TGA By Others

Day 31 of veg and the first Vortex male showed sex. Cover your ears, fellas!
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Keep an eye out on any males to be to collect pollen from if any are nice enough show resin in veg show sex late etc since vortex is gone forever I definitely plan on making F2’s out of my few packs I snagged and plan to use them as moms/dads in multiple other crosses as well

I saw Mz Jill is reproducing Vortex to be released next year and my stomach turned
I’ll be damned if I buy gear from her so I’ll stick to my pollen chucking and F2 everything TGA I got in my collection lol
Keep an eye out on any males to be to collect pollen from if any are nice enough show resin in veg show sex late etc since vortex is gone forever I definitely plan on making F2’s out of my few packs I snagged and plan to use them as moms/dads in multiple other crosses as well

I saw Mz Jill is reproducing Vortex to be released next year and my stomach turned
I’ll be damned if I buy gear from her so I’ll stick to my pollen chucking and F2 everything TGA I got in my collection lol
Why not buy from her?

I bought from her and she did good with her Jilly Bean F2:
Keep an eye out on any males to be to collect pollen from if any are nice enough show resin in veg show sex late etc since vortex is gone forever I definitely plan on making F2’s out of my few packs I snagged and plan to use them as moms/dads in multiple other crosses as well

I saw Mz Jill is reproducing Vortex to be released next year and my stomach turned
I’ll be damned if I buy gear from her so I’ll stick to my pollen chucking and F2 everything TGA I got in my collection lol
Yeah, I was thinking about making a bunch of Vortex f2’s outside this year. Still have a bunch of Vortex that hasn’t showed sex yet. Maybe pollinate my Vester’s Garlic Bud 98, we’ll see.

I believe Mr Soul is making space queen here shortly? Maybe cross that to the a-13 to make the new Vortex…I dunno.:blsmoke:
Yeah, I was thinking about making a bunch of Vortex f2’s outside this year. Still have a bunch of Vortex that hasn’t showed sex yet. Maybe pollinate my Vester’s Garlic Bud 98, we’ll see.

I believe Mr Soul is making space queen here shortly? Maybe cross that to the a-13 to make the new Vortex…I dunno.:blsmoke:
Yeah Mr Soul has Space Queen fems available
And Apollo 11 regs but no re release of Apollo 13 that I’ve seen
I don’t think he plans to release regs of Space Queen unless I am mistaken

And you have access to A-13? Man you are lucky if so I’d be running that constantly I’m still kicking myself in the ass for never running Subcools Apollo 13 Bx
Yeah Mr Soul has Space Queen fems available
And Apollo 11 regs but no re release of Apollo 13 that I’ve seen
I don’t think he plans to release regs of Space Queen unless I am mistaken

And you have access to A-13? Man you are lucky if so I’d be running that constantly I’m still kicking myself in the ass for never running Subcools Apollo 13 Bx
No, I don’t have a13. I was talking about the vortex mz jill is having made in the future.
Why not buy from her?

I bought from her and she did good with her Jilly Bean F2:
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Yes I know she is a good breeder and knowledgeable I met her in person at the TGA booth back in emerald cup 2014 or so when her and Subcool were still together

but my loyalty is with Subcool after the divorce and drama/bs that occurred around the time of the fire in 2017 further causing poor Subcool to lose near everything he had worked so hard to build over the years

so ultimately I’d probably give her gear a run if I got busted in my home state where medical doesn’t allow you to grow and I lost all my current gear from original TGA stuff to Genetic Supply’s Producers Overstock I’ve been heavily collecting but until then or something changes with how her attitude is towards a dead man who had no ill intent towards anyone then I can wait

Even if he was her ex I understand some bad blood but she is pretty quick to trash his name and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth being that his legacy changed the cannabis industry completely in my eyes at least from popularizing super soil to giving away so many free testers to weed nerds across the globe I think his legacy won’t fade any time in the near future

and her genuinely being nasty about it is why I avoid her stuff but I know she had a pretty big role in creating several TGA strains like Agent Orange and Jillybean and Brian Berry Cough and probably others that I am forgetting about so I can’t not give her credit where credit is due but most weed nerds I know of give her credit for her work but honestly do acknowledge her issues with Subcool to this day as being a bit immature and should be left in the past as he passed away and it should be their personal business not something she gets mad at people about for even say mentioning his name to her if you get me
Yes I know she is a good breeder and knowledgeable I met her in person at the TGA booth back in emerald cup 2014 or so when her and Subcool were still together

but my loyalty is with Subcool after the divorce and drama/bs that occurred around the time of the fire in 2017 further causing poor Subcool to lose near everything he had worked so hard to build over the years

so ultimately I’d probably give her gear a run if I got busted in my home state where medical doesn’t allow you to grow and I lost all my current gear from original TGA stuff to Genetic Supply’s Producers Overstock I’ve been heavily collecting but until then or something changes with how her attitude is towards a dead man who had no ill intent towards anyone then I can wait

Even if he was her ex I understand some bad blood but she is pretty quick to trash his name and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth being that his legacy changed the cannabis industry completely in my eyes at least from popularizing super soil to giving away so many free testers to weed nerds across the globe I think his legacy won’t fade any time in the near future

and her genuinely being nasty about it is why I avoid her stuff but I know she had a pretty big role in creating several TGA strains like Agent Orange and Jillybean and Brian Berry Cough and probably others that I am forgetting about so I can’t not give her credit where credit is due but most weed nerds I know of give her credit for her work but honestly do acknowledge her issues with Subcool to this day as being a bit immature and should be left in the past as he passed away and it should be their personal business not something she gets mad at people about for even say mentioning his name to her if you get me
See I don't follow any drama bs lol.....personally, I never heard her trash him, but she probably did because bitches are evil

