Elons Little Plan

I disagree. I think you are just confusing the nepotism that has allowed a very small group of idiots who happen to have rich daddies buy up all the media (news papers/tv/radio/internet sites) for their right wing propaganda to trick a relatively small number of gullible/vulnerable people into voting for them in their gerrymandered districts. Unfortunately this low hanging fruit method of politicking was then easily hijacked by foreign dictators and hate mongering fascists.

You are selling the 'socialist' line really hard. It is tough to tell if you are just another in the endless line of trolls or a 'true believer'.

Or I guess could be a religious nut job with the whole 'luciferian' thing.
The people that controll their side of the drama use socialist rhetoric. Really they are just European snobs and their network of secret society "insiders" who think they can get better sex if they help take over the world for rich European loosers.
I think I lost you guys.... just ask your self who really controlls you and what do they want to achieve by doing so? There not doing it to be social justice warriors or help the poor. That's just rhetoric and demagoguery. What are they really after by creating the Beast? Basically they want the power to inslave everyone so they can make girls that don't like them have sex with them in humiliating ways. They think it will level the playing field because they have Chodes and their millions and billions still won't get them laid. Power is basically about sex otherwise why go threw all the trouble. It's basically a whole lot of chores. Nobody wants power to help. It's only about sex and humiliating the people who humiliated you. That's the cold war, politics, every conflict in history. Just make sure you don't end up on the side that's involved in unethical behavior because that won't end well. Mass mind controll sex cults are forin intelligence agencies and there constituents are committing treason. The penalty for treason is to be hung by the neck until death.
I'm honestly not trying to be insulting, but that is profoundly stupid, and badly misspelled...It doesn't make you seem like you're very intelligent when you're trying to make points with people and can't spell half of it correctly.
You jump about from republican bullshit talking point to republican bullshit talking point...When one fails to make any headway you try another, but we've heard all of this countless times before, and disproved it multiple times already, it's becoming tedious to school trolls.
The people that controll their side of the drama use socialist rhetoric. Really they are just European snobs and their network of secret society "insiders" who think they can get better sex if they help take over the world for rich European loosers.
He's against secret society's actually and Emperialism. He's in Ukraine because his enemies are using it as a base. Not for fun.
Sure. He is in Georgia and Syria also for fun. The only reason "his enemies" are in Ukraine is because he invaded in 2014. And the reason was not Nato (everybody thought it was a toothless tiger at that point) but if Ukraine became a democratic society then the Russian people may think they could be one also. Why do you think it is a crime to say things against the war? Because ideas are dangerous.
I'm honestly not trying to be insulting, but that is profoundly stupid, and badly misspelled...It doesn't make you seem like you're very intelligent when you're trying to make points with people and can't spell half of it correctly.
You jump about from republican bullshit talking point to republican bullshit talking point...When one fails to make any headway you try another, but we've heard all of this countless times before, and disproved it multiple times already, it's becoming tedious to school trolls.
Wait those were republican? Also if my spelling is all you have to complain about I think the debate is over. We all have to live with our selves but we're not the ones doing unethical things. I don't support the republican party but I am conservative in the sense that we must live by the values we developed because our forefathers learned from the mistakes of the past. There are reasons for all of those values. That way we don't all die alone and spiritually bankrupt. Nobody wants to get dragged down and forced to make the same mistakes as their parents generation. Unfortunately that's what liberals do, they try to throw a free party and include everyone cuz there lazy nieve loosers. Then they run everything into the ground and leave the mess for their kids. Who then become conservatives. It skips a generation. Nafta trade deal for example. Sexual politics for example. The destruction of the family by luciferian sex clubs for example.
Sure. He is in Georgia and Syria also for fun. The only reason "his enemies" are in Ukraine is because he invaded in 2014. And the reason was not Nato (everybody thought it was a toothless tiger at that point) but if Ukraine became a democratic society then the Russian people may think they could be one also. Why do you think it is a crime to say things against the war? Because ideas are dangerous.
You sound like the most stereotypical liberal possible. I think they were in Ukraine because people like the P2 crime syndicate and the builder burg group want to get another chance at world domination. The same thing that spawned the Russian revolution and world wars 1 and 2 was called the synarchic plot which is basically a plan to take over the world using secret society's. These are putins enemies and the people who are using the Ukraine as a body shield. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on earth because of these criminals and they are trying to use it as a base to get their agents into Russia. That's why they invaded. Really to free Ukrainians from the terrorists who controll their politics from behind the scenes. It's the shadow history of Europe and Russia but they won't teach you it in school. You have to read.
now you're just excusing an international terrorist and murderer...and that makes you no better than him. don't push putin's absolute horseshit propaganda around here, he's a god damn monster, and should be disposed of in the most humiliating way possible. his enemies are using it for a base...fucking horseshit upon horseshit, he's a thief, a liar, a murder, a thug, a fucking gangster...he wants to steal the Ukrainians sea ports, steal their gas and oil, and eventually steal their very existence...fuck him, and fuck you for excusing one single motherfucking thing that monster has done.
you're on ignore now...have a horrible fucking rest of your life, racist, misogynist, fascist fuck
I think the rest of the world would say that about you and your friends man your just projecting
You sound like the most stereotypical liberal possible.
He's Canadian like me, we are more civilized up north and know bullshit when we see it and smell it. Socialism is a dog whistle word for racists and bigots who refuse to form a caring sharing community with those they consider enemies, the "other", Blacks, brown people or liberals.

