How Does Your Garden Grow??????

Having a lot of success this season growing tomatoes vertically. Over 6' as of mid July
I have been experimenting with this trellis design. I am able to fit alot of tomatoes in one row. This season I let each cherry tomato plant split into 3 or 4 producing branches. So far this is working. Next season I plan to limit each plant on splitting twice at the most, proving space for even more varieties. This season I am growing; Beefsteak, Chocolate Zebra Stripe, Lemon Boy, Dancing w/Smurfs, Yellow pears:
Super Sweet 100
(Below) Super Sweet 100 fruit set lvl 100.
awww, what a cutie. This is the first year I haven't grown pumpkins in years, I miss them
It is! Its been so cool experience. Im not too familiar with outdoor growing and first it was a bit weird to give a control to mother nature cause usually im the one who push the buttons for more/less heat/humidity etc. So much learning about everything.

There is also another strain which is going to be massive or atleast thats what seed pack says! Looks like onion in the bush right now.