Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Morning all....how's everyone doing this friday eve.....i see LG and the raccoons are prolly getting along......

woke up this morning to an 80F, what?...yeah it's gonna be a hot one and according the weather dick...it's here to stay for a while.....102F today...this drought sucks ass.....

fresh pot made....so if ya need a warm up

now to get some breakfast in me.......bean and cheese....come here.....


Global Moderator
Staff member
I’m waking, I’m baking, I’m… taking a shit

I’m also trying to decide what to go back to school for since it’s payed for and comes with a monthly check. Torn between philosophy and hvac. Philosophy is neat and something I study/ponder on my own, hvac has actual use value for my chosen profession (growing high grade indoor cannabis) so you can see the issue. Do I study something fun yet useless or technical and boring but useful?
My choice would be HVAC - I was completely certified in an earlier life.

Question: Does heat rise?


Well-Known Member
That was pretty close to my answer to the question at the beginning of my HVAC schooling.
Short answer is no, heat itself does not rise - it radiates in all directions equally, but hot AIR does rise.
I will remember that for when I want to look smarter than my peers:lol: . Would I be correct in assuming that it’s because heat lowers the molecular density of air?


Well-Known Member
whatcha cooking?
Nothing yet. It's good to season a new grill or smoker before it's used.

Burn off all the manufacturing crap. Then I let it cool and coat it in a light coat of cooking oil inside and out and heat so the oil gets into all the little spots so it doesn't rust. Then I add wood for smoke. :blsmoke:

After that it's ready. I'll use it this weekend.