Drop That Sound
Well-Known Member
They are very effective in many ways, I agree. They can be safe too, for sure. My story is just that, my story.
Children, sure. Parents make the choice not the kid. Same goes when an elderly person is ruled incompetent and their guardian makes the decision.People are forced to get injected every day, from elderly people in nursing homes, to 3 month old babies.
Yes forced, held down against their will, and injected while they scream please no.
I could show you thousands of video clips of it happening if you don't beLieve it.
sweeping statementI’m Canadian, but libs and dems are still the most hypocritical idiots on the political spectrum
I’m Canadian, but libs and dems are still the most hypocritical idiots on the political spectrum
Many hours? You must be a fan. Was it the cheap gas or the reasonable pricing on goods that made you chuckle?Trump makes laugh. Provided many hours of gut wrenching laughter actually, thank you for that.
It's trudeau who put in the vaxx mandate for federal employees,it's hard to stop listening when the countries leader does it as he did with nurses and hospital workers,Employers have the right to make vaccinations a condition of employment within legal constraints. If you believe the woo woo myths about the vaccine, you can refuse and can go work somewhere else. No employer is forcing people to get vaccinated. Not even the military.
Whoever told you that people were being forced to get vaccinated -- you should start listening to them with skepticism. They are either wrong or trying to manipulate you with lies.
you been asleep the last cple years? Ask the thousands of nurses and med workers,wtf do you think the protests are about? And the ones that got fired also were refused UI benefits. news headline: Trudeau: Unvaccinated Accepted 'Consequences' Like Losing Jobs and Access To Domestic TravelNobody was forced to take the vaccine. This is a fact and not subject to debate. Your windbag post is just pissing in the wind.
Are you telling me that in Canada, people were held down and forced to get vaccinated?
I don't think so.
Not a one was forced to get the vaccine. It was a condition of employment. Like showing up on time. Do it or don't. Your choice.you been asleep the last cple years? Ask the thousands of nurses and med workers,wtf do you think the protests are about? And the ones that got fired also were refused UI benefits. news headline: Trudeau: Unvaccinated Accepted 'Consequences' Like Losing Jobs and Access To Domestic Travel
The countries health care system was completely along with policing and emergency services. Imagine if they all said no, an entire country in a state of anarchy. Given people didn’t want to lose their homes, they were forced to if they didn’t want to willingly. All other industries were limited capacity, reduced staff available to work, forced to be closed because they weren’t “essential”. You can call it condition of employment when the real words coercion.Not a one was forced to get the vaccine. It was a condition of employment. Like showing up on time. Do it or don't. Your choice.
And let’s be honest, it didn’t even work. I’m vaxxed I’m safe I’m oh shit sick with Covid? Oh well it wasn’t bad so the vax must work but wait the unvaxxed are getting over it equally as well, what’s this the death toll is primarily 80+ and the flu kills as many per year as Covid did, the stats really didn’t change but I better get that booster shot. Covids still around wear your mask be safe, war in Ukraine covids gone, people caring less about the war, a new strain of covids now taking over we don’t know about the severity here comes mandatory booster shots for employmentNot a one was forced to get the vaccine. It was a condition of employment. Like showing up on time. Do it or don't. Your choice.
lulzThe countries health care system was completely along with policing and emergency services. Imagine if they all said no, an entire country in a state of anarchy. Given people didn’t want to lose their homes, they were forced to if they didn’t want to willingly. All other industries were limited capacity, reduced staff available to work, forced to be closed because they weren’t “essential”. You can call it condition of employment when the real words coercion.
lulzAnd let’s be honest, it didn’t even work. I’m vaxxed I’m safe I’m oh shit sick with Covid? Oh well it wasn’t bad so the vax must work but wait the unvaxxed are getting over it equally as well, what’s this the death toll is primarily 80+ and the flu kills as many per year as Covid did, the stats really didn’t change but I better get that booster shot. Covids still around wear your mask be safe, war in Ukraine covids gone, people caring less about the war, a new strain of covids now taking over we don’t know about the severity here comes mandatory booster shots for employment
Dude I’m vaxed but I do t see the point in getting boosters when they haven’t actually prevented those with it from getting ill. Most people who get it have such mild symptoms even the unvaxxed fair extremely well. There’s little protection it offers and was the worlds largest experimental study to date. But considering professional athletes are having heart issues and not being able to complete matches after receiving the vax you gotta question what exactly it’s doing to the body. Childrens myocarditis is up like 900% or something crazy. You want to believe so badly that your govt would never do something that harms the public for profits you’re turning a blind eye to what’s being reported. Given the facts that Covid deaths were virtually equal to that of the flu annually it’s not like it’s something to be terrified of. You want to wear a mask and boost up by all means go ahead but it’s not changing anything, if you’re going to get it you’re going to get it and odds are you won’t even know because it’ll be the sniffles and a cough you attribute to post nasal drip. More than feasible you’ve had that a few times this year already and odds are one was omicron but you didn’t feel bad enough to take any concernlulz
Antivaxxers. Small loss. A few ass wipers can be replaced. The medical system doesn't need anti-science woo woo believers working in it. Good riddance. I felt the same when a co-worker walked over the issue. I work in a high tech R&D lab. There is no room for people who believe the tech needed to enable our society to function is magic. What we are seeing and what I believe has you so enraged is your kind are losing economic and social status because, let's face it, you aren't able to succeed in the 21st century.
