Conservatives programed to trigger at words "Black Lives Matter" by Russian trolls.

actual words...i'm impressed, i thought you were only capable of expressing yourself using bad memes.
so what the democrats are doing makes them scum? i'm curious, what does lying to the American people THOUSANDS of times, fleecing mentally deficient people of hundreds of millions of dollars for a pac that doesn't exist, attempting to subvert democracy to install your self as a dictator, doing massive damage to the country and it's people, and sucking putin's cock make a person? and orange colored person? certainly worse than cancerous scum?
How much truth have you seen from Biden or for that matter Trudeau? Both pathological sociopaths.
This might come as a surprise to you but the vast majority of mass murderers are leftists.
Nope, they along with most domestic terrorists are almost exclusively right wing, the FBI has the stats and if you insist, someone will bury you with them in a post. In the meantime there is Google, you should use it.
How much truth have you seen from Biden or for that matter Trudeau? Both pathological sociopaths.
Psychopathy has a checklist called the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). Trump has a high score on this test, Biden and Trudeau do not, high score means yer a psycho.

Here is a sample:
  • Do you have "excess glibness" or superficial charm? ...
  • Do you have an excess need for stimulation or proneness to boredom? ...
  • Are you conning or manipulative? ...
  • Do you have "shallow affect"? ...
  • Do you have a "parasitic lifestyle"? ...
  • Do you have a history of promiscuous sexual behavior? ...
Nope, they along with most domestic terrorists are almost exclusively right wing, the FBI has the stats and if you insist, someone will bury you with them in a post. In the meantime there is Google, you should use it.
Google is not an unbiased source. For instance the "Buffalo shooter" was labled a right winger by the DNC media yet in his own manifesto which so many of you simple minded individuals didn't bother to read he calls himself an authoritarian leftist modeled after Brenton Tarrant, another leftist mass killer (51 dead).
Psychopathy has a checklist called the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). Trump has a high score on this test, Biden and Trudeau do not, high score means yer a psycho.

Here is a sample:
  • Do you have "excess glibness" or superficial charm? ...
  • Do you have an excess need for stimulation or proneness to boredom? ...
  • Are you conning or manipulative? ...
  • Do you have "shallow affect"? ...
  • Do you have a "parasitic lifestyle"? ...
  • Do you have a history of promiscuous sexual behavior? ...
Who do you suppose raised Hunter Biden? Why was it okay for the Biden's to accept 4 million from a rich Russian oligarch, more than a billion for hunter to manage buying land for the Chinese, this deal being made 2 weeks after he went with Joe Biden on air force 2 to China? Why was it okay for Hunter Biden to sell influence in Ukraine? You will note that 40 million dollars was spent investigating Trump and virtually nothing was found. A simple internet search will bring up dozens of links to Biden family corruption. And Hunter's laptop, why hasn't the FBI done anything with that?

Who do you suppose raised Hunter Biden? Why was it okay for the Biden's to accept 4 million from a rich Russian oligarch, more than a billion for hunter to manage buying land for the Chinese, this deal being made 2 weeks after he went with Joe Biden on air force 2 to China? Why was it okay for Hunter Biden to sell influence in Ukraine? You will note that 40 million dollars was spent investigating Trump and virtually nothing was found. A simple internet search will bring up dozens of links to Biden family corruption. And Hunter's laptop, why hasn't the FBI done anything with that?

