January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Glenn Kirschner SLAMS Media Coverage of Treason
12,992 views Jun 9, 2022 Glenn Kirschner slams the media for their tendency to both sides high crimes against the United States and says that any competent prosecutor would be able to charge Trump with treason!
Tonight's the night, no Fox broadcast shows what their all about (fair and balanced:finger:), if the Reps. would have broke w/Trump and let the bus run him over then reverse and do it again they'd already have regained some legitimacy and credibility. The lack of courage in the Rep. party is breathtaking and the fact that pandering chretins like Mc Carthy and Jordan are on tape lying and doing 180's and still viable is incredible. It is beyond shameful that the Rep. party is comprised of so many invertebrates whose conspiring has made the US a laughing stock and removed the moral high ground we once held. I really hope that these hearings change some minds that can still be persuaded to the truth, The premise that the midterms and 2024 will yield a Rep. victory and another Trump run is beyond comprehension and I fear catostrophic for our country going forward.
It’s true, those “deeply-held convictions” of spiritual, moral, and patriotic worth don’t seem deep enough to impel ‘principled conservatives’ to recognize that as the voting base, THEY are to blame for the near-toppling of the government their ’revered’ founders worked so hard to craft.

If they did so recognize their role in things, they would take responsibility for removing the traitors, the seditionists, the credulous me-too good-ol-boys, from government at every level in every state. Instead they cling to their programming, which promises God’s eternal gratitude for subverting the constitution, spurning principle, demonizing 70% of their fellow citizens, and generally misrepresenting everything in the New Testament (not that I personally care: not my belief system, but still, the hypocrisy never stops reeking).

Too bad god couldn’t do that on his own, huh? Sadly, the devil swallowed Christianity, converted it into a sham…but kept the branding intact. All “believers” need do now is name-check the approved brands and their ersatz righteousness remains intact.
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Trump rails against Jan. 6 panel ahead of first prime-time hearing
In a statement released via his Save America PAC, Trump referred to the House committee investigating the incident as the “unselect committee of political thugs.”

He referred to the 2021 Capitol riot as the “greatest movement” in the history of the U.S., adding that it was aimed at “making America great again.”

“The Unselect Committee didn’t spend one minute studying the reason that people went to Washington, D.C., in massive numbers, far greater than the Fake News Media is willing to report …” Trump said.

Some Democrats hope that the select committee’s findings will amp up the pressure on the Justice Department to prosecute close Trump associates or even the former president himself in connection to the riots.

“I think there will be an increasing demand that something has to happen,” Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) told The Hill. “This may be a turning point; the hearings may prompt a kind of response I think many Americans would like to see.”

The GOP has slammed the hearings as political theater and promised “counterprogramming” to push back on its narrative.
House Republicans also announced their intent to conduct their own investigation into the Jan. 6 committee should they overtake leadership of the chamber.
Glenn will give ya the blow by blow summary, if ya don't wanna watch. He's got his tongue hanging out over this one, as do all the legal eagles and DOJ alumni.

Preview of J6 committee public hearings: what do we expect to see & what happens after we see it?
12,510 views Jun 9, 2022 The congressional select committee investigating the insurrection has taken the testimony of more than 1000 witnesses in its determination to get to the bottom of the insurrection. Even before the first witness testifies publicly, the country owes a huge debt of gratitude to Chairman of the committee Rep. Bennie Thompson, vice chair Rep. Liz Cheney, and all the members of the committee and their investigative staff, for their efforts to pull back the curtain on Trump's treason.

Now, the American people have an opportunity to take a seat in the front row of the jury box and assess the evidence against Donald Trump and his lackeys, lapdogs, criminal associates and yes, co-conspirators. When all the evidence is in, it's very likely that the jurors - we the people - will be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt, that Trump and company committed crimes against the United States. The only thing left will be for the Department of Justice to indict and take to trial the people who committed those crimes.

Will the DOJ indict the criminal politicians and others who attacked our democracy? Well, here's what happens if the DOJ declines to indict them.

