Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I have one on each each end of the house with fans helping it around.
That's what I had, and it was keeping my bedroom chilly, but the living room and kitchen are open to each other and it was getting up to 80 in there by afternoon. This should help...They are only little 5k units.

Also changed my ducting around in the flower room to blow more heat up the chimney, and eliminated the charcoal filter...and I'm in week 8 of flower, so it might be another "skunk" mentioning for todays contractor. :weed:

Not many people even care any more!!


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone....hopefully everyone is staying cool....this heat....feel for Marble Falls this morning they're low was 90F....so it's gonna be a hot one there and i also feel sorry for the Okey people, they're in this heat too.......

well i woke up to a mild 78F again this morning, and barely any wind.......yeah high today 104, but wait we are getting a cool down....yeah right 101F this weekend......

just made a fresh pot...so warm ups ready

now to get some breakfast in me.....

and when it comes to A/C's i have 3, but i keep 2 going at all times when it's like this, the third is a spair i keep around just in case 1 takes a shit......


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Staff member
That's what I had, and it was keeping my bedroom chilly, but the living room and kitchen are open to each other and it was getting up to 80 in there by afternoon. This should help...They are only little 5k units.

Also changed my ducting around in the flower room to blow more heat up the chimney, and eliminated the charcoal filter...and I'm in week 8 of flower, so it might be another "skunk" mentioning for todays contractor. :weed:

Not many people even care any more!!


Well-Known Member
My cousin installed a new Bryant for us in March. He gave me a heck of a deal, so we went ahead and chose one of their higher end units. I think its rated at 16 seers. He also added two ducts. One in a bathroom that didn't have one, and one in the kitchen, which also never had one. Also put shades up to keep the sun off the west side of house, that makes a huge difference in the afternoon. Yeah, we cozy.


Well-Known Member
Morning WnB friends :eyesmoke: ! Same here , hot as balls and overwhelming humidity.. Uhg . Pullled and potted the males yesterday and now to find a place for them .

@manfredo this guy makes excellent videos [ french drain guy youtube ] I live in a area with a high water table and I deal with almost every issue he covers . If my financial situation gets better he’s the one I’m going to call .