Look at all the trouble they have nailing Trump and he's guilty as sin with a ton of evidence of multiple felonies. Judges hear cases, if there is one to be made and juries decide guilt or innocence. Hunter is innocent until proven guilty and there is no credible evidence to even make the public charge, even if he left a laptop, the chain of custody of evidence was broken and it's all useless in court, anything else?
There it is the leftard double standard in spades. The chain of custody was not broken, the original laptop was handed over to the FBI in October of 2019. It is easy for any computer expert to tell if anything has been altered or added. Very easy. That you say Trump is guilty is a truly funny thing to hear. If you don't think all those leftist hate mongers and liars that ran the Mueller investigation would have busted Trump if they could you are one nutty candybar. 40 million spent on investigating one man. You are either very poorly read or you have been lied to by your sources. You could just be the average Biden voter clueless and happy about it. All three bad.
You need to trust the experts and DOJ more, besides, nobody is interested in Hunter Biden there's the J6 panel and a war on. I figure Biden has things timed to whip the Russians before the election and be arm in arm with Zellenskiy, while he addresses congress and gets a medal before the election. Some wars are good for Presidents, especially when no US troops are killed, ya win and the Russian money pays back the aid given to Ukraine.

Yep Trump tried to fuck Biden by running out of Afghanistan, but he fucked Vlad unintentionally instead. Our European allies would have been nervous with their troops pinned down there while Russia rampaged in Europe. It's a good thing ole Joe is wise and reads his daily PDB, something Trump never did. Joe had Vlad by the nuts and fighting for his fucking life by his first SOTU address.
There it is the leftard double standard in spades. The chain of custody was not broken, the original laptop was handed over to the FBI in October of 2019. It is easy for any computer expert to tell if anything has been altered or added. Very easy. That you say Trump is guilty is a truly funny thing to hear. If you don't think all those leftist hate mongers and liars that ran the Mueller investigation would have busted Trump if they could you are one nutty candybar. 40 million spent on investigating one man. You are either very poorly read or you have been lied to by your sources. You could just be the average Biden voter clueless and happy about it. All three bad.
Too funny how you interpret Trump's actions to obstruct the Mueller investigation as proof of innocence.

There were five clear instances of obstruction by Trump. This is not what an innocent person does. The rest of your story hinges on some vast conspiracy. So vast and effective that it left no evidence. You might as well be singing about raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. You are so naïve.
Who do you suppose raised Hunter Biden? Why was it okay for the Biden's to accept 4 million from a rich Russian oligarch, more than a billion for hunter to manage buying land for the Chinese, this deal being made 2 weeks after he went with Joe Biden on air force 2 to China? Why was it okay for Hunter Biden to sell influence in Ukraine? You will note that 40 million dollars was spent investigating Trump and virtually nothing was found. A simple internet search will bring up dozens of links to Biden family corruption. And Hunter's laptop, why hasn't the FBI done anything with that?

ny post.

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In late June, a conservative education coalition called the Civics Alliance released a new set of social studies standards for K-12 schools, with the intention of promoting it as a model for states nationwide. These standards, entitled "American Birthright," are framed as yet another corrective to supposedly "woke" public schools, where, according to Republicans, theoretical frameworks like critical race theory are only one part of a larger attack on the foundations of American democracy.

"Too many Americans have emerged from our schools ignorant of America's history, indifferent to liberty, filled with animus against their ancestors and their fellow Americans, and estranged from their country," reads the introduction to "American Birthright." (The "birthright" here refers to "freedom.") And the fields of history and civics, it suggests, exemplify the worst of that trend. "The warping of American social studies instruction has created a corps of activists dedicated to the overthrow of America and its freedoms, larger numbers of Americans indifferent to the steady whittling away of American liberty, and many more who are so ignorant of the past they cannot use our heritage of freedom to judge contemporary debates."

While it claims to represent an ideologically neutral, apolitical history, the document holds that most instruction that references "diversity, equity and inclusion" or "social justice" amounts to "vocational training in progressive activism" and "actively promote disaffection from our country." It heralds Ronald Reagan as a "hero of liberty" alongside Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. Its proposed lessons in contemporary U.S. history include Reagan's revitalization of the conservative movement, Bill Clinton's impeachment, "Executive amnesties for illegal aliens" and the "George Floyd Riots."

American Birthright is just one of numerous recent right-wing efforts to overhaul public K-12 curricula to align with the dictates of current conservative ideology.

