I think this may be the start of a mag deficiency. Could someone help me out?


Well-Known Member
6 weeks old today. They had a rough first month with cold temps. They grew slowly. Soil is ffof and the nutrients I've added were all 3/4 of what ff recommends on their feeding schedule. Last week was big bloom, cal mag (1/2 recommended dose) and Mr fulvic. This week they got bb, grow big, and Mr fulvic, no cal mag. Water I'm using is spring water. But it only read 8ppm. So i thought that it's prob got very little mag in it, and I've only added cal mag once. I don't know if the tds meter reading at only 8 means anything about mineral content but it makes sense that it would. I know it gets salts. I'm just comparing pics and going by what happened in my last grow. Right around this time they started getting yellow/brown striping down the leaves. I added cal mag it went away. I'll do the same next time I water, but I wanted to see if you guys thought that seems right.



Well-Known Member
sure. Which way’d ya come in?
Oooooooh. Fucking shit it took me a long time figure that out. Dude I thought it was British humor or something and I just didn't get it. It was actually a decent joke and I'm really not sure why it took me so long. Not sure why you didn't help out either. But no one else did. After smoking one and reassessing the situation I reckon there's prob not too much of a situation yet. I'll watch them. Also feed cal mag next time.


Well-Known Member
Plants look good to me.
Are you under LEDs? Keep the temp up to 84F and 5ml/gal cal mag EVERY watering.
Your nutes are way to complicated for my grow style. I just use Jacks 20 20 20.