Jamie Raskin CONFIDENT that DOJ will take down traitors
1,832 views Jun 9, 2022 Jamie Raskin tells us he believes there will be accountability for Jan 6 and that DOJ is handling the case similarly to mob investigations and prosecutions, working their way to the top. Raskin says he has faith in Garland to get the job done.
Tucker Carlson: Jan. 6 panel is ‘lying and we are not going to help them do it’
As the first prime-time hearing of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol gaveled in, Fox News host Tucker Carlson opened his show Thursday bragging about his network not carrying the proceedings live on its main cable channel.

“This is the only hour on an American news channel that won’t be covering their propaganda live,” Carlson said of the committee. “They are lying and we are not going to help them do it.”

Jan 6. panel says Scott Perry among multiple GOP lawmakers who wanted Trump pardon
Rep. Scott Perry (R-Penn) was one of “multiple” GOP lawmakers who asked President Trump for pardons given their roles in seeking to unwind the 2020 election results, the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol said in its first hearing Thursday night.

Perry’s office forcefully denied the allegation.

Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said Rep. Scott Perry (R-Penn.), who helped introduce former President Trump to a mid-level Justice Department attorney willing to forward his election fraud claims, was among several seeking pardons due to their roles.

“As you will see, Representative Perry contacted the White House in the weeks after January 6th to seek a presidential pardon. Multiple other Republican congressmen also sought presidential pardons for their roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election,” Cheney said.

Perry spokesman Jay Ostrich denied that Perry sought a pardon from Trump.

“Laughable, ludicrous, and a thoroughly soulless lie,” Ostrich told The Hill.

Kushner dismisses Trump legal counsel threat to quit as ‘whining’
Former Trump White House senior adviser Jared Kushner dismissed threats from then-White House counsel Pat Cipollone and his team to resign ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021, riots as “whining,” according to testimony aired during Thursday night’s committee hearing.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), a member of the House select committee investigating the Capitol riots, asked Kushner during a recorded deposition whether he was aware of instances where Cipollone threatened to resign leading up to Jan. 6.

“I kind of, like I said, my interest at that time was on trying to get as many pardons done,” Kushner testified. “And I know that, you know, him and the team were always saying, ‘Oh we’re going to resign, we’re not going to be here if this happens, if that happens,’ so I kind of took it up to just be whining, to be honest to you.”

Cheney argued the threats from Cipollone and his team to step down in light of plans for a Jan. 6 rally outside the White House and claims of a rigged election were a sign of the seriousness of the situation unfolding in the final days of the Trump White House.

“It requires immediate attention,” Cheney said, adding that instead it was shrugged off by Kushner and others.

Kushner was one of several former Trump White House officials whose recorded testimony was played during Thursday night’s hearing, when committee members sought to make the case that the Jan. 6 riots were the direct culmination of words and actions by Trump in the months after the 2020 election.

Former Attorney General William Barr testified that he thought Trump’s claims about a rigged election were “bull—-,” and Ivanka Trump, who is married to Kushner and also served as a senior White House adviser, told the committee that she believed Barr was right.
Tucker Carlson: Jan. 6 panel is ‘lying and we are not going to help them do it’
As the first prime-time hearing of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol gaveled in, Fox News host Tucker Carlson opened his show Thursday bragging about his network not carrying the proceedings live on its main cable channel.

“This is the only hour on an American news channel that won’t be covering their propaganda live,” Carlson said of the committee. “They are lying and we are not going to help them do it.”

Jan 6. panel says Scott Perry among multiple GOP lawmakers who wanted Trump pardon
Rep. Scott Perry (R-Penn) was one of “multiple” GOP lawmakers who asked President Trump for pardons given their roles in seeking to unwind the 2020 election results, the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol said in its first hearing Thursday night.

Perry’s office forcefully denied the allegation.

Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said Rep. Scott Perry (R-Penn.), who helped introduce former President Trump to a mid-level Justice Department attorney willing to forward his election fraud claims, was among several seeking pardons due to their roles.

“As you will see, Representative Perry contacted the White House in the weeks after January 6th to seek a presidential pardon. Multiple other Republican congressmen also sought presidential pardons for their roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election,” Cheney said.