Last week, the Miami Herald reported that Florida's Department of Education has begun holding three-day training sessions for public school teachers around the state to prepare them to implement the state's new Civics Literacy Excellence Initiative, Gov. Ron DeSantis' flagship effort to create a more "patriotic" civics curriculum. The new Florida standards were created in consultation with Hillsdale College, a small Christian college that has become a guiding force on the right, and the Charles Koch-founded Bill of Rights Institute.

Some Florida teachers say the state's new standards promote a "Christian fundamentalist" understanding of history, and that trainers had told them the founding fathers opposed the separation of church and state.

As the Herald reported, a number of teachers who attended the first training, in Broward County, emerged with deep concerns. Some said the new civics standards appeared to promote "a very strong Christian fundamentalist way" of analyzing U.S. history. Others recounted that trainers had claimed that America's founding fathers opposed strict separation of church and state, had compared the end of school-sponsored prayer to segregation and had downplayed the history of American slavery in misleading ways. (Slides from the training presentation noted that enslaved people in the U.S. only accounted for 4% of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, which both minimizes the number of people ultimately enslaved in America and suggests that other countries' slavery practices were worse.)

Also last week, the Texas Tribune reported that a group of advisers to the state's education board — which is adapting its own social studies standards after Texas' legislature banned teaching about racism or slavery in ways that make students "feel discomfort" — had proposed that second-grade teachers call slavery "involuntary relocation." (After a board member objected, the board voted to "revisit" that language.)

Currently, a number of conservative activists and media figures are campaigning against the Civics Secures Democracy Act, a bipartisan bill recently reintroduced in the U.S. Senate that would provide funding for civics education research and programming. In multiple articles calling on conservatives to oppose the bill, the Civics Alliance charged that the bill would "transform civics education, injecting identity politics into K-12 classrooms around the country" and divide "Americans into mutually hostile factions." The National Review called the bill a trap that would open "the door to the nationalization of CRT." And last week, DeSantis charged that the bill was an attempt to "buy off states with $6 billion if they sacrifice American History for Critical Race Theory and Biden's other political whims of the day."

But even in this climate, "American Birthright" seeks to distinguish itself through the scope of its ambitions. The document is not a curriculum but rather a model set of social studies standards, of the sort that state-level education departments adopt in order to guide and regulate individual school districts as they craft their own curricula.

That's by design. Civics Alliance describes its mission as "preserving and improving America's civics education and preventing the subordination of civics education to political recruitment tools," namely by writing model bills and social studies standards that lawmakers and activists can use to influence the curricula schools and school districts create.

As the document explains, "We chose this form because state standards are the single most influential documents in America's education administrations." Not only do such standards have significant impact on public school curricula, they also affect those of AP courses, charter schools, private schools, homeschooling and textbooks used across the country. "American Birthright's" authors charge that "far too many" state education departments "are set on imposing state social studies standards that combine...the worst of misguided pedagogical theory with the worst of anti-American animus." So Civics Alliance is effectively bypassing them, taking their pitch directly to state governors, lawmakers and school boards, as well as grassroots activists who can pressure politicians to deploy the new standards.

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how do the republicans push this shit? don't they realize they'll be making their own children stupider by not teaching then the truth? i just have trouble accepting that they want to mentally cripple their own children... but i guess stupid is as stupid does...really...
I call it asymmetrical cold civil war, the republicans are the terrorists and in an all powerful, but diminishing majority that represents a decreasing minority. It's not just more brown people, but more liberal white people, with each election cycle as 2 years of the population's older demographic dies off and is replaced by new generations of voters. These people are influenced by popular culture far more than previous generations, the internet is a double edged sword. All the mixed race and gay couples we see in the TV commercials has it's effects, both on developing minds by normalizing it and racist ones too, "they are taking over"! Over time it has a pernicious influence on the culture (from their perspective) and especially on the youth, those on the right know this as do all authoritarians.

