No matter what I do the ph in my 1 DWC rez is 6.3

Can you add too much cal/mag? I've added cal/mag, but stayed around 850ppm in DWC.... 20 hours ago I added the extra cal mag and ph seems to be steady at 5.9 instead of going up around 6.3 like it has, does this say anything?
Am I the only one who only ever bothers reading his pH during the seedling stage? Afterwards, no fucks are given. I'd need a flamethrower to stop em.
Something you could try is distilled water for the rest of the grow. I have heard it can fix dwc issues. Tap water in unpredictable. I personally use it myself. It’s worth a try before thing get to far out of control
Strain on the left is the one that keeps going bad. You can see the other strain in the same rez is fine. Its just this strain out of the blue, ive had it for 3 years now and no probelms.


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ok but I've had the same tap water in my house for 7 years, ph out of faucet 7.4/160 ppm... Whats the easiest way to add RO water system to my basement sink? ... i would do a whole house RO water, but I heard its not healthy to drink bc of low ph???
Its simple to set up a stealth ro system. Its just a quick connect. The water comes out slow af tho I would suggest u add it to a sink u don't u see often or use a Y style connector with a shut of valve.

I wouldn't recommend using it in ur entire house though. U can ask around but if u strip the chlorine that kills the bacteria couldn't u possible create a breeding ground for bacteria in your pipes?
Its simple to set up a stealth ro system. Its just a quick connect. The water comes out slow af tho I would suggest u add it to a sink u don't u see often or use a Y style connector with a shut of valve.

I wouldn't recommend using it in ur entire house though. U can ask around but if u strip the chlorine that kills the bacteria couldn't u possible create a breeding ground for bacteria in your pipes?
I only use ro for growing and cooking only. No need for anything else. You'll just waste a lot of water for nothing.
Yeah these sets of plants started to not drink either, its the same strain. One rez had a bunch of algae again, the other had rez had no algae. I threw them both out and will get no rez's. They prob were 4-5 years old. The rez with no algae had a plant that looked liked it hermied. I will post pics soon.... Like I said I got the same strain back from a friend... How common is it for the strain just to go bad or get a disease? Strain would root as a cutting and grow then when it got 1 foot tall and bulky wouldn't drink for 2 runs now... Very strange... Its only this strain too.
Yeah these sets of plants started to not drink either, its the same strain. One rez had a bunch of algae again, the other had rez had no algae. I threw them both out and will get no rez's. They prob were 4-5 years old. The rez with no algae had a plant that looked liked it hermied. I will post pics soon.... Like I said I got the same strain back from a friend... How common is it for the strain just to go bad or get a disease? Strain would root as a cutting and grow then when it got 1 foot tall and bulky wouldn't drink for 2 runs now... Very strange... Its only this strain too.
Algae in the res is no bueno.
Gotta watch for bio slime as well. Just use a lil bleach in the res, and by lil I mean just a couple ml. per gallon.
Rez never did it before, must have got compromised... Been doing this for 7 years and never had algae. Algae is not the problem though bc strain isn't growing in other rez's with no algae.
Rez never did it before, must have got compromised... Been doing this for 7 years and never had algae. Algae is not the problem though bc strain isn't growing in other rez's with no algae.
Yea.... algae and slime are still no good. Id sterilize if it were me.
Yeah these sets of plants started to not drink either, its the same strain. One rez had a bunch of algae again, the other had rez had no algae. I threw them both out and will get no rez's. They prob were 4-5 years old. The rez with no algae had a plant that looked liked it hermied. I will post pics soon.... Like I said I got the same strain back from a friend... How common is it for the strain just to go bad or get a disease? Strain would root as a cutting and grow then when it got 1 foot tall and bulky wouldn't drink for 2 runs now... Very strange... Its only this strain too.
Google "HpLVd".
Google "HpLVd".

Dude below is a bad pic, but thats what the pre-flowers started to look like on a few. None of them would drink water. Like I prev said I gave a clone to a friend 8 months ago and just got it back (I've had it for 3 years now), he reported no issues with it. Can these go from strain to strain in my grow area?? Is the strain I got back from him gonna turn to shit too?? Thanks All my other strains are fine. I actually had the messed up strain in the same rez as another strain and the other strain was fine. The messed up strain grew, but showed messed up fan leaves about half way through flower. Like I said the other plants would just stop to drink late in veg.

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Dude below is a bad pic, but thats what the pre-flowers started to look like on a few. None of them would drink water. Like I prev said I gave a clone to a friend 8 months ago and just got it back (I've had it for 3 years now), he reported no issues with it. Can these go from strain to strain in my grow area?? Is the strain I got back from him gonna turn to shit too?? Thanks All my other strains are fine. I actually had the messed up strain in the same rez as another strain and the other strain was fine. The messed up strain grew, but showed messed up fan leaves about half way through flower. Like I said the other plants would just stop to drink late in veg.

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Yep, it's contagious and can destroy your entire garden. Tissue culture is the only way to get rid of it.