How do i know when to stop burping? Everything went well drying and they've been in jars for 48 hours. I've burped them a few times. They seem to be staying in the low 60%'s. Super sticky though. I read that they shouldn't stick together. But I don't think that's possible. I took them out and laid them on some cardboard tonight for 4 minutes. They smell very good but there's still some hay, fresh grass smell. But the whole room smells like the best weed I've ever smelled. I read that the hay smell doesn't go away for a week or 2. Should I just stop burping when it starts to smell normal, not green? It's burns perfectly. Though the weed I've been smoking on is in a Tupperware that's been opened about a million times. I've read all the sticky threads, they were awesome, super helpful. I mean I get it. I know what to do. Just looking for confirmation I guess. Honestly I'll prob keep burping them for another 2 weeks then see where I'm at.