Blueberriest Blueberry, seed form

Subcool did a grow journal here on RIU with a pack of DJ’s Blueberries and it did not end well.
You can say what you want about Sub’s breeding but his growing skills were always top notch.
This was not a case of user error.

Thank you for that link.

I was learning to grow back in those Daze and I never had the chance to hang with SubCool.
Reading this many years after that time is nice. Again thanks for the link.
Perhaps the adage holds strong.
"The only constant is change."

I hope and believe that there is medicinal value in pursuing this general breeding direction.
That is my quest. I did do a cross with my only creation/cross and the benefit seemed to be an improvement of empathy towards others.
Being on the Autism Spectrum that is a worthy attribute.

Any perspectives on this aspect are extremely welcome.
Subcool did a grow journal here on RIU with a pack of DJ’s Blueberries and it did not end well.
You can say what you want about Sub’s breeding but his growing skills were always top notch.
This was not a case of user error.
Hey bad, Ain't nobody trashing subcool(breeding or growing skills) . I'm a weed nerd I remember this grow as well but sud also stated that working with blueberry just didn't mesh well with his jack the ripper that's why he stop working blueberry . Sub did more than what people remember like supersoil made us re-think the hype train called salts for growing and how his spacequeen male let what ever female shine thru in breeding Facts ! Mr. Head I get what your say but let's stop a really think for a min,please as a home grower we where taught( because of small spaces) disregard the males you only had room for females right? But back then if you spent more than fifty for a pak it was highway robbery so when DJ offered the paks for 180-200 that was insane but like I said folks these were very recessive genes we were hunting if you thru those males away you just shot yourself in the foot. How was you gonna f2 anything.I bought more the six paks of querkel back than did find that cut till about the third or fourth pak but it was there.thats when I knew a lot shit taught to us was wrong you gotta put in the work
That brings relevance to RKS or “Old School Sk #1.
Exactly! Again and again I see these threads with people claiming that there's only one breeder/line that has a specific terp profile. There can be many varieties that exhibit that rks skunk smell, or blueberry, or whatever. I've run Afghani that had phenos smelling like strawberry, while others had a blueberry thing going on. NO, it doesn't mean that someone mixed up some seeds and I was actually running Strawberry Cough or DJ Short Blueberry. I will probably never believe that there are these "holy grail" strains that have an exclusive monopoly on a specific terpene profile.
Exactly! Again and again I see these threads with people claiming that there's only one breeder/line that has a specific terp profile. There can be many varieties that exhibit that rks skunk smell, or blueberry, or whatever. I've run Afghani that had phenos smelling like strawberry, while others had a blueberry thing going on. NO, it doesn't mean that someone mixed up some seeds and I was actually running Strawberry Cough or DJ Short Blueberry. I will probably never believe that there are these "holy grail" strains that have an exclusive monopoly on a specific terpene profile.
It's not a monopoly on terpene profiles, of course there's a lot of blueberry smelling plants.....but DJs Original plant is just that, the original...and worldwide proclaimed to be the best representation of those terps.....but not anymore....things change and so has his line.
There's still Djs cut out there I know of 2 who hold it. Wish I could get my hand on it myself tho.
But which cut? DJ has had several cuts of Blueberry due to losing the great one and losing the closest one to it....and then totally recreating the strain which is where we are now and everyone is unhappy unless those who never smoked the real deal older versions
They both date back to early 2k
That's cool but I honestly don't believe it lol. The money to be made for whoever actually has the real deal (which after 18+ years looking for it I doubt exists + pretty much anyone who ever smoked it searching for it unsuccessfully) it would be flat out retarded to not pass cuts or create seeds with it. So tell this person everyone worldwide has been searching for the cut he holds and to release it. I'll take $1000 worth of seeds forreal.
Exactly! Again and again I see these threads with people claiming that there's only one breeder/line that has a specific terp profile. There can be many varieties that exhibit that rks skunk smell, or blueberry, or whatever. I've run Afghani that had phenos smelling like strawberry, while others had a blueberry thing going on. NO, it doesn't mean that someone mixed up some seeds and I was actually running Strawberry Cough or DJ Short Blueberry. I will probably never believe that there are these "holy grail" strains that have an exclusive monopoly on a specific terpene profile.

