Hanging or Fireing Squad?


Well-Known Member
What should we do with the Seditionists? Hanging is traditional, but shooting squads are more impactful?
I advocate lining the, Moe Brooks, Ted Cruz, et al, and yes the Orange MENACE up amd start shooting them one by one with Fat Donald the last inline so he can watch all hs henchmen die before he is placed in the bloody chair to end his menace.

But hanging them is okay too.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
With a guaranteed kill shot I’ll take the firing squad I’d rather be laying there for you to pick up and throw away rather than hanging there pissing my self and crapping everywhere for you to cut down and flop to the ground. Even with a Instant neck snap and instant death with the hanging it’s still more vial and gruesome


Well-Known Member
With a guaranteed kill shot I’ll take the firing squad I’d rather be laying there for you to pick up and throw away rather than hanging there pissing my self and crapping everywhere for you to cut down and flop to the ground. Even with a Instant neck snap and instant death with the hanging it’s still more vial and gruesome
How bout you pick the drug and the music.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure you shit and piss yourself in any death
Yes but hanging in the air with piss running down your legs and shit everywhere is worst than you just laying there with it in your pants and no not all dead people shit themselves they do release gases but not all crap themselves urinate yes