Best legal state

Not to be political but Obama said he would make MJ legal if he was elected. He had eight years with a democrat controlled house and senate, yet raids on state legal dispensaries increased 5 fold while he was president. I think Trump said he was favorable with medical but, of course he was obstructed at everything he tried to do. When will this insanity end? Who will be the hero? I live in a back-asswards state that will probably be the last one to legalize it. Damn I miss Alaska.
Big pharma an oil blocking at the fed level, Maine is pretty sweet but just dont expect to get rich here.
Vermont is an interesting state, retail sales don't start until October (May for existing med dispos). In theory the barrier to entering cultivation is pretty low ($750 for the smallest scale outdoor license, plus $1000 app fee and some other fees), particularly if you'd be growing on land you live on.
The thing is gotta move it after growing it,ME,NH,VT has a very tight market lots of old school growers its pretty much locked up gotta no the locals to move anything.
I just want to move some

I just want to go somewhere where I can grow plants without getting an 11 year sentence or more. And maybe some mountains. The job in the industry part isn't that important. Just being able to grow without prosecution and live my life in peace. That's pretty much it.
Oklahoma is not good for the growers but not so bad for the MMJ card holders. Acording to the rules MMJ card holders may have to grow more then the want. If you have two MMJ cards in a family they cannot share the same garden. That means I have to grow four gardens. That's 24 plants for full gardens. You can have 6 mature, flowering plants and 6 seedlings. So, in the family, we could have 48 plants growing at the same time.

This is a good place for users.

If you are a comercial grower...Different Story. You don't want to be here.

I think you mentioned mountians (?). Sorry about that. The tallest HILL in Okla is ONE FOOT short of being a mountian.

I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I live in a non cannabis friendly state. I want to move to a cannabis legal state that might also have job opportunities in the field. With so many states legalizing I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations. I would greatly appreciate any positive input. Thanks
You can start trimming in any legal state.

Perhaps you could compare living expenses of each legal state. The lowest will probably be your best bet.

Even better if you have family or friends to stay with while you start your entry level position.
Not New York. Potential is there but taxes and current laws blow. Licensing is impossible at this point
Isn't if funny how marijuna used to be a wicked, eveil, sinnful, drive you crazy weed...Until the states found out they can make money on it.

It they had half a brain they would keep the taxes down so that poeple can afford to grow.
How stupid is it to kill the goose the laying the golden eggs.

Isn't if funny how marijuna used to be a wicked, eveil, sinnful, drive you crazy weed...Until the states found out they can make money on it.

It they had half a brain they would keep the taxes down so that poeple can afford to grow.
How stupid is it to kill the goose the laying the golden eggs.

Couldn't have said it better my negra revitaliga having fren