Destroy the influence of systemic racism in America and you will go a long way to solving your many problems, it is the glue that holds the aggregate of the culture wars together. Culture wars expand their greater cause(s) beyond traditional racism and gives cover to people with ulterior motives. Notice how the culture wars have moved to children, education content, not quality, the unborn, not the born, constant accusations of pedophilia, etc. People love their children and transmit their culture to them so they are a trigger for the culture warriors and invoke deep subconscious feelings in many people, feelings they give narratives and rationalizations to, along with a heathy dose of bullshit. Some of these people are educated and trained and their are conducting psychological warfare on America using well known propaganda techniques, to invoke social division and tribalism.
how do the republicans push this shit? don't they realize they'll be making their own children stupider by not teaching then the truth? i just have trouble accepting that they want to mentally cripple their own children... but i guess stupid is as stupid does...really...
That is the trick isn't it.

The Regressives in the Republican party pushing this shit are not trying to teach their kids this shit (they have enough money/connections to send their brood to the most elite private schools). They want to force it onto everyone else's kids to make sure they don't have the ability (not sure if this is the right word to describe what i mean, mental faculties is not quite right either, gumption? idk) to question the backwards ass decisions that they make when they do legislate (mainly tax/regulation breaks for the mega wealthy at the expense to the rest of us tax payers).
As I said before, liberal history professors will write the history books and mostly liberal leaning female teacher will be designing the courses and teaching the subjects, educated people. Increasingly state school texts are of less importance, many high quality, engaging mini history, economics, social studies and science documentaries are available online, as is a host of material and resources that a teacher can assign a one page report be written on. These fascist assholes are trying to control something they are not engaged in, where the rubber meets the road and there is a dire shortage of teachers, so they have good prospects in other school districts. Kids watch the news too, or absorb it one way or another, along with popular culture, much of which they drive.

The republicans are being driven by fanatics in the states and it is all adding up IMHO, even in red states many folks have had enough of the bullshit. They shot themselves in the foot with abortion and Trump with his vengeance tour and the insurrection, will continue to drag them down. Hopefully with an improving economy, the Russians on the ropes in Ukraine, continuing J6 fall out, Donald's divisiveness, abortion and guns, it can diminish their support enough in November. Gaining solid majorities in the house and senate could see many of America's problems quickly addressed and insure much more fair elections with less cheating in 2024. Donald should be long gone by then and Desantis would be the main threat, a more acceptable form of Trump who would put the seal on minority rule and authoritarianism.
Brenton Tarrant was a leftist? Get bent.

Technically, he sounds like he is. Apparently FredH hasn't developed a very good understanding of the term or context. All these goofs slinging around terms and catch phrases like they actually understand what they're talking about. The trolls can't quite catch on yet apparently.

Brenton Tarrant
As I said before, liberal history professors will write the history books and mostly liberal leaning female teacher will be designing the courses and teaching the subjects, educated people. Increasingly state school texts are of less importance, many high quality, engaging mini history, economics, social studies and science documentaries are available online, as is a host of material and resources that a teacher can assign a one page report be written on. These fascist assholes are trying to control something they are not engaged in, where the rubber meets the road and there is a dire shortage of teachers, so they have good prospects in other school districts. Kids watch the news too, or absorb it one way or another, along with popular culture, much of which they drive.

The republicans are being driven by fanatics in the states and it is all adding up IMHO, even in red states many folks have had enough of the bullshit. They shot themselves in the foot with abortion and Trump with his vengeance tour and the insurrection, will continue to drag them down. Hopefully with an improving economy, the Russians on the ropes in Ukraine, continuing J6 fall out, Donald's divisiveness, abortion and guns, it can diminish their support enough in November. Gaining solid majorities in the house and senate could see many of America's problems quickly addressed and insure much more fair elections with less cheating in 2024. Donald should be long gone by then and Desantis would be the main threat, a more acceptable form of Trump who would put the seal on minority rule and authoritarianism.
Yeah I don't buy the whole 'liberal/lefty' nonsense when it comes to education.

Just because the right wing propagandists have decided to con people into thinking thinking that facts, historical context, reason and logic are the 'lefty agenda', doesn't make it true.