Is Biden really that bad?

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According to a Dr he does have memory loss and may be incapable of doing his job. As the leader of a country shouldn't that be a concern? Doesn't every 80 year old have memory loss? Most 80 year olds even have dementia.
How common is 80 year old dementia?
KEY FINDINGS. More than half (63%) of older adults with dementia were 80 years old and older. The prevalence of dementia among older adults increased with age.

He even forgot to put his foot down when stopping a bicycle and then couldn't recall what a stirrup or clips are called, then started talking to himself.

Do you really believe Biden has no memory loss and would you like to see such old people (who are set in their ways and would have trouble using a modern phone) run America?
What a silly argument. How could you possibly know he forgot to put his foot down? I had some close calls with clips as a teenager. Does that indicate I had dementia?

"Everyone who has used clipped pedals can tell you about at least one time that they have taken a tumble. "

What a silly argument. How could you possibly know he forgot to put his foot down? I had some close calls with clips as a teenager. Does that indicate I had dementia?

"Everyone who has used clipped pedals can tell you about at least one time that they have taken a tumble. "

I fell off my bike with those things around age 25 and don't like them..they're for bike racing and it was stupid someone let the President ride it in the first place.
Fuck yes! Why would attach your shoes to your pedals? Although it would have saved a few crossbar nut smashers :o!
I'm considering an electric bicycle, I think a removable battery pack might be best and 1000 watt motor, cause there are lot's of hills in CB! Perhaps in a few years I can redo to battery pack with better cells and triple the range. Around here you can drive a bike from April to December most years. I figure it would work well with my smart watch and could get HITT training bursts in during bike drives, more control over exercise stress as I age. Wanna go to the store? Get yer exercise, or none at all with an ebike. Might be a good intro to EVs, cause one is in yer future!

What a silly argument. How could you possibly know he forgot to put his foot down? I had some close calls with clips as a teenager. Does that indicate I had dementia?

"Everyone who has used clipped pedals can tell you about at least one time that they have taken a tumble. "

I haven't. I've also got my shoe lace caught around motorbike foot pegs a few times and didnt fall down.
Look at the video. He doesn't even try to remove his foot. There's no knee jerking even in the shadow

Do you think 80 year olds should run countries?
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I haven't. I've also got my shoe lace caught around motorbike foot pegs a few times and didnt fall down.
Look at the video. He doesn't even try to remove his foot. There's no knee jerking even in the shadow

Do you think 80 year olds should run countries?
Clutches pearls
Good for you
I didn’t break my foot the first dozen times I fell
He seemed to have little trouble with Trump's painfully obvious cognitive deficits. Joe's brains would have to be running out of his fucking ears to approach Trump. I wonder how Luke would do in a debate with Joe or a one on one conversation? Some people have severe Alzheimer's in their forties and some die clear headed at one hundred.
O for sure, Biden is more there than Trump but just because one is worse than the other doesn't mean you have to elect them as a leader of a country.

America had Obama and then went to these two?

Do you think 80 year olds should run countries.
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