January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


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Jan. 6 Committee Expects To Have Secret Service Text Messages By Tuesday
205,385 views Jul 18, 2022 The Jan. 6 committee expects to receive erased Secret Service text messages from Jan. 5 and Jan. 6, 2021 by Tuesday. Investigators gave the Secret Service until Tuesday to turn over the documents, and Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a member of the committee, said that they expect to receive them on time. The Washington Post's Carol Leonnig joins Mika Brezinski to discuss.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

Jan. 6 Committee Expects To Have Secret Service Text Messages By Tuesday
205,385 views Jul 18, 2022 The Jan. 6 committee expects to receive erased Secret Service text messages from Jan. 5 and Jan. 6, 2021 by Tuesday. Investigators gave the Secret Service until Tuesday to turn over the documents, and Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a member of the committee, said that they expect to receive them on time. The Washington Post's Carol Leonnig joins Mika Brezinski to discuss.
crack the fucking whip...if they don't produce said messages by the appointed time, the appropriate people get suspended, and charged with contempt...and i'm assuming a guilty verdict on a contempt of congress charge will invalidate you for any further government service.


Well-Known Member
crack the fucking whip...if they don't produce said messages by the appointed time, the appropriate people get suspended, and charged with contempt...and i'm assuming a guilty verdict on a contempt of congress charge will invalidate you for any further government service.
Bennie Thompson is also chair of the homeland security committee, the head of the secret service is retiring and Joe knows them pretty well and will appoint the next guy who will no doubt clean house. I figure it was a few agents around Trump lead by Tony Ornado who got a political job and went back to the SS with a promotion into management, I figure he's toast and might even be indicted. We will see, there are those in the SS who want these fucks gone and everything exposed. It wasn't just Trump acting like a fucking monkey in the car, the security of Pence was also an issue along with whisking him from the capitol. Where were his security detail's enforcements, rushing to the capitol in minutes, along with an FBI SWAT team that was close by?

They will need to see every text message by every SS agent assigned to executive branch security before and after the 6th as a matter of national security.


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Trump Aide Bannon Faces Two Years In Prison As Trial Starts
4,026 views Jul 18, 2022 The criminal trial of the chief strategist in Trump’s administration Steve Bannon begins today. He faces up to two years in prison charged with contempt of Congress. Jurors were selected today, despite several being struck due to strong views that may have interfered with the case. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber breaks down day one of this high-profile Jan. 6 case, saying: “The prospect of prison may push Bannon to comply even further… but even cooperation does not end this trial.”


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He's Going Down: Bannon's 'Tough Guy' Talk Melts Down As DOJ Vet Predicts Conviction
2,423 views Jul 18, 2022 Today Steve Bannon’s trial begins for criminal contempt of Congress. Day one consisted of the selection of jurors, and Bannon himself spoke after, saying in part that it would have been “more productive if we’d been on Capitol Hill addressing the nation,” and saying that the Jan. 6 committee “has been nothing but a show trial.” Former Federal prosecutor John Flannery joins Ari Melber on what to expect in this trial, saying “[Bannon’s] at risk to be the first of the inner circle to go down,” and he expects the jury to pierce “that veil of these powerful, omnipotent people who thought they could do anything in their arrogance. His defenses aren’t going to hold up.”


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Mary Trump with Thom Hartman: How Will Her Uncle Donald Trump Act If He Gets Indicted?
28,393 views Jul 16, 2022 Deep Dive – Take a detailed look into the most relevant, topical events of the day w/ Thom Hartmann. He will break down the news in a way that you have never heard before. Mary Trump with Thom Hartman: How Will Her Uncle Donald Trump Act If He Gets Indicted?


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Donald fears the trial in Georgia the most because it is a TV trial and he will be humiliated on national TV. Top republicans will refute the big lie to his face on TV and Donald might lose control. If a black female judge has his case it will be real interesting, Donald might not react well to a black prosecutor, black judge and half black jury judging him and saying very nasty things about him on national TV!

The Trump Plan To Run For Office To Run From The Law
16,365 views Jul 18, 2022 Are we a nation of laws or of men? Can the most powerful person in the entire country be subjected to our laws or not? Trump, in his feral instinct for survival, understands that tension. According to new reporting, he is telling allies he is going to run for re-election as the ultimate "get out of jail free" card.
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Who is Sarah Matthews, the Trump White House aide testifying to Jan. 6 panel?
Sarah Matthews is set to testify at Thursday’s prime-time hearing of the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack, according to Monday evening reports.

Matthews, who served as the former deputy press secretary in the Trump administration, resigned hours after the insurrection at the Capitol, where a pro-Trump mob sought to stop Congress from certifying the 2020 presidential election results.

The Associated Press and CNN reported Monday that she and Matthew Pottinger, former deputy national security adviser, will testify Thursday at the last currently scheduled Jan. 6 hearing, which is set to focus on former President Trump’s actions — or lack thereof — during the Capitol riot.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Donald fears the trial in Georgia the most because it is a TV trial and he will be humiliated on national TV. Top republicans will refute the big lie to his face on TV and Donald might lose control. If a black female judge has his case it will be real interesting, Donald might not react well to a black prosecutor, black judge and half black jury judging him and saying very nasty things about him on national TV!

