The problem with libs/dems

No, I'm a Canadian patriot and you are a whining asshole who doesn't know what freedom means. Try a campout on Canada day and see what jail is like. Liberty means freedom under the constitution and law, it doesn't mean you get to make your own or break those the government passes.
Funny though that Peckford one of several mps who actually wrote and signed our charter of rights and freedoms when we took sovereignty explained to everyone how those freedoms were not only infringed but outright denied to our citizens and yet our media refused to cover and our government put a warrant out for him. For a patriotic Canadian you sure don’t know much about your rights but suckle at jts teet thinking he’s god when he’s fucked us all solidly for the next decade
Peaceful protest is in the charter of rights,we don't call it the constitution in Canada,try reading it before flapping your misinformed gums. Virtue signaling moron, go cry somewhere. You could use 6 months in a jail to tune your cherry ass in
Show up on Parliament hill on Canada day ya moron and you'll be crying on the way to jail.
Show up on Parliament hill on Canada day ya moron and you'll be crying on the way to jail.
oh tough guy, you a rat too? sure sound like one. wear your mask,get a few extra boosters. and put ear protection in ,don't want the horns to make you piss your pants. I'll know it's you ,you'll have a t shirt on with trudeau crying on the front and jagmeet singh on the back. Will your mom let you out of the basement.? I don't care about your threats,go tell your dad what a man you are ,i don't give a shit.
And incest right? I mean it’s their two go to insults like they’re craving it non stop
they even go so far as to protest wearing dildos and doing drag shows for children. At the Calgary Stampede the headliner is a drag show, the kicker is the persons name is actualy Karla Marx.How can anyone vote for that ?
For me to vote for him implies I reside in Toronto which I do not. Municipal elections are just that, municipal. Wouldn’t catch me dead in libtard territory.
Hey I'm a card carrying member of the Liberal party of Canada, I'm one of the people yer daddy warned you about. Justine is my main man! Good you weren't one of the morons that voted for ROFO, but DOFO ain't much better.
and there is the other one, the don't like females one...
Nah females are cool, they just need to acknowledge they have responsibility and it’s weak men like you putting them on a pedestal that’s turned them into these I can do whatever I want whenever I want with no consequences and I’ll just blame a man for it and all the beta males will run to my aid
Hey I'm a card carrying member of the Liberal party of Canada, I'm one of the people yer daddy warned you about. Justine is my main man! Good you weren't one of the morons that voted for ROFO, but DOFO ain't much better.
Don't you guys have more friends to help attack me? Go get them
Oh come on just say your a card carrying member of the communist party,every canadian knows that's all a liberal is.
Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated into the collective, but shit might not be on the collective's diet, so you could get a pass.
Hey I'm a card carrying member of the Liberal party of Canada, I'm one of the people yer daddy warned you about. Justine is my main man! Good you weren't one of the morons that voted for ROFO, but DOFO ain't much better.
I already acknowledged that but he’s light years ahead of delduca who couldn’t even win his own riding. It’s your poorest poll yet, wait till 2025 when the big blue wave comes rolling through. Though personally I really hope your kind has said let’s go to californy it’s the place we outta be