You use the language of annihilation, unfounded accusations of pedophilia are standard practice for this kind of violence against others, the assassination of innocent of people's character by easily disproven lies repeated incessantly by useful idiots. In Canada we have criminal liable laws and you would get 2 years in federal prison for such bullshit and be sued in civil court for damages. It's that kind of bullshit that gets election workers threatened, it's terrorism, not free speech, no different than shouting FIRE in a crowded theater, there is American law against that too.
You sound like the most stereotypical liberal possible. I think they were in Ukraine because people like the P2 crime syndicate and the builder burg group want to get another chance at world domination. The same thing that spawned the Russian revolution and world wars 1 and 2 was called the synarchic plot which is basically a plan to take over the world using secret society's. These are putins enemies and the people who are using the Ukraine as a body shield. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on earth because of these criminals and they are trying to use it as a base to get their agents into Russia. That's why they invaded. Really to free Ukrainians from the terrorists who controll their politics from behind the scenes. It's the shadow history of Europe and Russia but they won't teach you it in school. You have to read.
god damn, there's nothing i like more than someone with a head full of gibberish telling me i have to better educate myself.
when you get off of the Qanon koolaid, then maybe i'll listen to what you have to say. as long as you keep vomiting ridiculous BILDERBURG bullshit, and now synarchy...man, you really pulled that one out of your ass...
so which synarchy are you refering to? the one in france, italy, china, or mexico?....because they're all stupid fucking horseshit....so it doesn't really matter which one, it just helps me understand exactly how far down the hole you have gone following the rabbit...
I think the rest of the world would say that about you and your friends man your just projecting
and i think you're wrong, and doing more than a little projecting yourself. some countries hate us, and will talk shit about us, but it won't be the same shit they talk about putin, or those stupid enough to support that murdering fuck
Clinton's trade deal from before that one. Destroyed our manufacturing base. Put us trillions in debt and made unemployment above 10% for the first time since the great depression.
not even close to right...do you bother to read up on any of the dumbass shit you hear on qanon central? they're just going to keep feeding you lies, and you seem content to take them at their word. this is actually just highschool history class level shit, and you don't even know this? every republican president since the 1920s has put the country in a recession...EVERY ONE...look it up, cause i know you won't believe me, even though i haven't told you one lie, ever
You sound like the most stereotypical liberal possible. I think they were in Ukraine because people like the P2 crime syndicate and the builder burg group want to get another chance at world domination. The same thing that spawned the Russian revolution and world wars 1 and 2 was called the synarchic plot which is basically a plan to take over the world using secret society's. These are putins enemies and the people who are using the Ukraine as a body shield. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on earth because of these criminals and they are trying to use it as a base to get their agents into Russia. That's why they invaded. Really to free Ukrainians from the terrorists who controll their politics from behind the scenes. It's the shadow history of Europe and Russia but they won't teach you it in school. You have to read.
Yes, Russia and Ukraine were tied at the hip with the same corrupt bunch running the show and when Ukraine sent Putin's puppet packing they had free and fair elections. Unlike Russia where there is no room for opposition parties. The Ukrainian people decided democracy is better than being a copy of Russia. Terrorists who control Ukraine? Why did the people not great the liberating Russians with flowers rather than sunflower seeds? Your bs may go over good in Russia, even a bunch of stoners can see right through you.