But I think maybe she feels a certain way about not getting the credit she may deserve for the work she put in on some of those strains too....jealousy is a strong trait in females lol....and I'm sure that's what it is.
All the lights are off and everyone is sleeping…:sleep:

Vortex #1 and #2
1st generation clones that haven’t been budded out yet. The rooted clones/rapid rooters were put in these small pots 18 days ago. They’re really showing how different they are from each other. Once they out grow these pots, each will go into a 5 gal bucket/super soil/roots organic. Going to grow them straight up/not topped and only veg to about waist height. I don’t want to spend too much time vegging them, I just need to find the best one.
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Harvesting seeds is a lil tedious but so exciting at the same time

Querkle x Vanilla Tart coming soon !
Got at least a few hundred out of the buds I’ve trimmed and broken down to be made into fresh frozen bubble and or medibles ASAP

Vanilla Tart F2 seeds looking almost ready!
I have maybe a couple packs worth of these from checking buds and seeing an occasional seed poking out so I grabbed them before they fell to the grow room floor lol

Nice dark seeds! What day is it again for them? Great job, growing them will keep u busy!
Yup I am hyped I haven’t seen but a handful maybe of lighter ones at all !
Today is day 53 for them so nearly 8 weeks, it’s a couple days earlier than I normally take Querkle based on buds and trichs, seeds were poking out ready and they got pollinated at early week 3 so I thought it was ample time for them to fully mature plus the buds are going into hash and medibles once I get all the seeds out so if they are two three days early I figured I’d be just fine as I want to make plenty of room to test these out and the Vanilla Tart F2s
You’re gonna have more seeds than you’ll know what to do with :)
Day 53, they look so dark and mature….
Yeah man I lost count a long way back already
I was shocked myself as I’ve never made seeds before
but Querkle has never gone a day longer than 8 weeks in my garden so maybe moms quick flowering time really sped up the process?

so far it seems since Vanilla Tart has a little bit longer flowering time than Querkle those seeds are slightly less mature not quite ready yet but I got a few mature poking out just not near as many visible as were on the Querkle mom so I’ll probably check on those again next week

so by July I could be definitely germinating both strains I’m so excited ! This year is gonna be very productive, now if I can start making F2’s of more TGA stuff like Querkle, JTR, and Vortex too I just don’t have the space to do all I want to at once hahabongsmilie
Aloha! I just wanted to pop in to let you know the first 15 orders at Genetic Supply get the Vortex Preservation Project F2's from Groundbreaking Preservations. They are open pollenated testers F2's of Vortex. I'll find out how many plants were used. Check out the freebies list at genetic supply theya re good people who deserve your business.
I personally work with the Vortex preservation project, and this project is going to go to F4's before they are done, and then may even to a BX in order to stabalize the wanted phenotype.
Aloha! I just wanted to pop in to let you know the first 15 orders at Genetic Supply get the Vortex Preservation Project F2's from Groundbreaking Preservations. They are open pollenated testers F2's of Vortex. I'll find out how many plants were used. Check out the freebies list at genetic supply theya re good people who deserve your business.

Got my order in over the weekend soon as I saw that !
Hola, soy de Costa Rica, hace muchos años se me hizo dificil conseguir semillas de cannabis, pero recuerdo que por el 2010 al 2012 me llegaron 3 paquetes de querkle, y 2 de qush. Desde ese momento supe que tenía cosas muy buenas y hasta ese momento inimaginables para mí. entonces hice una cacería de querkle, con 2 hembras y un macho seleccionados de esos paquetes, saqué muchas semillas que hasta ahora sigo cultivando esas f1. Simplemente me encantó la uva tutifruti y algunos fenotipos cítricos más que encontré, me quedé con una de sus madres hasta 2019, año en que tuve problemas con la policía y la perdí. Todavía tengo muchas semillas y actualmente tengo una carpa con 6 de esas semillas f1, sabiendo lo que pasó con tga, ahora solo quiero seleccionar y seguir guardando las semillas.
Cheers, weed nerds! (Photos F1 proyect)DSC04546 (2).JPGDSC04161.JPGDSC04490 (2).JPGd2faf82c949fb38d9f01db2907944fbc313d1ad1_1_690x498~2.jpega1a46c56484ab195e9f88267dc5c58cccd34d229_1_690x493.jpeg
Hola, soy de Costa Rica, hace muchos años se me hizo dificil conseguir semillas de cannabis, pero recuerdo que por el 2010 al 2012 me llegaron 3 paquetes de querkle, y 2 de qush. Desde ese momento supe que tenía cosas muy buenas y hasta ese momento inimaginables para mí. entonces hice una cacería de querkle, con 2 hembras y un macho seleccionados de esos paquetes, saqué muchas semillas que hasta ahora sigo cultivando esas f1. Simplemente me encantó la uva tutifruti y algunos fenotipos cítricos más que encontré, me quedé con una de sus madres hasta 2019, año en que tuve problemas con la policía y la perdí. Todavía tengo muchas semillas y actualmente tengo una carpa con 6 de esas semillas f1, sabiendo lo que pasó con tga, ahora solo quiero seleccionar y seguir guardando las semillas.
Cheers, weed nerds! (Photos F1 proyect)View attachment 5145894View attachment 5145896View attachment 5145895View attachment 5145897View attachment 5145898
No idea what you said but love the photos. Nice work. Love to see you working the TGA strains still. Keep it up!