Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Let him take you to court lol.
Tell him code stopped by, and they want him to call ASAP :lol:

One time back 30+ years ago, on my first rental property, I had a contractor replace a porch and staircase...Just a simple little 3 stair deal. It was all done, and the next day when I got there a notice had been posted on the door saying "condemned, no one shall occupy/enter this building, etc. etc. I went right over to the code office and the guy laughed and said "I knew that would get your attention". The bottom stair had an inch more rise than the other stairs. It was an easy fix, but they were on me like stink on shit!! And it was a rear house that couldn't be seen from the street, so no idea how he knew. I rarely did pull permits, unless it is for a roof, or stairs, or something exterior that I know will piss them off.