Conservatives programed to trigger at words "Black Lives Matter" by Russian trolls.

Yeah I don't buy the whole 'liberal/lefty' nonsense when it comes to education.

Just because the right wing propagandists have decided to con people into thinking thinking that facts, historical context, reason and logic are the 'lefty agenda', doesn't make it true.
Groups and agendas need labels, I use liberal (as in liberal democratic) not left, that mantle is being born by the democrats now. The fight between right and left economic ideologies will be fought out inside the democratic party by serious people, the party has gown with more centrist and and actual conservative POVs, all are centered around the liberal democratic ideas of Madisonian democracy. All face a common threat, fascism driven by people with a greater cause than their country, constitution, religion, families, or even common sense. Much more of this social division than is normal is whipped up by the rightwing disinformation for profit machine. They are like the republican establishment and are now lead by the base, as much as leading them to crazy town.

It is civil war for these folks, at one level or another, the sensible people of America are waking up to the fact, that facts don't matter to most of them and they are dangerous. Their goal is to make America unworkable and ungovernable, so the people in frustration vote these assholes into power. The republican party bussies itself with rigging elections and preparing for cheating in the next election, while it's terrorist wing gets rid of local election and other officials with death threats and intimidation. Plus they need a propaganda wing of Foxnews, OAN and hate radio, which has done much to create and foster the urban rural divide and promote culture wars.
Groups and agendas need labels, I use liberal (as in liberal democratic) not left, that mantle is being born by the democrats now. The fight between right and left economic ideologies will be fought out inside the democratic party by serious people, the party has gown with more centrist and and actual conservative POVs, all are centered around the liberal democratic ideas of Madisonian democracy. All face a common threat, fascism driven by people with a greater cause than their country, constitution, religion, families, or even common sense. Much more of this social division than is normal is whipped up by the rightwing disinformation for profit machine. They are like the republican establishment and are now lead by the base, as much as leading them to crazy town.

It is civil war for these folks, at one level or another, the sensible people of America are waking up to the fact, that facts don't matter to most of them and they are dangerous. Their goal is to make America unworkable and ungovernable, so the people in frustration vote these assholes into power. The republican party bussies itself with rigging elections and preparing for cheating in the next election, while it's terrorist wing gets rid of local election and other officials with death threats and intimidation. Plus they need a propaganda wing of Foxnews, OAN and hate radio, which has done much to create and foster the urban rural divide and promote culture wars.
Yeah this is the kind of shit that I was saying. There is no 'left economic ideology' in economics.

Just because there is a push from right wing propagandists to manufacture nonsense like the 'Von Misses' or catch phrases like 'trickle down economics' doesn't mean that the rest is a 'left wing' economic theory.

So word vomit all you want, I still call it bullshit to try to label actual science and the people performing them as 'liberal' in the way that you had.
Yeah this is the kind of shit that I was saying. There is no 'left economic ideology' in economics.

Just because there is a push from right wing propagandists to manufacture nonsense like the 'Von Misses' or catch phrases like 'trickle down economics' doesn't mean that the rest is a 'left wing' economic theory.

So word vomit all you want, I still call it bullshit to try to label actual science and the people performing them as 'liberal' in the way that you had.
Use whatever term you want, but anti science attitudes are associated with one side. I don't particularly care if the are scientists or are highly educated like Ted Cruz, liberal democracy means freedom under the constitution and the rule of law and either they adhere to it or they do not. In America that means Madisonian democracy and the US constitution, it requires just good will and common purpose for democracy to succeed, not a loud mouthed minority with a fascist agenda, for them it is civil war, the law and constitution be damned. Power is the name of the game and they will destroy the constitution and rule of law to attain it, as has been demonstrated.
Isn't this that dude that ran against Newsome in California? Looks like he is now working for a Chinese death cult to push their trigger phrase propaganda that allows racists to pretend like they are not racist.

