Ventilation question for homebox L?


Active Member

Just a question concerning ventilation for the homebox L. I'm running a 400w hps currently with a centrifugal fan pulling air through a carbon filter and being ejecting it out of the top. I am wondering if this is enough ventilation or will I need extra air circulation. I have a 6"desk fan that i am planning to use in the box, but I am not yet as the plants are only just sprouted. Also, should i keep the vent flaps open and what about the hole in the bottom left hand corner. This is my first grow so I know nothing from experience, just what i have read on the net.

Hoping to hear some responses from people more experienced in this than I am. Thanks

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I am not familiar with the homebox L. It sounds like you have a passive intake on the bottom and air from the box is being ventilated out the top. How big is the fan in CFM? You should look to exchange all the air in the box frequently. I did the math for my room and it exchanges the air every 5 minutes. That has worked great for me. How are your temps and humidity? I use a 400 watt hps and it is an air cooled hood. I had problems with temps before I aircooled the light.


Well-Known Member
I've got the Homebox XL with an aircooled 600w HPS in it. I've got a 300cfm fan setup the same way you do. In addition, I have a 170cfm fan running through the intake on the lower left. I blow this air directly on the light and tops of the plants. This set up keeps my internal temps about 7F higher than ambient room temperature. Lights on temps of 78F, lights out at 67F.....

I just took a picture of my set up and posted it on my grow journal if you are interested. URL is in my sig.

Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
There you go, air cool the light, seperate from you 'fresh air system', and put that oscillating fan in there real low speed. Think balmy spring time breezes, gently blowing, strengthening the stems of your little plants.... or they won't get bigger. VV


Well-Known Member
There you go, air cool the light, seperate from you 'fresh air system', and put that oscillating fan in there real low speed. Think balmy spring time breezes, gently blowing, strengthening the stems of your little plants.... or they won't get bigger. VV
VV. As usual, you are dead on. I forgot to mention that I've bought two flange kits for the Homebox, and will be isolating my light cooling circuit on my next grow.

It would be awesome if you could pop over to my journal and critique my set up....:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
VV. As usual, you are dead on. I forgot to mention that I've bought two flange kits for the Homebox, and will be isolating my light cooling circuit on my next grow.

It would be awesome if you could pop over to my journal and critique my set up....:blsmoke:
I did, just don't have time to read it all right now, the results speak for them selves. :blsmoke:VV


Active Member
Ok, I was surprised how quick you all replied and thanks for the advice.

I checked out your grow, Abnjm, looks good too.

I'm gonna get that fan in there when i get back to the box. I can't wait till March! (Harvest time!) Still not too sure what i'll do concerning an intake fan cos i don't have the bucks right now. Is it still essential to have if I have an oscillating fan running in the room?


Well-Known Member
It does keep the temperature more even and strengthen the plants, you don't have to have a fan for intake, it can be passive, it would just have to be twice as large as your exhaust, ie a 4" exhaust and a 6" hole for intake. Using the old pi-r-square formula we see that our 4" pipe is 4pi and our 6" hole is 9pi, plenty. VV


Well-Known Member
Nice set-up,buddy!!!

I have a Homebox Xl and my humidity stays really low too, so i was looking on the net to cum up with sumthig to improve my tent.

The Homebox tent are great but have one flaw. They need to have more popitions for venting theese big light in a closed loop design. This will keep the humidity up plus give u more vents to use.

I found theese flanges, $15, on and they cum in 4" and 6" sizes. I trhink they wood work great for makeing the homebox that much better. I think they just screw together like a tire wood on ur car.

I also found this in Al's Faq and it just shows how we could use the extra flanges to add a few more vents.

Just wanted to share with u and others. I have not used them but mybe sumone on here has and could give us sum pros and cons on theese flanges.

Ur doing a great job on ur grow keep it up and Happy Holidays........

- Styl!st

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Hey, I have a homebox s and a homebox xs. In my homebox s I have a 400 watt with air-cooled reflector and I leave one end of reflector open, and have a fan on top sucking the air through the light and out top of homebox where it goes through carbon filter. I use passive intake and leave the flaps closed. I also buy universal activated carbon pre-filters and duct tape them around the bottom flaps so no stinky air escapes and so no light can get in. I have other fans i can use in it but found that i dont need to. My temp is a contant 73-75 and lights out temp is like 62-65. my humidity is always at 30%..I also have an ocilating clip on fan in there blowing air around.. in my other one I have a 250 watter with batwing reflector and same fan on top for exhaust leading to another carbon filter. I love the homebox


Well-Known Member
try not to vent into your outer room...youre gonna have temp problems...i vent my darkroom (same shit different toilet) through a ply-wooded window...temps are no problem