The Trump Plan To Run For Office To Run From The Law
16,365 views Jul 18, 2022 Are we a nation of laws or of men? Can the most powerful person in the entire country be subjected to our laws or not? Trump, in his feral instinct for survival, understands that tension. According to new reporting, he is telling allies he is going to run for re-election as the ultimate "get out of jail free" card.
i would actually like to see him have a melt down in a court room full of all sorts of minorities, every word that came out of his mouth would be a big old rail road spike nail in his coffin


Well-Known Member
i would actually like to see him have a melt down in a court room full of all sorts of minorities, every word that came out of his mouth would be a big old rail road spike nail in his coffin
I'd like to see him freaking out while republicans are testifying and the judge has him chained to his chair and ball gaged, as well as held in custody for contempt of court. I keep having visions of Donald squirming and grunting in his chair, while his eyeballs bugged out and with an orange ball gag in his gob.

National TV coverage is the key, it will break Donald in public and humiliate him where it matters the most to him and his fans, on TV and recorded on the internet forever. I think Garland wants it on TV before he takes his pound (or ton) of flesh, federal trials are not on TV, though they need to make an exception in this case, it warrants one. Justice must not just be done, it must also be seen to be done.


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Day 1of Steve Bannon's contempt of Congress trial: jury selection. Many jurors voice their disdain
917 views Jul 19, 2022 Steve Bannon's contempt of Congress trial started today in federal district court in Washington, DC, with jury selection. As juror after juror answered questions about whether they could serve fairly and impartially, one thing become clear: Steve Bannon had no fans among the jurors. Many of the jurors said they were familiar with Bannon, had a negative impression of him, and believed he was guilty of defying a congressional subpoena.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

worthless, useless, sucker of trump's little orange cock...
bill motherfucking goddamn barr junior


Well-Known Member

worthless, useless, sucker of trump's little orange cock...
bill motherfucking goddamn barr junior
Not to worry, we know Garland has been dragging his feet and the Bill Barr memo gives him the cover. Donald declaring for president means nothing until he gets the nomination and signs the papers, anybody could be permanently running for president to avoid the law. This is just timing Donald's demise for the maximum effect, the republicans are as guilty as he is and the only way to deal with them is to win the election by hanging Trump around their necks. They will bust Trump when ready and are just using his bullshit against him, like with Barr's memo.

I'm not surprised and approve, timing is everything, Garland can have Trump's ass anytime he wants it, so can the DA in Georgia. He won't get away and neither will his minions, but the republicans must be defeated to preserve the union and avoid civil war.


Well-Known Member

worthless, useless, sucker of trump's little orange cock...
bill motherfucking goddamn barr junior
Just hint that once some one is nominated by their party it's hands off and mention the republican presidential nomination for 2024 is sometime in the future. Donald will proceed to move heaven and earth trying to get the nomination process moved up or have himself as the permanent nominee for his party. He is stupid and desperate enough to think it might work and would destroy the GOP trying to change the nomination process! Just a cleverly worded statement by Garland might drive him to it, but I think the TV trial in Georgia will happen and change everything.


Well-Known Member
Domestic terrorism, it won't end with Trump and his minions in prison either, it will end with new laws and a domestic terrorist watch list.



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Maybe they should start comparing Trump to that top cop in Uvalde Texas who dithered for far too long too, call it incompetence and stupidity.

The line of executive succession was in the capitol building, as well as the congress, the entire elected federal government. Trump contrived to leave it defenseless, impeded efforts to defend the capitol and set an armed mob lead by organized terrorists groups with a plan to overthrow the government and a command from Trump to hang Mike Pence. Trump attacked the entire federal government in an attempted auto coup that could have murdered most of the elected representatives and held others hostage. He wanted to lead personally it like Napoleon, right into to sitting congress at the head of his mob of morons and enforce his will with violence. When he couldn't do that he settled for watching it on TV and when the expected counter protesters never showed up, he couldn't declare marshal law, because he couldn't count on the military, or DOJ.

I don't think he will get away with that, a lot of republicans didn't like the idea of being murdered in the capitol either, Mitch among them. I certainly don't think Joe will let him walk either, but will use him until the midterm election and play him like a fucking fish in the meantime. Everything was delayed, not just the DOJ investigations, the J6 panel was also timed for the maximum impact on the midterms. In the end the public are the jury on this and much more and the democrats must make the best case possible at the best time possible, the public has the same attention span as the news cycle. They must do this while staying inside the lanes of the law and constitution while dealing with organized criminals and millions of people at civil war with America.
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I can see why Donald was desperate to call a witness, Pottinger has the goods on Donald, he knows a lot.

Former high-ranking Trump official will testify at Jan. 6 hearing
52,686 views Jul 19, 2022 Matthew Pottinger, who served on former President Donald Trump’s National Security Council will testify publicly at Thursday’s prime-time hearing held by the House select committee investigating the US Capitol attack, according to multiple sources familiar with the plans. Pottinger resigned in the immediate aftermath of the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021.
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Not to worry, we know Garland has been dragging his feet and the Bill Barr memo gives him the cover. Donald declaring for president means nothing until he gets the nomination and signs the papers, anybody could be permanently running for president to avoid the law. This is just timing Donald's demise for the maximum effect, the republicans are as guilty as he is and the only way to deal with them is to win the election by hanging Trump around their necks. They will bust Trump when ready and are just using his bullshit against him, like with Barr's memo.

I'm not surprised and approve, timing is everything, Garland can have Trump's ass anytime he wants it, so can the DA in Georgia. He won't get away and neither will his minions, but the republicans must be defeated to preserve the union and avoid civil war.
i don't believe that, and won't until i see trump's fat orange ass in a court room...
i DO want them to leave trump free till he fucks up the republican'a chances in 24, but i do NOT want the fucker to go free...and if Garland refuses to prosecute trump, what chances of him prosecuting anyone else?....i think he's a useless piece of shit who never should have been anything but a judge....you do know he and clarence thomas clerked together during the nixon era....i'm starting to think he may be a sleeper for the republicans.