How Does Your Garden Grow??????

I remember when you first posted your new set-up . Looks like its working damn well , very nice. I've had those fing aphids on my vegging pot plants. Made a slurry of diatomaceous earth and sprayed plant . Since they have exoskeletons the DE knocked the shit out of them very fast. It dirties up leaves
a tad at first but can be rinsed off after the ill effects. I wouldn't spray if flowering , lucky I eliminated them during veg. Love those wide open ranges , so serene !
I'll give it a shot!
While gardening, I discovered one of those smoldering " coal fungi " growing on the bottom of my metal wheelbarrow. I took a video of it doing its thing but can only show a pic. I think it's from Hell .


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Please explain what we were looking at here
I think it's Old Scratches booger or one of his dingleberries , not sure which . An old , old timer called that abomination " coal fungus ". I have mushroom field guides up the ass, I don't see that thing. I know puff balls shoot out clouds of spores but this was more of a thick haze , smoke. Perhaps that old man was f'ing with me. Still doesn't explain wtf it is.
I have plenty of nooks and crannies in the raised beds, so hopefully they just take up residence there without my influence and effort!
Today and tomorrow are the best above ground days this moon cycle. And I forgot about it until after 0900. When it was already hot. I did get 3 rows of sweet corn planted before lunch. It's raining now, so good for the corn. I still hope to plant okra, three kinds of hard squash and cukes. And I may do a few more tomatoes. The ones in the raised beds are still doing well, but the ones planted in the garden are fading fast. I want to make a couple three raised beds here at the sandhill. I've picked out a spot for a new underground chamber, so I'll use some of that dirt in the raised beds.
Today and tomorrow are the best above ground days this moon cycle. And I forgot about it until after 0900. When it was already hot. I did get 3 rows of sweet corn planted before lunch. It's raining now, so good for the corn. I still hope to plant okra, three kinds of hard squash and cukes. And I may do a few more tomatoes. The ones in the raised beds are still doing well, but the ones planted in the garden are fading fast. I want to make a couple three raised beds here at the sandhill. I've picked out a spot for a new underground chamber, so I'll use some of that dirt in the raised beds.
I got all my stuff planted the other day. The three squash, okra and cukes. Also a row each of crimson sweet and jubilee melons. Plus the last of Sister's spaghettis squash seeds. Later on that night I did 4 kinds of tomato seeds in trays. I have at least four more months of growing season. (or until I get to the fuck it point, which ever comes first)
102 here for several days. Garden is appalled. In Oklahoma with a hot summer, you just try to hold on. Will get this 1st round of tomatoes, then they will stall, but the plants that make it through the summer will fruit nicely in the fall.
My runty elderberry bush really took off this year. I love the elderberry flowers, very underrated landscape plant with a ton of medicinal value:


A tree in my neighbors yard got hit by lightning on Sunday and blasted this off of it, was cool to see happen!
