as others have stated here; as Pseudoscience, religious ramblings straight from the Royal Medical Institutes
*prays to Hippocrates. People, don't Google*
There is nothing to see here. You are all, alright :)
Comedy gold.

Thanks for that.
This ’millennial madness’ sounds strikingly familiar to the ‘fin de siècle’ effect, a form of popular madness referring to wild/new ideas, changes and behaviors emerging in popular culture roughly 15 years before and after a century-change (~30 years), it’s been observed in Europeanish cultures for the past 300 years (less Europeanish cultures are more likely to use their own calander & therefore be immune to fancies that only afflict a single calendrical system).

Unfortunately, we’re unable to learn much about popular mood changes across Europe when we flipped from 0999 to 1000, Catholic dominance and public literacy rates being what they were; one thing we DO know is that a great many people were expecting Jesus to pick them up for the event (this recurs anytime societal boats get rocked enough, but apparently, the bus is still in the shop), but we should be clear that such flare ups are linked to *events* not dates, so in context the Big Round Number effect is just another event.

Consequently, the 2000 counter-flip may or may not be indicative of anything, given the lack of such recorded events with which to compare. In another 960-970 years, we may gain some perspective on the mass effect of the Big Round Number.

Guessing that the millennial madness study may be an effort to trace a line backwards.
Thought it was time to see if most people know about Elons plan. I think he wants to be the worlds most powerful man, genius often means crazy. He controls tesla,telsa solar,tesla powerwalls and he can control and communicate with all 3 with his tesla satellite internet network. He will become a electric utility provider for the grid in every country on the planet if he is allowed. He will control the power flow from solar panels to car and home batteries with his satellite network and use super computer AI to manage the surplus for sale to the grid. The beauty of the plan is the public pays for the infrastructure upfront.
Shareholders should take the deal and sell their shares.

It's really suspect that the share price of twitter has not risen to what the deal is valued at. Elon pitched 54.20, shares haven't been able to hold above 50 since the announcement. That is kind of weird and rare. He has lost quite a bit of credibility with market folks after that stupid shit about taking tesla private at 420.

Edit: take a look at trading volumes. Lots of activity relative to normal...but it looks like people are dumping their holdings into the announcement.
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is reviewing Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk's $44 billion takeover of Twitter Inc.

There's something about owning an all electric car manufacturing, satellite, rocket ship and Twitter in which you can communicate with the whole world at the touch of a button..so world domination?
None of tesla/Elon's other lines of business present a conflict of interest that would be a legal hurdle. He isn't creating a monopoly.

He talks out of his ass though so eh...