Is Biden really that bad?

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Do you think 80 year olds should run countries?
It is pretty sad how hard you are trying to sell this nonsense.

It is not like the POTUS is going to be flying a jet into a spaceship or have to wrestle another leader for pillaging rights or anything.

I would take a 80 year old person who is making smart deliberate decisions over a 50 something chest thumping dick head (like DeSantis) any day of the week.

p.s. notice you lied earlier about how he didn't try to pull his foot out.
This you admitting you lied earlier about him not trying to pull it out?
Lied? Nope. I didn't see this angle. He forgot he already had a foot down and decided to go the other way. That's so funny. And then he blamed the clips even though he had a foot on the ground and then talked to himself
I didn't see this angle- its hilarious. Thank you for sharing.
But you didn't answer the question.
Do you think 80 year olds should be leaders on countries.
'I would rather have a 80 year old person who is making smart deliberate decisions' is not answering? I voted for the guy, and will happily vote for him agin in 2024. I have no problem with age, if you actually watch his speeches outside of his stutter, he is very on top of the issues actually impacting our society and appointing the best people into the roles that are doing as good a job as possible getting us through the mess left us in the last 4 years.

Lied? Nope. I didn't see this angle. He forgot he already had a foot down and decided to go the other way. That's so funny. And then he blamed the clips even though he had a foot on the ground and talked to himself.
You saw an angle you couldn't see and made the decision that he didn't try to pull it out and are now trying to pretend like he didn't know his other foot was out when you can clearly see him trying to pull his other out is what caused him to fall.

You really are just a stupid as shit troll.

Have fun bumping this stupid titled thread.
He had a foot on the ground and still fell over ? lmao.
So? I have seen people fall off of exercise bikes when their feet got stuck in the pedals.

Do you think 80 year olds should run countries? and your answer is yes. sad. 80 year olds are set in their ways, they don't like change and are set in their ways. Have memory loss and struggle with technology and new ideas.
lol I have worked with a lot of elderly people that can think circles around others. Your bullshit age trolling is just stupid.

Biden is POTUS, making decisions based on the information that is being compiled by thousands of other people using his lifetime of experience and the advice of world class advisors. The need for some cult hero is not necessary. That is what the trolls like yourself pretend is why Biden is not a competent president when he very much has been.

O and you think he has been doing a great job? wow. Seriously? Your expectations are low after trump aren't they? Why wouldn't you want someone at least as good as Obama or Clinton?
What a vapid couple sentences you put together here. It is the same kind of stupid shit that you would hear when some right wing propagandists thinks negging someone works.

I don't require a cult leader as POTUS. The myth of some savior coming to save us all is bullshit. Biden is competent and has appointed highly competent people who have made smart decisions with the shit hand that has been continually dealt time and again. And that IMO is really as good as it gets.

P.S. you see what i mean when i say you say the word troll a lot.
When it comes to trolls like yourself, yeah because it is true. It would be a shame that someone read your foreign trolling and thought that they were not the lies that they are.
So? I have seen people fall off of exercise bikes when their feet got stuck in the pedals.

Biden is POTUS, making decisions based on the information that is being compiled by thousands of other people using his lifetime of experience and the advice of world class advisors. The need for some cult hero is not necessary. That is what the trolls like yourself pretend is why Biden is not a competent president when he very much has been.

I don't require a cult leader as POTUS. The myth of some savior coming to save us all is bullshit. Biden is competent and has appointed highly competent people who have made smart decisions with the shit hand that has been continually dealt time and again. And that IMO is really as good as it gets.
Really? I've never seen that? How old were they? Where they the old people you work with?

I'm a troll because i want better for Americans than you seem to? I want women to have rights and for all to have access to universal healthcare? For all Americans to vote and have their voice heard?
If i make fun of trump im not a troll but if i make fun of your choice in Biden then I'm a troll? Hypocritical.

I think that people think Biden is doing an OK (OK is just a pass isn't it?) job because he followed after Trump (and yet again his name comes up..) and lets face it it isn't hard to be better than the worst Prez in history. But Biden was chosen to beat trump. Conservative, old, white, male, to attract as much voters as possible from both parties. A nice safe Grandpa.
Does America just keep with vanilla to keep the majority of conservatives happy? Is being an OK prez enough? What happened to wanting great leaders? What happened to reform and Social things for the population.

