New to Grow

What’s up everyone, new to the channel here. Just getting into growing

I have three plants growing now (bigger space on the way) one seedling and two plants inVeg.
I’m using happy frog for seedlings and first transplant. I also add mycrohiza

last transplant has a 75/25 fox farm ocean forest and happy frog

I also am using a 195 CFM exhaust fan
Small fan in bottom to move air

next light 150h to light bigger plants

have fox farm grow big and tiger bloom nutrients to help feed

I’m on about week4/5 of older plants (trying to catch gender because these seeds were not bought autofem)

new one is on week 2 of 24/0..

Let me know how it’s looking if you don’t mind



Well-Known Member
What’s up everyone, new to the channel here. Just getting into growing

I have three plants growing now (bigger space on the way) one seedling and two plants inVeg.
I’m using happy frog for seedlings and first transplant. I also add mycrohiza

last transplant has a 75/25 fox farm ocean forest and happy frog

I also am using a 195 CFM exhaust fan
Small fan in bottom to move air

next light 150h to light bigger plants

have fox farm grow big and tiger bloom nutrients to help feed

I’m on about week4/5 of older plants (trying to catch gender because these seeds were not bought autofem)

new one is on week 2 of 24/0..

Let me know how it’s looking if you don’t mind
I grow coco/perlite and grows slightly faster but one week in solo cup is enough for size and to be transplanted, I waited about 4/5 weeks for vegging young plants in a half gal and they were incredibly rootbound, I have threads with pics. If that happens, I recommend cutting a little bit of it so it forces it to grow new roots and branch around.

The rootcutting method (very popular) I actually took from a soil grow but unecissary if working on schedule, from what I learned with hands in, if it is not growing fast enough, indicates an issue but again, coco/perlite hudroponic application had me growing plants faster than I ever seen.

Must note I am not very expirienced but this is working into my next run of plants. The stunted plants were not root bound after 3 weeks or 4 in a half gal. When I started using my media correctly, ramen noodle soup rootbound lol.


Well-Known Member
Let medium feed upfront without adding more nutes on top of it. It doesn't seem to be exhausting yet.

Look into LST training for bigger plant. You can transplant solo cup now if you want. HF/OF ratio is fine and works well that way.


Well-Known Member
^ yeah what he said, couldn’t hurt to learn about Auxin right away starting out. I topped at sixth node on my Indica which started flower, nice even branches and canopy and sets the stage for LST.
Let medium feed upfront without adding more nutes on top of it. It doesn't seem to be exhausting yet.

Look into LST training for bigger plant. You can transplant solo cup now if you want. HF/OF ratio is fine and works well that way.
I topped both of them early this week, already seeing outward grow

nervous aboutLST but once I get bigger tent I will have more space to let them work


Well-Known Member
I topped both of them early this week, already seeing outward grow

nervous aboutLST but once I get bigger tent I will have more space to let them work
It is easy once you let it sink in, really, it is just spreading that auxin by either mainlining or control the main stem, with or without topping, to bend and warp to expose light through out it on one side of it and to stay with flat canopy, twisting down branches through veg and the stretch of flower until it just swells.

I cannot offer more advice, different medias lol. I complicated it myself when I tried it but once you run a full cycle, you just build on that.

Try not to cram space, people are saying I am, but it is early to prune and can spread them out more, was winging it to get my expirience on my strain, I have autos and will practice only LST and mainlining, mainlining is intimidating for a new grower though, you’re chopping her in half and then some! lol.


Well-Known Member
Yours looks indica leaning, could be just me, but they haven’t required any LST yet. The others have even more symmetry than this one. Close to 100% indica, kinda scrogs and evens itself out. These are 1 gal, that looks like a 3-4 gal. I have that and they are huge and naturally spread out itsown canopy with no training at all.

Another great piece advice I see to be true constantly is just keeping them happy, you probably will not create more yield than you would just doing that, it will take a lot of practice and sounds like you are perpetuating like me, learn autos if you have not already, they can be in veg room so it is ok to have a bigger veg room. Better really.

Any advanced photo period plant training method will cost time and its own space and light. Which is most of the cost in summer time. Worth it so you can help others or say you know how to.

Does give you more yield if you know how to work your lights and media. So just doing rounds and rounds has been doing well for me so far, learning what I need to, when I need to. Unless of course if you can keep both sides of flower room even canopied, same strain, I can see that with pots on risers on one side with topping heavy and LST if needed.

You are welcome to check out my page for constant flowering activity, just started my first batch. Hell, all activity lol .


Well-Known Member
What’s up everyone, new to the channel here. Just getting into growing

I have three plants growing now (bigger space on the way) one seedling and two plants inVeg.
I’m using happy frog for seedlings and first transplant. I also add mycrohiza

last transplant has a 75/25 fox farm ocean forest and happy frog

I also am using a 195 CFM exhaust fan
Small fan in bottom to move air

next light 150h to light bigger plants

have fox farm grow big and tiger bloom nutrients to help feed

I’m on about week4/5 of older plants (trying to catch gender because these seeds were not bought autofem)

new one is on week 2 of 24/0..

Let me know how it’s looking if you don’t mind
I would guess you will not need to use much of the Grow Big due to the soil having plenty of food. That all depends on how long you are going to veg. You will however need Big Bloom. You didn’t mention having that part of the nute trio.
I would guess you will not need to use much of the Grow Big due to the soil having plenty of food. That all depends on how long you are going to veg. You will however need Big Bloom. You didn’t mention having that part of the nute trio.
The place I bought them from used the term of “additive” for the big bloom and that is wasn’t completely necessary.. trying to learn as I go. If it needs it I’ll definitely have it for the next crop. Unless its needed