Can you smoke a plant sprayed with Colloidal Silver?

Hi I was wondering if anyone has ever smoked a plant treated with colloidal silver. I attempted to do a reversal on an autoflower which was not successful. I sprayed the plant once a day for two weeks just as I saw the first signs of pistils, with a 250 ppm cs solution (so I was told). The plant has absolutely no sign of male parts. So now I’m left with a full grown auto and not sure if I can do anything with the buds. Pity to waste a whole plant. Is there anyone with any info on this topic. Most ppl just say don’t smoke it without giving any scientific info. Thanks in advance guys.
I've smoked the rest of a plant when I treated a branch, but just tossed the treated branch. That way I didn't have to sacrifice the whole plant. Also, if you can get/make it, I'd recommend Silver Thiosulfate Solution. I bought the chems to make my own for about 50.00usd and it'll be years before I need more chems. 3 maybe 4 applications about 5 days apart and I saw sacs forming.
I've smoked the rest of a plant when I treated a branch, but just tossed the treated branch. That way I didn't have to sacrifice the whole plant. Also, if you can get/make it, I'd recommend Silver Thiosulfate Solution. I bought the chems to make my own for about 50.00usd and it'll be years before I need more chems. 3 maybe 4 applications about 5 days apart and I saw sacs forming.
Thanks for the reply. Thinking I should have done the same thing instead of spraying the entire plant. Any idea on the dangers of smoking the sprayed plant?