People go to work in order to make money that is needed to house, feed, clothe the family and educate the kids. Isn't that coercion too? If you want to just do whatever you like, do it on your own dime.
Also you’re gonna wanna ask yourself who has stakes in saying an experimental vax prevented millions from death, anyone and everyone who told people it was safe to take and could be held accountable for pushing it on their people. The same people who also profited from the sales and spent billions of tax payers dollars on the vax. To just up and believe it is like putting a blind gold on and driving. Reckless thinking. What I can tell you from personal acquaintances is that the household caught Covid, the mother and father and eldest son who’s 5 all got sick, the youngest who’s 4 and unvaxxed never tested positive despite being cared for by both the mother and father and playing with his sibling throughout the entire duration. The eldest son was sick for 3 days having had his first shot, the father being double vaxxed was good after 5 days and the mother who’s triple vaxxed had 3 weeks of illness. Seems to me the more vax in your system the more prolonged your symptoms arelulz
Actually, the Covid vaccines do work. No vaccine is 100% effective and nobody said they were. Health data show the vaccine prevented millions from becoming sick with Covid. Long Covid is a different story. Vaccinated or not, about 20% of people who get infected with Covid-19, most of whom didn't get sick, come down with longer term issues due to their immune system's response to the infection. Which is why I'm still wearing a mask. And, by the way, I've never been infected with Covid. I'm still following social distancing guidelines and wear a mask at work. Not that I look down on people who got infected. It happens.
I'm not going to moralize about "bad choices" like you do. People who don't wear a mask are making a choice. Choices have consequences. People who aren't careful will get infected 1 to 3 times a year. For those who are vaccinated, their chances of becoming seriously ill is miniscule compared to unvaccinated. This is fact and not debatable.
I do look down on anti-science fools who willfully ignore or deny data available on the subject. Yeah, I guess I just called you an idiot.
what a wall of unhinged dreck.Also you’re gonna wanna ask yourself who has stakes in saying an experimental vax prevented millions from death, anyone and everyone who told people it was safe to take and could be held accountable for pushing it on their people. The same people who also profited from the sales and spent billions of tax payers dollars on the vax. To just up and believe it is like putting a blind gold on and driving. Reckless thinking. What I can tell you from personal acquaintances is that the household caught Covid, the mother and father and eldest son who’s 5 all got sick, the youngest who’s 4 and unvaxxed never tested positive despite being cared for by both the mother and father and playing with his sibling throughout the entire duration. The eldest son was sick for 3 days having had his first shot, the father being double vaxxed was good after 5 days and the mother who’s triple vaxxed had 3 weeks of illness. Seems to me the more vax in your system the more prolonged your symptoms are
I’ll have a look at your source but I doubt we’ll see eye to eye on the subject. Like I said I got my vax and I know plenty of vaxed who got sick and plenty of unvaxed who got sick as well, everyone seems to have faired the same. Some people eat up the dribble coming from the news, the internet, whatever printed or visual word they prefer, I just talk to people because I have the luxury of roaming around with work do service calls. It’s all been the same responses, couple days were shitty and I was super tired but it really wasn’t any worse than the last time I had the flu or bronchitis. It’d be nice if there was a site where people could rate their experience on a 1-10 scale and we could see the public opinion, maybe there is I’ve never lookedwhat a wall of unhinged dreck.
There is plenty of good information available about these vaccines. I've read the pro and con statements. Most of the con statements are just that. You are either a con or been conned. Here is a good site for information about the covid vaccine:
COVID-19 Vaccination
COVID-19 vaccines protect against COVID-19. Get safety info and more.www.cdc.gov
I'm supposed to believe your story? lulz. Go find an idiot like yourself to tell it to. Maybe you can con them. You must be crazy to think that people with practically no knowledge on the subject are better sources of information than the CDC.
That anti-vax truck convoy BS. It was propaganda stunt, funded by fascist US money. I loved how Canadians gave them the cold shoulder. It was a PR flop. Good for Canada. Good for Canada that they reject the fakery and hatred that is infecting the US. Make America Great Again. Reject fascism in the US. Vote Republicans out.
The boosters have been shown to prevent serious illness from Covid infection.Dude I’m vaxed but I do t see the point in getting boosters when they haven’t actually prevented those with it from getting ill. Most people who get it have such mild symptoms even the unvaxxed fair extremely well. There’s little protection it offers and was the worlds largest experimental study to date. But considering professional athletes are having heart issues and not being able to complete matches after receiving the vax you gotta question what exactly it’s doing to the body. Childrens myocarditis is up like 900% or something crazy. You want to believe so badly that your govt would never do something that harms the public for profits you’re turning a blind eye to what’s being reported. Given the facts that Covid deaths were virtually equal to that of the flu annually it’s not like it’s something to be terrified of. You want to wear a mask and boost up by all means go ahead but it’s not changing anything, if you’re going to get it you’re going to get it and odds are you won’t even know because it’ll be the sniffles and a cough you attribute to post nasal drip. More than feasible you’ve had that a few times this year already and odds are one was omicron but you didn’t feel bad enough to take any concern