Punk's Not Dead

I love this thread, it's bringing up kinds of hellish memories that I blacked out.
I was into the hardcore punk in DC for a decade. Started out going Bad Brains and Ramones.

Anyone ever watch Sha Na Na on TV? They had a weekly NYC music show, had all kinds of punk bands on and they were a greaser rockabilly show, it was a fun mix. They would have Earl Scruggs one week, Blondie the next week.

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Hugo Burnham, drummer for Gang of 4, he's pretty cool guy. He has an encylopedia memory, talks about anyone but himself, unles it's relevant to some amazing anecdote. He's a teacher and human music encylopedia now I think, lives near my sister.
He plays sets with local bands and touring groups and went on tour with earlier this year. Pretty cool when he gets called up on stage from the crowd and plays.