So many stores

I can't go more than a few blocks without passing a dispensary. They're everywhere. What's funny is there are 10 registered dispensaries in Ontario Oregon which only has a population of around 11,000. It just happens to be right across the border with Idaho which isn't a legal state. All of the small towns along the coast have large numbers of dispensaries for the population size so I guess the tourists are smoking a lot of pot.

You can book a weed tour here as well.

"We have lined up the ultimate Potlandia Experience: A well thought out and focused marijuana tour, visiting dispensaries, along with some of the things that make Portland so cool like the microbreweries, food carts, and a few iconic stops."

This is from 2020 so things might have changed since then but Oregon had the highest number of dispensaries per capita of any state in the US.


In Cambridge Ontario...a population of about 150k...we have 50 pot stores.

They are down to on sale 80 dollar oz...with a discount coupon....I get the mailers.

How can they every make it....In some situations the stores are 50 feet apart from each other and they all sell the same crap !

That's a crazy amount of dispenseries.
When i lived in Missouri, we had a store called liquor, guns and ammo. Being from canada, it was strange to see. Now, i guess it would be liquour, weed, guns and ammo. Might as well have a casino and brothel next door too.
Alberta has the highest number of stores in Canada. Next is Ontario.

Ontario population: 14,952,000.
Alberta population: 4,480,000

There seems to be a bit of a disparity.

The gov here in Ontario figures that these stores will put the black market out of business. So they are happy the more that open. They could give a fuck how well any one of them does.
As long as it drives dealer buddy out of business they couldn't be happier. It is working to a certain extent.
Trudolph figures he's the only one who should sell the very product him and his cunt father were more than happy to bust people for. Even now ! Fuck him with the jagged stick. Hypocrite liar groper country ruiner.
Yup I never see a car at any of these rat holes either. The more they hurt the better I feel. I hope they all lose they life saving and all hope in life.
I can't go more than a few blocks without passing a dispensary. They're everywhere. What's funny is there are 10 registered dispensaries in Ontario Oregon which only has a population of around 11,000. It just happens to be right across the border with Idaho which isn't a legal state. All of the small towns along the coast have large numbers of dispensaries for the population size so I guess the tourists are smoking a lot of pot.

You can book a weed tour here as well.

"We have lined up the ultimate Potlandia Experience: A well thought out and focused marijuana tour, visiting dispensaries, along with some of the things that make Portland so cool like the microbreweries, food carts, and a few iconic stops."

This is from 2020 so things might have changed since then but Oregon had the highest number of dispensaries per capita of any state in the US.

View attachment 5133376

That's a crazy amount of dispenseries.
OR has slightly more population than OK... so very similar markets.
I live in Canada the same as everyone else, except our politicians were anonymously in favour of banning home grow, which was lowered to the ridiculous level of 4 per household thanks to Justin selfie boxer-gloves Trudeau. It's called democracy and while there's too many stores in Ontario i can't physically access a single one on top of being asked my cards even before i can pass their vestibulary, since i prefer just to refuse and send another guy who's even older that won't mind to comply. Just for the satisfaction of watching the face of some mindless being paid to ask a bald elder an Identitication piece to prove he's got the "legal" age, which is 21 over here.

idem about edibles or so and forget about parcels delivery as that's just the same.

It doesn't have to be a religion to demande a fair sense of respect, at least the same as for any other "nuisance", much more dangerous to society all too often. Yesterday morning there were Star Trek specials on sci-fi TV, so guess what splashed on my screen at the flip of a switch. Hummm? ST5 (film) - The final frontier (1989)... The 3 boys are camping and the good doctor reveals a "secret ingredient" inherited from his father's beans recipie: whisky. It's not even 9 A.M. and in Québec i suppose we had many teenagers aged below 21 who watched it as well. Euh... Well, it ain't difficult to find paradoxal contradictions in political values, because if alcohol were treated the same as cannabis that would be the end of those ad$ and possibly the film $pe¢ials with it! In any case i never seen a single individual/character ever being asked for his card before getting his hands on a glass of "spiritueux" (...), or just the bottle. Plain & simple. With everyone around dancing and happy, almost flying to the sky like their hearts been lifted by angles... aHummm...

MW'ell, i'm lucky when i get M.A.D. propaganda for my patience. Now those people need to be legal "adults" and the ambiance changes drastically; that ain't the same category of show anymore. Blue and red lights, yanno... A dark background, badges, handcuffs...