Bidens Conservative Presidency so far started with a riot over his inauguration, At least 30% of Americans believe he isnt the rightful winner. He failed in withdrawing troops in a statesman like manner after Trump surrendered to the Taliban. The country has lost women's rights. The country is for all intent and purposes at war with Russia and due to that decision the world has a famine and huge amounts of refugees. Countries such as Sri Lanka are collapsing. Hundreds of thousands will die. Nuclear war is extremely close. What's Biden done about guns? Some watered down gun bill and right to carry... What happened to his big capital works programs? Why are women treated better in some Islamic countries?
The world generally uses the US dollar as its trading value because its been kept stable by successive governments and now due to America not being able to keep the lid on inflation like it has done inflation is rife around the world- wages are not moving much though. Infact Inflation is probably the single most failure of the Biden government and in all likelihood will cost the democrats the next election. They have little hope if Biden cannot keep the country out of a recession. Especially if Just OK conservative Biden is running.

Biden did what he was elected to run for. You don't need to stick to old conservative grandpa. Kamala Harris makes much more sense. She was elected to be vice prez for this moment wasn't she? To replace grandpa with youth and vigour and some MODERN Liberal policies.
If she wasnt then for gods sake pick someone else.

Not many years ago you had Obama. Compare your presidents to him not some wacko like trump.
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I'm a troll because i want better for Americans than you seem to? I want women to have rights and for all to have access to universal healthcare? For all Americans to vote and have their voice heard?
If i make fun of trump im not a troll but if i make fun of your choice in Biden then I'm a troll? Hypocritical.

I think that people think Biden is doing an OK (OK is just a pass isn't it?) job because he followed after Trump (and yet again his name comes up..) and lets face it it isn't hard to be better than the worst Prez in history. But Biden was chosen to beat trump. Conservative, old, white, male, to attract as much voters as possible from both parties. A nice safe Grandpa.
Does America just keep with vanilla to keep the majority of conservatives happy? Is being an OK prez enough? What happened to wanting great leaders? What happened to reform and Social things for the population.

Bidens Conservative Presidency so far started with a riot over his inauguration, At least 30% of Americans believe he isnt the rightful winner. He failed in withdrawing troops in a statesman like manner after Trump surrendered to the Taliban. The country has lost women's rights. The country is for all intent and purposes at war with Russia and due to that decision the world has a famine and huge amounts of refugees. Countries such as Sri Lanka are collapsing. Hundreds of thousands will die. Nuclear war is extremely close. What's Biden done about guns? Some watered down gun bill and right to carry... What happened to his big capital works programs? Why are women treated better in some Islamic countries?
The world generally uses the US dollar as its trading value because its been kept stable by successive governments and now due to America not being able to keep the lid on inflation like it has done inflation is rife around the world- wages are not moving much though. Infact Inflation is probably the single most failure of the Biden government and in all likelihood will cost the democrats the next election. They have little hope if Biden cannot keep the country out of a recession. Especially if Just OK conservative Biden is running.

Biden did what he was elected to run for. You don't need to stick to old conservative grandpa. Kamala Harris makes much more sense. She was elected to be vice prez for this moment wasn't she? To replace grandpa with youth and vigour and some MODERN Liberal policies.
If she wasnt then for gods sake pick someone else.

Not many years ago you had Obama. Compare your presidents to him not some wacko like trump.
You write this shit like it is absolutely true, void of all context, downplay successes, and pretend like a lot of this shit is something that a president has any control over (when they do not). Your post relies on people being naive and/or deep in the right wing propaganda media trolling to believe the shit you write.

Really? I've never seen that? How old were they? Where they the old people you work with?
Yeah, try working with people who use their brains for a living and not going off of experience around people who have not had that option.

I'm a troll because i want better for Americans than you seem to? I want women to have rights and for all to have access to universal healthcare? For all Americans to vote and have their voice heard?
If i make fun of trump im not a troll but if i make fun of your choice in Biden then I'm a troll? Hypocritical.
Nothing hypocritical at all about it. You are constantly trolling America, even if you now pretend like you are not because you are being consistently called out on the stupid shit you post.
You write this shit like it is absolutely true, void of all context, downplay successes, and pretend like a lot of this shit is something that a president has any control over (when they do not). Your post relies on people being naive and/or deep in the right wing propaganda media trolling to believe the shit you write.

