TonyGreen's Tortured Beans "Bubble Head" meets the Gavita LED's............

I believe you, but it's going to be hard to defoliate that hard. It's more the training on myself haha! as someone who's grown outside a lot Im used to next to no defoliating at all. I definitely believe you though as i've seen you do it already at least 3 times, i'm loving watching this one in real time please don't stop with the posts!
Can definitely see them bouncing back a day later though - so just to clarify did you switch to 12/12 the same day you did this last heavy defoliation?
Yes..i knew it was you straight away lol .thats why i didnt tell you to where to go hahahaha...your a cheeky bastard.:lol:
Did you see my reply :lol:
I have followed this guy and structured my first grow using some of the knowledge I got here. I know that you are not supposed to post in other people's journals. I am asking for a 2 question waiver.
A few of you might remember my first Orange Gasm grow and I had the exact same issue- ridiculously fast leaf growth which I attribute to the LED's, more than anything. Of course, good health helps, but in the Gasm grow, I had to keep going in an removing leaves as they blocked underneath stuff and I expect to have to do the same thing again for a few weeks.
Actually, looking at the above picture, I'm not seeing enough bud sites and I'll be going back thru the room tomorrow again, removing anything that's covering up a bud site. I'd say I got about a window of another 5-7 days to remove as much as I want, and then I'll stop for a few weeks.
She's pretty even this grow sshz.probably why you cant see as many budsites as you'd like..but i do remember you saying you was going to sort the short and talls between the 2 rooms.i always had the theory if plants were in close proximity with ea other they contest for the light and stretch..your grows throws that theory out the window ..
I do separate the plants out, but all in the same room. Tallest to the back walls, shortest in the middle and the rest spread around evenly. Normally, under HPS, plants fighting for space will grow taller. Under these LED's, as you know, it really doesn't matter. There's enough light spread evenly around and strong enough it's almost impossible to grow things tall.

The late finishers sometimes get moved to another room at the end of the grow, so I can start the cleanup for the next crop- but the days of utilizing 2 rooms at one time is probably over. The wife won't allow it, I'm generating plenty out of the 1 room and having too much smoke around the house (and more plants) probably isn't a smart thing.