With all respects to everyone especially all of us willing to breed.
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That's cool but I honestly don't believe it lol. The money to be made for whoever actually has the real deal (which after 18+ years looking for it I doubt exists + pretty much anyone who ever smoked it searching for it unsuccessfully) it would be flat out retarded to not pass cuts or create seeds with it. So tell this person everyone worldwide has been searching for the cut he holds and to release it. I'll take $1000 worth of seeds forreal.
You ever drive past an old heads house and see something just sitting there that you know has value and is sought after. But yet they won't sell it for the life of them. Some growers are not in it for the money and won't sell or trade "exclusive" genetics.
Wow a lot of stretching here about JD DJ and their familial contributions...

Anyone not believing DJ or JD is a joke. Those 2 have actual integrity as far as their word and cannabis or their work...

Not real blueberry..ffs..smh
Wow a lot of stretching here about JD DJ and their familial contributions...

Anyone not believing DJ or JD is a joke. Those 2 have actual integrity as far as their word and cannabis or their work...

Not real blueberry..ffs..smh
I'm saying what they have now is NOT CLOSE to the pre99....Blueberry F5, who loves it? It's pretty common knowledge that it's not anything special.....the F4 male is nice and passes blueberry terps....but even that F4 male isn't anything close to the pre99.....that's all I'm saying....the F4 is only sought after because it's the closest thing available today, and it still ain't fucking close to what anybody wants or everyone would be growing it.
Wow a lot of stretching here about JD DJ and their familial contributions...

Anyone not believing DJ or JD is a joke. Those 2 have actual integrity as far as their word and cannabis or their work...

Not real blueberry..ffs..smh
Integrity.... lol. Integrity would be admitting you lost the parents and selling people seeds with them knowing fullwell upfront it is a recreation of the original. They do the opposite, they lie, when confronted with the evidence they dig in deeper. If that's integrity to you... I don't know what to say.

Find the blueberry in a pack of his F5's. Then after you do that find me a single keeper plant in someone else's lines that have been taken to F5 and show me how it represents the parents and isn't a completely retarded version of it. I'd put money on you not being able to find either.

Humans taken to F5
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Some of the grossest exploitive and disgusting videos on YouTube
I'm genuinely conflicted about his content. He says the proceeds go to helping these people and getting them things they need, on the other hand he's profiting off a "freak show" for a lack of a better term. I've found quite a few of his videos interesting, a lot of the others I have to shut off as they are too sad.

I feel the same way about that Hasbulla mma guy. It's a weird situation, I certainly don't want to be the one to tell these people they can't make money off their genetic abnormalities. At the same time I feel conflicted viewing it. He walks a delicate line between exploitation and entertainment/educational content.

Humanity has certainly never progressed past the intrigue of oddities.

His videos on the Appalachian people seem like a better representation of the culture than the Whites of West Virginia.
Not breeding with it and having it arent mutually exclussive...

Ill trust 15 yrs of expeirence working with the pre99 and lemonhokos work and having had many conversations with JD... over some greenmarket samskunk man internet lore bs....

Yall are all to high on your own BS.
No. I've just smoked the pre99 and even the early 2k versions and they're head and shoulders more flavorful and stronger than any blueberry I've had since.

It's a fucking disgrace when I smoke blueberry or a blueberry hybrid that has absolutely 0 blueberry flavor or about 1/10th the flavor of those 2 that I hold dearly.

Especially when they're still charging an arm and a leg for a pack.

JD I view differently and I do respect the work he's done with the F4 male, don't get it twisted, I've got multiple packs of crosses JD has made.

It's just frustrating knowing the potential in Blueberry and seeing that it's a shell of its former self.
But I KNOW that years ago, around the time he released Newberry, I heard DJ in an interview specifically tell that he lost the pre99 in a raid and then the version after that he failed to keep alive, which is why he made Newberry and wanted to recreate what he had lost.

He literally said he lost the plant that the FEDs came in and destroyed all of them.

So did he say that and then come out saying he still has it?? Sounds like a bunch of bs to me.