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amazing. still with the laptop. There are twelve big boxes marked US PROPERTY in orange Mar-ma-lardo; maybe our mendicant authoritarian can check in there.
I think it is more likely that they were filled with dirt on all the Republicans (and maybe a handful of Democrats) that Trump dug up to keep them loyal and quiet about his attempted fascist takeover.

Kevin McCarthy got real quiet real fast after his trip down there after Trump was ousted.

He has oh shit face IMO, almost as bad as Trump had after his private meeting with Putin.

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I think it is more likely that they were filled with dirt on all the Republicans (and maybe a handful of Democrats) that Trump dug up to keep them loyal and quiet about his attempted fascist takeover.

Kevin McCarthy got real quiet real fast after his trip down there after Trump was ousted.

He has oh shit face IMO, almost as bad as Trump had after his private meeting with Putin.

View attachment 5170105
that face does betray a one-cheek sneak

I still hope he gets caught in the coming massacre. He was quite the flying monkey factotum when that man was in.
I think it is more likely that they were filled with dirt on all the Republicans (and maybe a handful of Democrats) that Trump dug up to keep them loyal and quiet about his attempted fascist takeover.

Kevin McCarthy got real quiet real fast after his trip down there after Trump was ousted.

He has oh shit face IMO, almost as bad as Trump had after his private meeting with Putin.

View attachment 5170105
and look at that smile on trumps face...he doesn't ever smile that big unless he's hurt someone else Shot 2022-08-08 at 12.00.29 PM.png
Missouri Atty. Gen. Eric Schmitt announced last week he is investigating financial services giant Morningstar and its subsidiary Sustainalytics Inc. on the bizarre theory that its advocacy of “woke” investing defrauds consumers.

Schmitt, who won the Republican primary last Tuesday to seek the U.S. Senate seat of retiring Sen. Roy Blunt, has been one of the nation’s most MAGA-pandering attorneys general in the nation. He is attempting to carve out new wingnut turf with an unprecedented legal assault on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing.

Schmitt purports to have been triggered by charges that Sustainalytics showed anti-Israel bias in its products and services. An independent law firm found those not credible, Bloomberg reported, a detail that did not deter the Trump-loving attorney general.

“Following public reports into Morningstar’s alleged anti-Israel bias and concerns raised to my Office, we are launching an investigation into Morningstar Inc. and Sustainalytics over potential consumer fraud issues,” Schmitt said in an email reported by Bloomberg. “Missouri has been a leader in pushing back against woke ESG investing, and my Office will continue to look out for consumers.”

The company denied Schmitt’s allegations, the reporting stated. Morningstar CEO Kunal Kapoor issued this statement.

“Sustainability introduces new choices for investors; Morningstar provides the data and insights to help investors of all types weigh those choices in their decision making. We conduct independent research with a level of transparency that makes us proud.”

Schmitt was a formerly moderate Republican state senator who shamelessly overhauled his image to pander to former President Donald Trump and his base. Schmitt authored the amicus brief in the failed Texas lawsuit attempting to invalidate Pennsylvania’s 2020 election result. That was just one of numerous politically motivated lawsuits he has filed to bolster his Senate run at taxpayers’ expense.

Schmitt was vice chairman of the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) on January 5, 2021, when it sent out robocalls urging supporters to come to Washington D.C. for Trump’s pre-insurrection rally. He has denied knowledge of the robocalls.

None of Schmitt’s antics were more pathetic, however, than when he had Missouri sue the country of China for allegedly causing the pandemic to spread to his state. He was widely ridiculed for the stunt, which featured such anomalies as having state taxpayers paid $12,000 in translation, address verification and processing fees.

Apparently, Chinese President Xi Jinping was never served. Last month, U.S. District Judge Stephen Limbaugh dismissed the “novel complaint” for lack of jurisdiction.

