Is it a deficiency?


I only see this on one of my leaves of this plant and it seems to be growing pretty good.the plant has taken off after transplanting into 5 gallon pot a week or so ago and im using organic fox farms soil and added insect feass during the transplant a week ago. All of the plants start growing rapidly but I’m just curious what this is. Maybe calcium deficiency?

also how often do I feed my plants if I’m top dressing ?



Looks kinda like critters. Have they been inside the whole time? And top dressing is easy. Just put it on the top, and try to mix it in a tiny bit if you can. EWC on top of the dressing also helps. Or just mix the top dressing with EWC, and then topdress that. Lots of ways to do it.
What is critters and yeah but I have left the tent open and the garage door open at the same time to air it out and get fresh air in there.

and how often should I top dress ? Once a month or more ?


Well-Known Member
What is critters and yeah but I have left the tent open and the garage door open at the same time to air it out and get fresh air in there.

and how often should I top dress ? Once a month or more ?
Bugs might be getting in there then. But do what you gotta do. Top dressing is easy. I'd get a couple mixes like Dr Earth, DTE, or whatever is local. How often depends on how active your soil already is and how much you top dress at a time.


Well-Known Member
you think you can give me a average from your own experience on how often you may top dress just so I can get a kindve thought on my own plants. I know my rent average heat is sorta high at around 81-85 F and I water every 2-3 days now
Smaller doses more often is easier than bigger doses less often. So a little every couple weeks is about average. But I tend to do bigger amounts less often. There's a way bigger chance of burn though as you'd see if you checked my journals.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro can you send a link to anything you know or your journal. I’ll definitely read all of it. Appreciate the help
My journals are in my sig. You can see I overdid the closet. And I kinda was pushing it in the tent. I've been using this same soil for over 3 1/2 years now and haven't ever tested it. It was plain FFOF originally.


Well-Known Member
I only see this on one of my leaves of this plant and it seems to be growing pretty good.the plant has taken off after transplanting into 5 gallon pot a week or so ago and im using organic fox farms soil and added insect feass during the transplant a week ago. All of the plants start growing rapidly but I’m just curious what this is. Maybe calcium deficiency?

also how often do I feed my plants if I’m top dressing ?
Id give some epsom salts in tap water if thinking cal or mag. Wind can do same scarring but my guess would be thrips, look on undersides of leaves along main veins, looks like small worm its not. I used to use gaia green and topdressed every week outdoors. Id do at lest every two weeks but depends on watering habits, runoff or not? I dont try to water to runoff, dont need the rh in tent. Or if daily waterer. Needed sooner, you will see if you took too long, as they get bigger they eat more.

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
I only see this on one of my leaves of this plant and it seems to be growing pretty good.the plant has taken off after transplanting into 5 gallon pot a week or so ago and im using organic fox farms soil and added insect feass during the transplant a week ago. All of the plants start growing rapidly but I’m just curious what this is. Maybe calcium deficiency?

also how often do I feed my plants if I’m top dressing ?
Pause for a second. It's litteraly one leaf, and it's not new growth. Hence it is a deficiency, but not a current one, one while that leaf grew, your not gonna repair it. Odds are your good just keep doing what your doing

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Looks kinda like critters. Have they been inside the whole time? And top dressing is easy. Just put it on the top, and try to mix it in a tiny bit if you can. EWC on top of the dressing also helps. Or just mix the top dressing with EWC, and then topdress that. Lots of ways to do it.
What do the under side of the leafs look like?


Well-Known Member
you think you can give me a average from your own experience on how often you may top dress just so I can get a kindve thought on my own plants. I know my rent average heat is sorta high at around 81-85 F and I water every 2-3 days now
With Dr Earth a good conservative amount is 4 tablespoons per 5 gallon container every 2 weeks. Use 4-4-4 in veg and for the flip and then use a mix of 50/50 of flower girl and the 4-4-4 two weeks after flip. After that every two weeks use just the flower girl until you're done. I add 1 teaspoon of Epson salt to a gallon of water and water that in a week to give mine extra magnesium and if I had the money I'd buy some earth worm castings to mix in with the top dressing. I also use Recharge brand mycos with Roots organic soil. It's been a good, easy to use formula for a couple of grows now and I actually use 2 tablespoons per gallon of soil instead of the 4 tablespoons per 5 gallons that Dr. Earth recommends but I've learned to read the plants pretty well over the years and back off if I see burn or other issues. Hope this helps out.


Id give some epsom salts in tap water if thinking cal or mag. Wind can do same scarring but my guess would be thrips, look on undersides of leaves along main veins, looks like small worm its not. I used to use gaia green and topdressed every week outdoors. Id do at lest every two weeks but depends on watering habits, runoff or not? I dont try to water to runoff, dont need the rh in tent. Or if daily waterer. Needed sooner, you will see if you took too long, as they get bigger they eat more.
Appreciate it bro I ended up snipping that one leafs before u saw all the replies I had but it’s ok I’m learning alot through the forums and trial and error my next grow will be way easier


Pause for a second. It's litteraly one leaf, and it's not new growth. Hence it is a deficiency, but not a current one, one while that leaf grew, your not gonna repair it. Odds are your good just keep doing what your doing
Yeah the new growth looked good I should’ve waited and seen what more of you guys said but it’s my first grow and I got nervous especially after all of what I’ve studied. I went with what the first person told me


Well-Known Member
Rule 1 Wait for another member to give same diagnosis, or three to be safer.
Rule 2 Cal mag and two more weeks are common answers here.
Rule 3 Count on flower cycle to take 90 days so not dissapointed.
Rule 4 Grow how you want, enjoy and dont stress.
Rule 5 Growing should be fun this is rule 4 but so important l had to repeat it.
Rule 6 After growing your own, dont smoke shop weed if can help it. Crap all of it!
Rule 7 Watch plants and environment carefully. This can give you much experience.
Rule 8 Not everyone has same environmental stimulis, your grow is different from mine unless you live in same area, try to find ppl in your area, best tips this way.
Rule 8.5 Enjoying this plant is most important, also respecting it and the trouble it can bring to you.
Rule 9 Your grow not someone elses, therefor your rules! They can all fuck off if they dont like it. Goes for friends too, bc there the fucker who will rob you or set you up. How do l know this one? Lol!
Rule 10 Loose lips sink ships, lifer hommies might be ok but aquaintences no way!
Rule 11 Listen to good music when with plant, your singing might make cat jump from balcony but co2 is great growing stimulus for plants, so talk sing or hang with green friends.
Rule 12 No fucken rule 12 make it up as you go!
Tried to set some things in your head here, hope you take this serious. People get home invaded all the time. 5 fifteen year olds are more dangerous then 5 big men. I know how fucken crazy l was as a teen. Dont need that shit. We cool off after we age or we go to prison and cool off there. One or the other. Met many murderers in pennitentary, only met people who kill for convenience on the street. Keep that in mind, and keep grow within your use level as safer. Dont grow keys of shit bc it does go stale over time. Or rots bc not dry enough.