Is Biden really that bad?

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What have republicans done to solve this problem or at least get out of the way of it being addressed? You would think Trump would have solved the problem, like so many other problems he said he would solve, when he just created more. You don't care about the homeless, you have contempt for them and support the republicans who both create and harm them. Many are from red states who migrate to where the social services or weather are better than in their own shithole states.
You seem to know alot about the US for a Canadian. I have contempt for homeless? I support rebulicans ? Lmao. I don’t support any party or government. They are all scum. Many migrate from red states lmfao. Which channel told you that? How bout all the ones here sleeping in the snow banks? Straight from florida huh? I talk to them . Lived where they’re at their whole life……i forgot how warm it is and how many gov funded shooting galleries are up north.
You seem to know alot about the US for a Canadian. I have contempt for homeless? I support rebulicans ? Lmao. I don’t support any party or government. They are all scum. Many migrate from red states lmfao. Which channel told you that? How bout all the ones here sleeping in the snow banks? Straight from florida huh? I talk to them . Lived where they’re at their whole life……i forgot how warm it is and how many gov funded shooting galleries are up north.
The federal government is granting an exemption for opioids in BC, as an experiment in alternate ways of dealing with the issue. America holding onto it's constitutional democracy is my biggest concern and it should be yours too. It's time you started supporting democrats, or don't the rights of half the population matter to you, there is no fence to sit on that doesn't have spikes on top.
Im real good. Our roads suck our bridges suck our buildings are falling down but im glad they’re getting high speed speed internet in singapore
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Is this the US or Singapore?
ask the last few republican presidents, they're the ones you're upset at, even though you're blaming Biden, who walked into their fuck fest and immediately started trying to clean up the mess, while the republicans block him at every turn, and magats Blame him for trumps evil bullshit...
You seem to know alot about the US for a Canadian. I have contempt for homeless? I support rebulicans ? Lmao. I don’t support any party or government. They are all scum. Many migrate from red states lmfao. Which channel told you that? How bout all the ones here sleeping in the snow banks? Straight from florida huh? I talk to them . Lived where they’re at their whole life……i forgot how warm it is and how many gov funded shooting galleries are up north.
you support republicans without even trying...every time you talk shit about Biden or the democrats who are trying to save the country from fascist authoritarians...every time you post a thoughtless post that isn't true, but you haven't bothered to do a fucking bit of research into it yourself, you just trust the fuckheads posting shitty memes to be accurate...
Roger, bud , see im not i blame all of them. And the next will be walking into this shit storm and the next and so on
What have republicans done to solve this problem or at least get out of the way of it being addressed? You would think Trump would have solved the problem, like so many other problems he said he would solve, when he just created more. You don't care about the homeless, you have contempt for them and support the republicans who both create and harm them. Many are from red states who migrate to where the social services or weather are better than in their own shithole states.

From Florida for Political/Medical Asylum to Colorado was myself I needed Medicaid when my employer fired me for having seizures- my secret was out (there's something going on in my head since childhood) but instead of assisting me with a package to retire they kicked me to the curb Charlotte NC company and medical ended. I was fucked ROYALLY because Neurology takes time for diagnoses; some illness mimics others. I had no idea what type of social services they offered, I wasn't shopping for them. I needed health. I got a job in less than 30 days after arrival.
Trumps a dotard. Feel better
republicans want to live in a world that doesn't offend their tender sensibilities, and they don't care who else they have to offend, repress, or coerce to maintain that level of personal security that they need to feel.
democrats try to guarantee the rights of everyone, no matter if it makes some of us slightly uncomfortable. they're trying to provide healthcare for everyone, they're trying to rebuild the infrastructure of the always cry that democrats spend too much...why? what else is the money for? to keep the fucking country running. just having it sitting in a bank turns it into valueless strips of paper. you need to invest it, and what better investment could there be than the infrastructure of the country we all reside in?
than the people of this country who are trying to make it, but are struggling? what better investment in the country could you make than universal health care, and a fairly apportioned educational system?
republicans want none of that...but you go ahead and keep saying they're all the same
Do you see how when there are “ sides “ its just impossible. Now why should any trust your “sides” memes oh i know let me guess, cause that side is a bunch of illiterate imbred mofos ya thats why! Lmao but here everyone is crying they are winning. Like a bunch of kids. Russia rigged it ya ya no doubt . Biden rigged it no fuckin way cant be done or the children the poor children no abort those bastards your all nuts or going nuts. Honestly pick a topic both sides automatically slinging shit my facts no my facts heres facts i used your source, well this is why your misinterpreting it lol.
Say he stinks and I'll give you a 'like'. he really does have an odor should see what Kim Jong Un said about.
he fuckin stinks lol
Do you see how when there are “ sides “ its just impossible. Now why should any trust your “sides” memes oh i know let me guess, cause that side is a bunch of illiterate imbred mofos ya thats why! Lmao but here everyone is crying they are winning. Like a bunch of kids. Russia rigged it ya ya no doubt . Biden rigged it no fuckin way cant be done or the children the poor children no abort those bastards your all nuts or going nuts. Honestly pick a topic both sides automatically slinging shit my facts no my facts heres facts i used your source, well this is why your misinterpreting it lol.

he fuckin stinks lol

See? We can work together:hug:

Here's another 20 year 'war' that was settled with people just being people and not 'sides'.

Do you see how when there are “ sides “ its just impossible. Now why should any trust your “sides” memes oh i know let me guess, cause that side is a bunch of illiterate imbred mofos ya thats why! Lmao but here everyone is crying they are winning. Like a bunch of kids. Russia rigged it ya ya no doubt . Biden rigged it no fuckin way cant be done or the children the poor children no abort those bastards your all nuts or going nuts. Honestly pick a topic both sides automatically slinging shit my facts no my facts heres facts i used your source, well this is why your misinterpreting it lol.

he fuckin stinks lol
there are not two sets of can either back them up, or you can't. republicans can't...democrats can.
russia admits they influenced our elections in 2016 and 2020...they just out and out admit it.
how can you question the integrity of the 2020 elections when EVERY fucking official involved in it says it was the most secure election we have ever had? the only ones questioning it are those who would benefit from invalidating it...
but no, you're right...the party that supports social and personal rights is just the same as the party that supports fascist authoritarianism :dunce:
Your a very literal person rog. I don’t believe it my point was you all, both sides, and i hate the word sides, sound like a bunch of little….. believe it or not there are some free thinkers left that don’t necessarily believe any of it. We still can believe and feel whatever we want to about any or none of it. We also seem much much happier in general
Your a very literal person rog. I don’t believe it my point was you all, both sides, and i hate the word sides, sound like a bunch of little….. believe it or not there are some free thinkers left that don’t necessarily believe any of it. We still can believe and feel whatever we want to about any or none of it. We also seem much much happier in general
delusional people usually are happy...they have no idea they're about to walk off of a cliff into a volcano.
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