For those interested – unlike Schmitt – who are interested in learning about the importance of ESG investing, this analysis by Forbes is a good primer.
Use whatever term you want, but anti science attitudes are associated with one side. I don't particularly care if the are scientists or are highly educated like Ted Cruz, liberal democracy means freedom under the constitution and the rule of law and either they adhere to it or they do not. In America that means Madisonian democracy and the US constitution, it requires just good will and common purpose for democracy to succeed, not a loud mouthed minority with a fascist agenda, for them it is civil war, the law and constitution be damned. Power is the name of the game and they will destroy the constitution and rule of law to attain it, as has been demonstrated.
Science is not a left or right political theory. Anti science attitudes on the right are mostly driven by propaganda and religious ideology. Likewise, a very good scientist can still be subject to racism, bigotry, and the belief that regulations are the work of the devil.

But maybe you are on to something regarding intelligence. This article, for example claims to establish a link between brain damage and religious fundamentalism:

Based on previous research, the experimenters predicted that the prefrontal cortex would play a role in religious fundamentalism, since this region is known to be associated with something called ‘cognitive flexibility’. This term refers to the brain’s ability to easily switch from thinking about one concept to another, and to think about multiple things simultaneously. Cognitive flexibility allows organisms to update beliefs in light of new evidence, and this trait likely emerged because of the obvious survival advantage such a skill provides

According to Dr. Grafman and his team, since religious fundamentalism involves a strict adherence to a rigid set of beliefs, cognitive flexibility and open-mindedness present a challenge for fundamentalists. As such, they predicted that participants with lesions to either the vmPFC or the dlPFC would score low on measures of cognitive flexibility and trait openness and high on measures of religious fundamentalism.

The results showed that, as expected, damage to the vmPFC and dlPFC was associated with religious fundamentalism. Further tests revealed that this increase in religious fundamentalism was caused by a reduction in cognitive flexibility and openness resulting from the prefrontal cortex impairment.

This is what I call "fun science" because it's not a very large study and perhaps flawed but it matches my belief that Trumpers are stunted in their ability to accommodate and adjust when facts contradict their beliefs. Their pre-frontal cortex is damaged or at the very least not working well. So, I'll just put it out there for your fun and enjoyment.
Science is not a left or right political theory. Anti science attitudes on the right are mostly driven by propaganda and religious ideology. Likewise, a very good scientist can still be subject to racism, bigotry, and the belief that regulations are the work of the devil.

But maybe you are on to something regarding intelligence. This article, for example claims to establish a link between brain damage and religious fundamentalism:

Based on previous research, the experimenters predicted that the prefrontal cortex would play a role in religious fundamentalism, since this region is known to be associated with something called ‘cognitive flexibility’. This term refers to the brain’s ability to easily switch from thinking about one concept to another, and to think about multiple things simultaneously. Cognitive flexibility allows organisms to update beliefs in light of new evidence, and this trait likely emerged because of the obvious survival advantage such a skill provides

According to Dr. Grafman and his team, since religious fundamentalism involves a strict adherence to a rigid set of beliefs, cognitive flexibility and open-mindedness present a challenge for fundamentalists. As such, they predicted that participants with lesions to either the vmPFC or the dlPFC would score low on measures of cognitive flexibility and trait openness and high on measures of religious fundamentalism.

The results showed that, as expected, damage to the vmPFC and dlPFC was associated with religious fundamentalism. Further tests revealed that this increase in religious fundamentalism was caused by a reduction in cognitive flexibility and openness resulting from the prefrontal cortex impairment.

This is what I call "fun science" because it's not a very large study and perhaps flawed but it matches my belief that Trumpers are stunted in their ability to accommodate and adjust when facts contradict their beliefs. Their pre-frontal cortex is damaged or at the very least not working well. So, I'll just put it out there for your fun and enjoyment.
It could be a result of atrophy and is very much a chicken or egg issue, mindfulness exercises produce cognitive and perceptual changes in as little as 8 weeks and these correspond to thickening of regions of the prefrontal cortex (synaptogenesis). This also leads to increased sensitivity and an ability to observe one's own thoughts from a more objective perspective. Empathy increases for most people too, which is why the practice is embedded in a moral and ethical context, it hurts too much unless one changes behaviors.

