So many stores

Got 3 smoke shops in town in my non legal state. How they stay in business is beyond me. Dhgate glass at 5x markup and $40 d8 carts and $10grams of d8 sprayed hemp flower
Maybe your state is using those stores to poison you guys first. That's why they leave the
Pretty much all weed companies, instead of delivering a better and cheaper than black product to the consumer, they all try to portray themselves as some hip and cool lifestyle brand at boutique mark up prices fucking hilarious. The majority of the dispensary store name are so fucking stupid, seriously no on gives a fuck that you're store looks like Birks with weed behind glass cabinets with Rolex prices lol
Then they walk up to you with the I-pad and act all knowledgeable on weed. Too funny. Some punk kid telling you what's what.
With all the hip and trendy talk to go along with the pitch. That only work a on kids new to weed.
Every 4 days I find another fucking weed store here in Kamloops, there has to be like 15 dispensaries here now lol all with crickets chirping in front of them. I don't wish anyone bad luck with their business but not when you get into a industry designed for the good ol boys club to get in first and cash in and cash out.
Then they walk up to you with the I-pad and act all knowledgeable on weed. Too funny. Some punk kid telling you what's what.
With all the hip and trendy talk to go along with the pitch. That only work a on kids new to weed.

Haha hilarious because it's so damn true!

Anyone see the Tyandena rezzie in Ontario?
I grab gas there time to time, its like a row of weed stores to the 401 coming from Deseronto.
Haha hilarious because it's so damn true!

Anyone see the Tyandena rezzie in Ontario?
I grab gas there time to time, its like a row of weed stores to the 401 coming from Deseronto.
Ya you gotta wonder how they stay open at all. I'm not near one of the reserves but have passed thru and been dumbfounded by the amount of stores. Right beside each other as you say. These places at least must carry mostly BM products I assume. Which would at least offer the consumer a better choice for sure.
Anybody here shop at these places? What have they got?
I have been to the rez stores outside Vernon BC, and they carry BM products with ounces as low as 60.00. I am sure the 180 dollar ounces they sell are the better of the two levels of product though. The cheap ounces are more than likely tumbleweed.
The stores are saturated there too, I think they call it the green mile.
I read a news story about one place shutting down, and they attributed it to the oversaturation of stores, and too many white people opening them up on their land instead of natives.
Ya you gotta wonder how they stay open at all. I'm not near one of the reserves but have passed thru and been dumbfounded by the amount of stores. Right beside each other as you say. These places at least must carry mostly BM products I assume. Which would at least offer the consumer a better choice for sure.
Anybody here shop at these places? What have they got?
Well, I've watched mysterious cars unloading bins into these places in the early wee morning.

I've walked into 3 or 4 places on the rez, it's wall to wall with prob 50 to 100 strains.

They selling clones now, but they were ugh.. pretty infested and neglected lol

Funny thing, before legalization desoronto was already up and running with about 4 - 6 outfits.
I have been to the rez stores outside Vernon BC, and they carry BM products with ounces as low as 60.00. I am sure the 180 dollar ounces they sell are the better of the two levels of product though. The cheap ounces are more than likely tumbleweed.
The stores are saturated there too, I think they call it the green mile.
I read a news story about one place shutting down, and they attributed it to the oversaturation of stores, and too many white people opening them up on their land instead of natives.

I've kinda seen this in desoronto also. White folk capitalizing on the rez because... not much police presence and lands cheap. Lot of natives growing and supplying indoor/outdoor tho.

Fairly busy too I might add. Cheap Gas and weed.
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This grow is now sitting closed, at least for the last year that I have noticed.
I guess Tom Ford Pink Island Kush, whatever that is, wasn't the moneymaker they thought it would be.
This grow is now sitting closed, at least for the last year that I have noticed.
I guess Tom Ford Pink Island Kush, whatever that is, wasn't the moneymaker they thought it would be.

The borders closing and killing the black market showed us how small the domestic market really is. That 6 Billion market evaluation was actaully illegal export out of Canada lol not local consumption, also CERB ending and sales of gray market dwindling for a lot of people I know shows you people will rather eat then smoke weed lol
Every 4 days I find another fucking weed store here in Kamloops, there has to be like 15 dispensaries here now lol all with crickets chirping in front of them. I don't wish anyone bad luck with their business but not when you get into a industry designed for the good ol boys club to get in first and cash in and cash out.
You must not be counting the one's on the reserve. My count is over 20.
Ya I'd say we have bottomed out on prices really. And it appears to be in the amounts you guys are saying. $50 and up.
Lots of free backyard brother in-law weed though. My Son said he knows guys at work who grow it and don't even use cannabis. He said they just give it away for fun and hobby. Bloody hell eh?
Ya I'd say we have bottomed out on prices really. And it appears to be in the amounts you guys are saying. $50 and up.
Lots of free backyard brother in-law weed though. My Son said he knows guys at work who grow it and don't even use cannabis. He said they just give it away for fun and hobby. Bloody hell eh?

We've get our furnace cleaned and checked out by the company we use yearly. Both guys that came in saw my tent, brought out their phones, and proceeded to show me their grows while we chatted about weed and HVAC. lol