Locked out


New Member
I'm growing using gaia green and I'm reusing my soil with fresh stepwell and worm castings one has some burned tips and others are stunted and two are are getting like a rust color brown on the old growth. I'm pretty sure I'm locked out can someone give me advice.



Well-Known Member
Without pics or anything I can only remind you of some of the basic things that can cause lockout
make sure ur watering practices are good. IMO overwatering is responsible for 90% of most issues people run into when it comes to mysterious deficiencies, odd drooping, slow growth, etc.
make sure ur soil ph is around that 6.5 area, or if your growing organic make sure that ur soil is still full of thosemicrobes so they can balance the ph for you.
Don’t fertilize your plants based on a bottle or schedule. Learn to read them. They will tell you when they are full or hungry.
Make sure your lights are an appropriate distance from your canopy. Too close and they can burn the plants, too far and the plants will spend more time chasing the light than growing nice big dense nugs. The manufacturer of your light should have Provided the recommended distances with the light.
make sure temps in the mid to high 70’s during the day, and ideally that they don’t drop more than 10 degrees at night.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing using gaia green and I'm reusing my soil with fresh stepwell and worm castings one has some burned tips and others are stunted and two are are getting like a rust color brown on the old growth. I'm pretty sure I'm locked out can someone give me advice.

If you are reusing a peat based soil your ph is probably an issue.


New Member
What organic ammendments can I use to help with ph in my medium and what gaia green products are cal mag
I also fed some of my ladies cal mag 2 days ago and it looked like it helped but it was synthetic I'm only trying to use organic. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Looks like a potassium deficiency. The plants are so under established at this point I'd give them time and just pluck the shitty leaves off and see what they look like in a couple weeks then worry about it. Plants are going to be very sensitive in precharged mediums when they're little. It could be a pH lockout or deficiency.


Well-Known Member
they offer everything in salts now too!
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Citric acid or ISO spray works too as a knockdown spray. You can get predators too. I like the knockdown spray, then add predators.

And now with predators, I put them into envelopes and lay them in the branches. Works better than putting them and the shit they come in all over the plants, and it's much cleaner.