All based on the "science" of Trudeau, then more crap piled up. But nobody seems to realize the plan is working, their plan: to vilify even more. To avoid fixing past errors, revendicating a right in The People's House to do worse than all predecessors, essentially. Because it's democratic and all other member of the assembly are ready/prepared to vote as a bloc, especially in front of the cameras.

Meanwhile i keep reasoning that no real long-term study will ever garantee none of the Pest Control Product "trace" mixes will actually prove under-estimated relatively to some arbitrary "safety" level somehow established by gurus at Health-Canada - a Public Institutions we all trust intrinsically (aHummm!)... After all the list containst NON-DETECTION concentrations levels for a large part of the catalog, which contained 96 items last time i checked. So, combining 2 PCPs that's 96 x 95 possible combinations to test, 3 PCPs = 96 x 95 x 94, or 4 PCPs = 96 x 95 x 94 x 93, etc... Sure enough the progression is astronomical and i'll never forget hearing on TV that there could be as many as a couple dozen PCPs on strawberries - which are NOT inhaled, just eaten and hence screened by filtering organs... Take a ridiculous number of possible permutations and as yourselves this simple question: where's the long-term study proving none of the savvy synergy-boosted non-detection soups will ever contaminate cannabis statistics??

Then visit the stores with this idea in mind.

Which is why i much prefered dealing with an individual rather than a faceless monopoly now asking his ID cards to an old man visibly aged above 80... Ah, i just wish i could post photographs of such collective insanity!!

Back to Canada now again.
We had a grow store pack it in here. Bright Lights it was called. They had been in town for along time.
I'm getting tons of askes for plant for outdoor use this spring. Hard to find folks are telling me.
The luster seems to off growing at home it seems. One guy figured he'd offer me $10. bucks a plant.
ya right.
Fucking legal stores want over $10. a seed.
The days of ten dollars clones is done imo. I told the guy his ten bucks didn't make me even think about it.
What everyone doing with folks who want your hard work to grow some pounds on your time and dime.
Killing all future sales of course.
The BM seems to be in big trouble in canada more and more.
Stories of folks giving up ????
Got any?
The gov here in Ontario figures that these stores will put the black market out of business. So they are happy the more that open. They could give a fuck how well any one of them does.
As long as it drives dealer buddy out of business they couldn't be happier. It is working to a certain extent.
Trudolph figures he's the only one who should sell the very product him and his cunt father were more than happy to bust people for. Even now ! Fuck him with the jagged stick. Hypocrite liar groper country ruiner.
Yup I never see a car at any of these rat holes either. The more they hurt the better I feel. I hope they all lose they life saving and all hope in life.
its the 80 dollar ounces.

And let me tell you something. A good friend of mine has a big script and was getting broken coast cannabis for free (CAF) was really not bad at all..then cannafarm would have none of that and bought them out and closed them down.
How he has cannafarm weed.
I went there with a bag of Godbud and King Sherb (King sherb i have been running for about a year...a blueberry leaning blue sherbert leaner) good...he had 25% girl scout cookies.
The first 3 hits were ok...the rest of the doob...when you can keep them lit...tasted like you crushed half stems half weed in your doob.

Hot ...bitter...shitty....

He bring any more of this King Sherb....nope....and thats a 28 to 30% head wrecker...that tastes good til you hit the cardboard crutch.

Grow your own....Organics for ease of grow and tasty buds. Fuck the OCS their weed BLOWS..

And I can make that 40 dollar a gram hash myself....for a lot less. Melt it if you got it...bubble me up batman.
within 9 love to see them enforce that...
stay back 30 feet... :D
30 feet....hmmmm
So if for instance you pass out just a few feet with the 30....will they just drag outside the line? Will I get a discount on my pizza?
Got 3 smoke shops in town in my non legal state. How they stay in business is beyond me. Dhgate glass at 5x markup and $40 d8 carts and $10grams of d8 sprayed hemp flower
Got 3 smoke shops in town in my non legal state. How they stay in business is beyond me. Dhgate glass at 5x markup and $40 d8 carts and $10grams of d8 sprayed hemp flower

Pretty much all weed companies, instead of delivering a better and cheaper than black product to the consumer, they all try to portray themselves as some hip and cool lifestyle brand at boutique mark up prices fucking hilarious. The majority of the dispensary store name are so fucking stupid, seriously no on gives a fuck that you're store looks like Birks with weed behind glass cabinets with Rolex prices lol