Experience has an impact on brain structure and vice versa, the brain like the body responds to exercise and experience, but in it's own peculiar way. The brain is a organ of experience and must adapt, for good mental health.
My guess when the brainwashed masses of Trump (or now DeSantis) cultists are confronted with the hypocrisy of their elected leaders now wanting what they pretended the Democrats were calling for (when they were not) over the last couple years, is they ignore it, what about it, or trigger into a snowflake. Shot 2022-08-10 at 7.00.24 AM.png
Following concerns about being unfairly targeted by unchecked members of law enforcement, a new movement has emerged calling for agencies to be stripped of power and funding. Rampant distrust and fears about abuse of power are fueling calls to push back, to limit authority and constrain personnel counts.

This isn’t the left’s “defund the police.” It’s the right’s “stop the FBI.” It’s the GOP’s explicit opposition to boosting staff at the IRS.

Over the weekend, the Senate passed the Inflation Reduction Act, a concisely named bill that includes a range of new measures. Among them is increased funding for the Internal Revenue Service, to the tune of some $80 billion over the next decade. That funding includes plans to increase IRS staff by nearly 87,000 full-time employees over that same time period.

The administration’s argument for this move is that the agency has been depleted in recent years, making it less effective.

Adding funding and staff will pay for itself in part, the argument goes, because the agency will be better able to identify cheating on taxes. In recent years, both the total number of IRS staff and the number focused on examination and collection have not grown significantly and are at or near levels seen 20 years ago, when there were 30 percent fewer filers.

The additional $80 billion in spending is projected to yield $124 billion in revenue through better enforcement. But, for obvious reasons, Democrats are eager to make clear that only higher-income Americans will see more frequent audits.

“[T]he additional resources will go toward enforcement against those with the highest incomes,” the administration’s explanation of the funding argues, “and audit rates will not rise relative to recent years for those earning less than $400,000 in actual income.”

The specter of tens of thousands more IRS agents, though, was hard for Republicans to resist. Sure, not all of those 87,000 additional employees would be tasked with poking around in tax returns, but some were — and who wants that!

So we got Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) intoning about “BIDEN’S SHADOW ARMY,” a crew that would “target regular, everyday Americans,” and GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel warning that those taking part-time jobs to pay bills are “exactly the people the 87,000 new IRS agents will likely go after.” And so on.

It’s very useful to consider this rhetoric in the broader context of the recent debate over law enforcement. People like Cruz and McDaniel are presumably not worried about overreach by their local police departments. Importantly, they understand that this is not something their voters are terribly worried about. Complaints that municipal police might be treating some segments of the population differently than others — pulling them over disproportionately, searching them more — are not things Cruz’s and McDaniel’s bases lose sleep over.

But an audit? Sure. So the idea that the IRS is gaining clout is cause for concern, particularly because there had been an effective defund-the-tax-police movement for years that’s now being reversed. In 1999, there were 60 examination and collection agents for every 1,000 filers reporting incomes of $500,000 or more. Two decades later there were only 17.

This was the state of play until about 7 p.m. on Monday. I made those graphs expecting to write about the response to IRS funding in this context. Then, suddenly, I got a new example: FBI agents had searched former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla.

In short order, the bureau became a target of even more virulent opposition. Take this, from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).

This is not irony. It is Greene extending her belief that the FBI’s targeting of Mar-a-Lago was an unacceptable overreach to a specific conclusion: The bureau is too powerful and should be constrained. She’s co-opting the verbiage of those who view local police departments with similar skepticism, but she is not being insincere in her demand.

As with the IRS, complaints about the FBI — and Greene was by no means alonein offering one — were rooted in assumptions about what the agencies were or would be doing. Republicans and conservative media very quickly leaped to criticize the bureau as overstepping boundaries in conducting its search, despite the dearth of information about what was being sought or what laws the government (and the judge who signed off on the search) believed were committed. Thanks in large part to years of dishonest representations from those same parties and Trump himself about the FBI targeting him unfairly, Republicans quickly framed the search as unacceptably partisan, as political strike by their opponents.