Yeah, try working with people who use their brains for a living and not going off of experience around people who have not had that option.

Nothing hypocritical at all about it. You are constantly trolling America, even if you now pretend like you are not because you are being consistently called out on the stupid shit you post.

I don't mind being called stupid. I am stupid compared to the developers, research scientist, chemists, doctors, vets, etc I'm usually around. That's OK. I still figured out how to semi retire at 40 and work 3 to 4 hrs a day, 4 days a week so i'm doing OK for my limited mental capacity.
Its the people who think they are smart that are the dumb ones.
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Well that's handy, isn't it?
I got called a stupid fkn cunt on Saturday (by a 70 year old no less). Its a good story and i'll share.

It was the last ocean race in the series and it was gale force winds with 4 meter breaking swell. Its a light little 24 footer and a 4 man crew.

Somehow the Port jib sheet got tangled in the Starboard jib sheet. I had to go up the windward side around the mast and down to the leeward rail, lean over and untangle the lines. The rail was in the water and we were flying and bashing. Anyways i have two hands trying to undo this tangle and a gust comes up and puts the rail well under water. My left leg was over the lifeline and in ocean and my whole body was over the rail and momentum was not my friend and i thought i was going to go for a swim for sure. I'm blessed in having very fast reflex's and for my age decent upper body strength and managed to let go the lines and grab a stay with my right hand as i was going overboard. Managed to pull myself back a bord and complete untangling the lines, back around the mast and back to the cockpit where i was called all the names under the sun including You stupid fkn cunt by the old fart on the tiller.

Closest i've come on going over and the beer in the clubhouse that evening tasted very sweet. We ended up 4th in the series after holding down 3rd spot for the majority of it.
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I'm Australian. Calling someone stupid isn't much of an insult, lmao.

I don't mind being the stupidest person in a room. You can learn plenty.
We’ll I hope you have learned to check your sources to make your trolling more believable. If you have then I’d call it a success. Your grasping at straws and moving of goal posts say otherwise unfortunately.
PS yes cool story BTW. A club race with 4 meter seas and gale force winds in a 24’ boat. Your club is seemingly pretty stupid as well, just sayin.
We’ll I hope you have learned to check your sources to make your trolling more believable. If you have then I’d call it a success. Your grasping at straws and moving of goal posts say otherwise unfortunately.
PS yes cool story BTW. A club race with 4 meter seas and gale force winds in a 24’ boat. Your club is seemingly pretty stupid as well, just sayin.

Its ocean racing. You choose to start or not. It was only the odd gust at 30 heading out but became preety sustained. We had a Reef in the main and the number 2 Jib. Two boats retired. Broken winch on one and a newer boating crew didn't want to brave the conditions. I sail on Bass Strait. I've seen worse conditions rounding Tasman island on a Farr 38. But the little 24 just stopped when it was heading into the faces. Bang! lol. We got soaked. Glad i had on all my foul weather gear.
We have a new to us Farr 40 coming for the longer racers. Looking forward to racing that. Been trying to get on a crew for the 50th edition of the Westcoaster.

You haven't answered.
Do you think 80 year olds should run countries?
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Its ocean racing. You choose to start or not. We had a Reef in the main and the number 2 Jib. Two boats retired. Broken winch on one and a newer boating crew didn't want to brave the conditions. I sail on Bass Strait. I've seen worse conditions rounding Tasman island on a Farr 38.
We have a new to us Farr 40 coming. Looking forward to racing that.

You haven't answered.
Do you think 80 year olds should run countries?
You haven’t answered either. Do you think your “doctor” source is an asinine choice to further your agenda? But sure I’ll go first. I don’t care how old a person is if their doing a good job. With Biden I really have no skin in the game so don’t judge. Again my deal is your using a dick wad trump dick sucking repug as your source for Bidens mental capabilities which said he was unable to govern.
And yes I know it was ocean racing lol. I’ve owned sailboats since I was 12 lol. Congrats on your GPSAIL team. I watched the first races in Bermuda this year and was there last year as well. Canada is doing great as well!!!23860453-9379-40E8-A348-C238139BB493.jpeg
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