Perry spokesman Jay Ostrich denied that Perry sought a pardon from Trump.

“Laughable, ludicrous, and a thoroughly soulless lie,” Ostrich told The Hill.

Kushner dismisses Trump legal counsel threat to quit as ‘whining’
Former Trump White House senior adviser Jared Kushner dismissed threats from then-White House counsel Pat Cipollone and his team to resign ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021, riots as “whining,” according to testimony aired during Thursday night’s committee hearing.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), a member of the House select committee investigating the Capitol riots, asked Kushner during a recorded deposition whether he was aware of instances where Cipollone threatened to resign leading up to Jan. 6.

“I kind of, like I said, my interest at that time was on trying to get as many pardons done,” Kushner testified. “And I know that, you know, him and the team were always saying, ‘Oh we’re going to resign, we’re not going to be here if this happens, if that happens,’ so I kind of took it up to just be whining, to be honest to you.”

Cheney argued the threats from Cipollone and his team to step down in light of plans for a Jan. 6 rally outside the White House and claims of a rigged election were a sign of the seriousness of the situation unfolding in the final days of the Trump White House.

“It requires immediate attention,” Cheney said, adding that instead it was shrugged off by Kushner and others.

Kushner was one of several former Trump White House officials whose recorded testimony was played during Thursday night’s hearing, when committee members sought to make the case that the Jan. 6 riots were the direct culmination of words and actions by Trump in the months after the 2020 election.

Former Attorney General William Barr testified that he thought Trump’s claims about a rigged election were “bull—-,” and Ivanka Trump, who is married to Kushner and also served as a senior White House adviser, told the committee that she believed Barr was right.
Did you expect them to fess up and have an epiphany? Find Jesus? :lol: They will lie until they are placed under oath, then most will plead the 5th, or rat out others for a deal. Looks like they are zeroing in on the top, orange Mr. T himself and a lot of people are gonna end up doing a lot of time when the DOJ gets into it's stride on conspiracy indictments.

January 6 hearing opens case against Trump | Bennie Thompson's opening statement
23,097 views Jun 9, 2022 Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) who is the chairman of the January 6 Select Committee opened the hearings by using video of then-Attorney General Bill Barr talking about how Trump's election claims weren't legitimate.

Schiff Sees 'Consciousness Of Guilt' In Lawmakers Who Sought Pardons For Jan. 6 Role
22,215 views Jun 10, 2022 Rep. Adam Schiff talks with Rachel Maddow about the revelation at the first January 6th hearing that sitting Republican members of Congress sought preemptive pardons from Donald Trump for their role in January 6th and attempting to overturn the election.
Apparently Foxnews ran an hour of Tucker's bullshit during the hearing without commercial interruption. They were desperate, lest their viewers click to the J6 hearing during the ad break. I wonder if their viewership fell off during the hearing, or will...
A pretty eye opening first sitting. From what I saw it was pretty cut and dried as to how and why this unfolded the way it did. It is also clear that dump wanted to be the dictator of the United States, just like his new found dictator friends. But hey we all knew this right? Well actually, there was a large percentage that actually drank the koolaide, a very dangerous thing as the world witnessed in real time, hopefully they will see that! How could they ignore quoted testimony from dumps inner circle and spin this as lies. The logic of these mindless fucks eludes me :(. Good luck folks! See you all on the other side.
A pretty eye opening first sitting. From what I saw it was pretty cut and dried as to how and why this unfolded the way it did. It is also clear that dump wanted to be the dictator of the United States, just like his new found dictator friends. But hey we all knew this right? Well actually, there was a large percentage that actually drank the koolaide, a very dangerous thing as the world witnessed in real time, hopefully they will see that! How could they ignore quoted testimony from dumps inner circle and spin this as lies. The logic of these mindless fucks eludes me :(. Good luck folks! See you all on the other side.

It's bonkers man. Their brains are broken.

Auntie fa did it as far as they know, care, or are willing to accept. It doesn't matter what evidence you put in front of them.