How much for a pound near you?

l'll explain....We have friends that raise beef for tax purposes/write offs... we supply them with about a lb, and in return they supply us with 2 steers per year. Processing fees are ~$575 to have it butchered, and vacuum packed. We trade half the steer meat to family members for the cost of processing... 1 free steer per year. This yields us about 600lbs of grass fed beef per year for me and the Mrs. .
Mine is free.
You ever tried the sous vide method, then dried a little with paper towels, coated in butter and Montreal Steak Seasoning, then fried in a hot cast iron for a couple minutes each side? I don't have the sous vide wand or anything. I just use hot water, and change it out a time or two.

I'm kinda hardcore about that shit. I've got the Thermapen too that reads temps in like a second or so.
You ever tried the sous vide method, then dried a little with paper towels, coated in butter and Montreal Steak Seasoning, then fried in a hot cast iron for a couple minutes each side? I don't have the sous vide wand or anything. I just use hot water, and change it out a time or two.

I'm kinda hardcore about that shit. I've got the Thermapen too that reads temps in like a second or so.
No sir... I don't even own a grill. I make all my steaks in a cast iron skillet. I just coat them in olive oil, some tony's seasoning, greek seasoning, salt and pepper (coarse), and get the skillet hot as fuck. Depending on thickness, I'll cook presentation side down for 2 min, flip for 2 min, and then flip for a min, flip for a min... turn the heat off, and flip 2 more times every min... add butter on presentation side, and course Mediterranean Pink sea salt and serve. My set of pans has been handed down for generations. Griswold 704R's that were cast in-between 1875-1877. Nothing sticks to them. Just a hot water scrub, and dry, then apply olive oil. I use it almost every day.
No sir... I don't even own a grill. I make all my steaks in a cast iron skillet. I just coat them in olive oil, some tony's seasoning, greek seasoning, salt and pepper (coarse), and get the skillet hot as fuck. Depending on thickness, I'll cook presentation side down for 2 min, flip for 2 min, and then flip for a min, flip for a min... turn the heat off, and flip 2 more times every min... add butter on presentation side, and course Mediterranean Pink sea salt and serve. My set of pans has been handed down for generations. Griswold 704R's that were cast in-between 1875-1877. Nothing sticks to them. Just a hot water scrub, and dry, then apply olive oil. I use it almost every day.
You should try it sometime. All I use is a pot, freezer bag, and hot water.

Then it goes on a super hot cast iron after I add the butter and seasoning. Most of mine have been passed down too. I have to hide some of them, since the wife and kids don't take care of them like I do.

It even makes the cheap sirloin petite steaks pretty damn good and juicy. I like my steak rare.

It's also cool, since you don't have to thaw it first. I just throw a frozen Ziplocked steak in hot water for an hour and a half or so, and it's good to get seasoned an put on the blazing skillet.

One of these days I'm gonna order a wand or machine. I've just been lazy. But that would actually help me be lazier, so I see that in my future soon, :bigjoint:
You should try it sometime. All I use is a pot, freezer bag, and hot water.

Then it goes on a super hot cast iron after I add the butter and seasoning. Most of mine have been passed down too. I have to hide some of them, since the wife and kids don't take care of them like I do.

It even makes the cheap sirloin petite steaks pretty damn good and juicy. I like my steak rare.

It's also cool, since you don't have to thaw it first. I just throw a frozen Ziplocked steak in hot water for an hour and a half or so, and it's good to get seasoned an put on the blazing skillet.

One of these days I'm gonna order a wand or machine. I've just been lazy. But that would actually help me be lazier, so I see that in my future soon, :bigjoint:
I've been decarbing my buds that way for tincture and as soon as I get a real sous vide setup I'm going to prep my steak and venison for the cast iron that way too. Nothing gets them more buttery soft than sous vide. I have some cast iron out in the shed I have to recondition that were my great great Aunt's from out in Kansas. I can't remember the cast dates off hand but they're old as dirt. The ones I use daily are my grandparents and you'd have to kill me to get them out of my hands. His maid used to cook the best fried chicken I've ever eaten in my life to this day in these old pans. I can't come close to it no matter what I try. I'm pretty sure it was the old bacon grease she cooked with but I don't know. Fuck Teflon :bigjoint: .
Mine too, just it's name is Bambi. Beef costs a helluva lot more. I've learned to love venison even more at 15 bucks a pound for top grade steak.
Do you make breaded and fried chislic with the hearts? Shit's pretty damn good actually. Of course the backstraps are best. But when I was in SD we'd take all the scrap and some quarters and take it to Hecla and get a bunch processed into all kinds of shit. I had to rent a freezer, :bigjoint:

l'll explain....We have friends that raise beef for tax purposes/write offs... we supply them with about a lb, and in return they supply us with 2 steers per year. Processing fees are ~$575 to have it butchered, and vacuum packed. We trade half the steer meat to family members for the cost of processing... 1 free steer per year. This yields us about 600lbs of grass fed beef per year for me and the Mrs. .
Holy cow I want one I'll give 2 lbs,
No sir... I don't even own a grill. I make all my steaks in a cast iron skillet. I just coat them in olive oil, some tony's seasoning, greek seasoning, salt and pepper (coarse), and get the skillet hot as fuck. Depending on thickness, I'll cook presentation side down for 2 min, flip for 2 min, and then flip for a min, flip for a min... turn the heat off, and flip 2 more times every min... add butter on presentation side, and course Mediterranean Pink sea salt and serve. My set of pans has been handed down for generations. Griswold 704R's that were cast in-between 1875-1877. Nothing sticks to them. Just a hot water scrub, and dry, then apply olive oil. I use it almost every day.
Holy cow I want one I'll give 2 lbs,
Man, you would't believe the difference in grass fed local beef compared to Walmart beef.... it's like day and night. This stuff tastes like beef. Red as fuck on the steaks. Time from the kill to my deep freezer is about 2 days. I've never seen beef this deep red, and tender.. even if you fuck up the grill/cook. .. it's still good. He dosn't shoot them up with antibiotics, or wormers because their free range.. Have you ever seen super farms? from Walmart? The have those cattle crowed in so tight, they can't even take a piss... it's disgusting. WM even has a red dye they spray on their meat before they display it in the cases.... These steers I get are raised on local graze land within a few miles from me, and the have about 5 steers per 10 acres to grass feed them. I just had a New York strip tonight... never had one outside of the home that wasn't leather tough. This one was very tender, and juicy.... I like my steaks like @PadawanWarrior , Med rare.
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Do you make breaded and fried chislic with the hearts? Shit's pretty damn good actually. Of course the backstraps are best. But when I was in SD we'd take all the scrap and some quarters and take it to Hecla and get a bunch processed into all kinds of shit. I had to rent a freezer, :bigjoint:

Now I leave the guts for the scavengers and have a processor do it up for me. I've done my own butchering and that's a good term for it:mrgreen:. Having them do it yields better and it's a sanitary USDA meat processing facility so it's a little cleaner than my shed. I've had deer heart tacos that were amazing out in Texas but I'll stick with backstraps marinated in teriyaki and some brown sugar really lightly grilled.
Man, you would't believe the difference in grass fed local beef compared to Walmart beef.... it's like day and night. This stuff tastes like beef. Red as fuck on the steaks. Time from the kill to my deep freezer is about 2 days. I've never seen beef this deep red, and tender.. even if you fuck up the grill/cook. .. it's still good. He dosn't shoot them up with antibiotics, or wormers because their free range.. Have you ever seen super farms? from Walmart? The have those cattle crowed in so tight, they can't even take a piss... it's disgusting. WM even has a red dye they spray on their meat before they display it in the cases.
You can't compare the two. Real choice beef with nice fat marbling will have that pure taste and just melt in your mouth. The texture is different and so is the taste. We can get it at a butcher in the bigger town near us but it's pretty pricey. Other than that I could buy a steer from my neighbor and have it processed where I get my deer done. Only thing is I'd need space for a third freezer, as one is our regular groceries and one is full of game. I'm stuck with Harris Teeter which isn't bad.
You can't compare the two. Real choice beef with nice fat marbling will have that pure taste and just melt in your mouth. The texture is different and so is the taste. We can get it at a butcher in the bigger town near us but it's pretty pricey. Other than that I could buy a steer from my neighbor and have it processed where I get my deer done. Only thing is I'd need space for a third freezer, as one is our regular groceries and one is full of game. I'm stuck with Harris Teeter which isn't bad.
Yeah...... that's because it's real meat.