ProPheT 216
Well-Known Member
Planes would never have to point up to climb in altitude. Just fly straingt, the earth rolls away from you on a ball if you just go straight. Actually you would have to start constantly flying down to not go to high and stay at a consistent height. Also, the earth rotates in a west to east direction supposedly at 1000 mph. Jumbo jets only do like 550 mph . So technically if you take off in a plane trying to fly east the ground under you should be running away from you because of rotation twice as fast as your flying. Your destination would come up from behind you not in front of you lol. But if you flew west you could be doing 1550 with your speed plus opposite rotation speed.Satan put it there to test your faith.
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Watch planes land at the airports. Runways prove airplanes actually come from within the earth. That's why the further planes are the lowest. The sky is actually inside the earth. Anyone who's been on a plane can tell you.
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Do planes increase altitude to land? Yes, because they are crawling out of the inner earth!
Flat earthers will not go to a runway and see planes come out of the earthy. They prefer to tell their selves these are photos of planes taking off. It's that simple. Are these planes landing, or taking off? Easy mystery to solve with one trip to the airport. The planes crawl out of the flat ground before landing.
Um yeah

Not to mention every nasa document about a flying something and every military flight manually clearly say "flat non rotating earth"