Probably sick of these but help with when ready please.


Well-Known Member
These are at 61 days. How many more weeks based on the crappy pics (sorry my phone isn't the best) any insight into when they will be round about ready would be appreciated. I was thinking myself around 14-21days. This is my first ever grow though so wouldn't want to chop to early.


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higher self

Well-Known Member
When i count days now I count from start of buds forming on plants. Usually 14 days or so depending on the plant. I'd say your plants have been flowing for 45-47 days. When you view it that way & let it go 70 days it will definitely not get pulled early


Well-Known Member
When i count days now I count from start of buds forming on plants. Usually 14 days or so depending on the plant. I'd say your plants have been flowing for 45-47 days. When you view it that way & let it go 70 days it will definitely not get pulled early
Nah there at 61 days mate I didn't factor the transition in and from the 12n12 flip it would be 76 days