Are my seedling leaves color okay?



I’m growing pink runzt in some miracle grow at the moment and was wondering if the color seems fine to you? I have fox farms ocean forest which I will switch when I transplant but just wondering if they look a little to light in color. I have them under some led about 8 inches away on 18/6 schedule. Only feeding them water about once a week or when the soil feels dry.



Well-Known Member

I’m growing pink runzt in some miracle grow at the moment and was wondering if the color seems fine to you? I have fox farms ocean forest which I will switch when I transplant but just wondering if they look a little to light in color. I have them under some led about 8 inches away on 18/6 schedule. Only feeding them water about once a week or when the soil feels dry.
I knew before reading that it was miracle grow. That's the only soil I've planted in, where the seedling comes up looking weird in color. I would ditch that soil. You can take the whole thing out of the cup & let the soil crumble off the tap root. Repot in the ocean forest.

This is just what I would do. Please don't act yet. Someone may have a better suggestion.


Well-Known Member
How old is that plant? It hates something you are doing and is just trying to survive.

You should see growth every day. Every day the plant should be noticeably bigger. If not something is wrong.


Two and a half weeks old. They had a stretching issue around 1.5 weeks and recovered from that. Ever since I switched them to the led they stopped being droopy and became more happy.


My grows for the past three years didn’t give me this issue. Then again, I had them in FFOF right from the start.


Well-Known Member
havent grown in mg soil before but it looks very wet down there. got drainage holes?

if you decide to change the soil you’d have to be very careful and very gentle in order to not hurt the roots because there arent many roots there yet and if you hurt it you might as well throw the plant into the compost bin.

if you will change its soil however i recommend very gently turning the cup upside down into your palm while creating a slit between your fingers to accomodate the seedling and gently lowering the whole thing into a bowl of water (on its side with both hands) and gently washing away the soil around the roots with the water inside the bowl.

but seeing it doesnt have an established root system yet probably i dont think that will be necessary


Well-Known Member
Seems soil is the problem here. Change it out or start over like you did in the past.

The soil should have food. You should not need to feed a plant in soil for the first week or so.


Thanks for all the tips. A few days ago I decided to remove them from the old soil very carefully and put them in fox farms ocean forest and the girls seems so much better now. They are not as lime green as earlier. Plus I’ve lowered the lights to about 4 inches and running them 24 hrs and seems good so far.

