ok, i studied thoroughly but still have questions.


Well-Known Member
so i read like everything on DR MJ Cocos site on coco perlite hydro set ups and using flora trio for nutes. i read chunks here and there, was half assing which i didnt intend to and my posts up to now were very illinformed and now understand what to do, read it thoroughly. now with my expirience here i was hearing i needed to lower EC to early veg = .6 to .8 EC and late veg, increase to to 1.0 to 1.1 and not exceed 1.2 in whole cycle with peak being in flower. this site says to follow mfg recommendations EC which this here is for flora trio

my two questuons are, how would you gradually move from EC .4 to 1.1 in early veg in just days or weeks? i think im not understanding that chart and the timeline of the grow cycle listed from seedling to early veg. this site claims to adhere to mfg recommendations and this is it for my nutrients but im hearing to feed lower which is my next question, can i safely follow this without bad signs? i read everything on that site well and decided to follow it to a tee and make adjustments from there so that way i dont have parts of my novice routine to conflict with one another. though everything i was advised here did line up with this except not to check runoff and lower the EC. lower ec, i wonder if they had different nutrient lines than mine. old thread dont want to put too much on one thread. any advice? it dont seem to explain my question anywhere. doesnt say if i can mix distilled water with tap to get decent starting water EC. doesnt say you may go below inflow targets to save on nutrients or if it shows signs of nute burn which i read could be other reasons than inflow target like NER imbalance or poor water frequency causing salt build up.


Well-Known Member
how would you gradually move from EC .4 to 1.1 in early veg in just days or weeks?
Just follow the chart..........that's as gradual as it needs to be.
im hearing to feed lower which is my next question, can i safely follow this without bad signs?
Feeding charts are just guidelines........you can start feeding lower than indicated and see how the plants are doing, or you can follow it to the letter. I use a powder and 1 tsp. per gallon is considered full strength.........I usually only have to use half that.
You might consider using the Lucas Formula for coco - 6 ml micro, 9 ml bloom for the entire grow........no grow. There is enough nitrogen in the micro. You don't have to use that exact amount, but use the same ratio.

Yes you can mix distilled or r/o water with your tap to lower the ppm's.
You'll never get salt build up as long as you feed regularly to run off.
Good luck.