We should at no point grant law enforcement a reflexive benefit of the doubt that it is operating with complete directness and objectivity, certainly. Any use of governmental force — from arrests to searches to financial reviews — should be conducted with transparency and evenhandedness, something that demands our collective oversight and scrutiny.

But it is impossible not to notice how the response to the Mar-a-Lago search and the IRS expansion reveal the gulf in what sorts of oversight Americans fear. Black Americans in particular have drawn focus in recent years on how police departments apply force, including deadly force, prompting the political right to largely circle the wagons in defense of cops. When, however, the cops work for the IRS or target a popular Republican political figure — even one with a lengthy track record of blurring legal lines — that reflexive support evaporates. Instead, there’s default skepticism and concern about systemic problems. Which, for the original supporters of “defund the police” will seem familiar.

One refrain that emerged following the Mar-a-Lago search was that it demonstrated how far federal law enforcement was willing to go. “If they can target a president, they can target you,” the common line went. Setting aside the unique circumstances here — if the search was, as reported, targeting classified documents Trump kept at his home, that’s an uncommon situation — a fair response is: sure. Yes, if the feds or the police think that a law was broken, they might search my house, too. And sometimes those searches will be specious. Sometimes the police will engage in coverups to protect themselves. That can happen to you, indeed — but, at certain levels, it seems to happen to some people more than others.

If you demand accountability for members of law enforcement you fear but not for ones you don’t, you aren’t demanding accountability for law enforcement. Shot 2022-08-10 at 6.59.36 PM.png
LEE’S SUMMIT, Mo. (AP) — A Black family says racism prompted officials at a suburban Kansas City water park to cancel a private pool party for their 17-year-old son’s birthday during the weekend.

Chris Evans said he signed a contract with Summit Waves Aquatic Facility in Lee’s Summit to host 250 people for the party on Saturday. But when his sons arrived at the park they were told the reservation was canceled and were not given a reason, Evans said at a news conference Tuesday.

Evans said he and his wife learned while they were on the way to the water park that “this event doesn’t represent Lee’s Summit Waves and that my reservation was canceled because (a park official) was uncomfortable,” The Kansas City Star reported.

That official, flanked by police officers, met the parents when they arrived and reiterated that the party would not be held.

“What are you scared of, Lee’s Summit?” Evans asked at the news conference. “Why are you uncomfortable?”

Lee’s Summit Parks and Recreation Department, which operates the water park, said in a statement issued Tuesday that it apologized to the Evans family because of miscommunication and missed processes that led to the cancellation.

The statement said its investigation found the department failed to arrange additional security for the party, which Evans paid for as part of his contract. Parks officials said the event was promoted on social media although the contract said that would not happen.

After several unsuccessful efforts to reach the Evans, the department decided to cancel the party, according to the statement.

“Safety pertaining to the anticipated crowd size and the potential impact it might have on party guests and the staff was the sole reason for the cancellation,” the statement said.

Park department officials said up to 500 people showed up in the parking lot for the party but Evans countered the event was canceled before the teenagers arrived and there was “never anything close to 500 kids in the parking lot.”

“My kids were heartbroken that the party was canceled,” he said. “They are good kids who make good grades, have bright futures and do not deserve to be treated like this. And that goes for all the kids at the park that day.”

Lee’s Summit Mayor William Baird on Tuesday criticized the department’s handling of the incident and denounced “appalling” statements he said a park employee made on social media after the incident.

“We must intentionally embrace a culture that is welcoming and inclusive, and we must continually denounce any urge or impulse to exclude,” he said.

The parks department’s statement on Tuesday said its administrator apologized to the Evans family for “the inappropriate and insensitive language” used by staff and said appropriate actions would be taken.

The department said it would review its rental processes, including communication, and improve training to align with the city’s diversity and inclusion efforts.