New To Growing

...please go easy on me :D

Hi All,

I have just started to grow my own Cannabis, Dark Angel to be exact.

I am on the seedling stage and am a little worried with my lights on temp sitting at 30c, even though my room is at 20c. I am using the grow box. Inside temp with lights on is 30c (too high?) and humidity is 23% (too low?).

I currently have 3 seedlings with a 4th still in its seedling pot.

This one looks like its over watered, but I would like some expert advice. Many many thanks.

brown leaves.jpg


Well-Known Member
When watering try to water an area double that of the seedling. And observe the wet spot dry back before rewatering. If it takes longer than 3 days your using too much water.
30 is on the cusp for a mature plant under LED. Are these autos? If not why such large containers?
The instructions I have are to move them from their seedling pots into their growing pots when they have their 3rd set of leaves or when the leaves reach the edge of the seedling plot. When I moved them they have a great root system going on and looked like they needed to be moved.

I think I over watered them too much the day after I moved them, as they have brown edges which could be too much nutrients.

Many thanks for the feedback.