Do you smoke the night before you work?

Since switching to telework and growing my own, I find myself smoking more sporadically than before; sometimes I'll wake-n-bake before logging on, other times I'll wait til well after lunch. No rhyme or reason, i just take a rip when I'm feeling it.

What's funny is, i do "customer service" so i talk to people and as the day goes on, a few bowls deep, my voice must sound "sexy" to people because I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS get people comment on my voice later in the day :lol: men, women, doesn't matter. Also anytime i accidentally fry myself on edibles i always get "woooow you have a great voice" lol
I think if all special ed teachers blazed up during the day, we'd have much higher rates of teacher retention. Seriously, that's a tough, repetitive job, and those kinds of jobs match up best with smoking. I was a dishwasher in High School, after school for my first job, and I enjoyed the hell out of it. Herb really makes boring jobs bearable. The jobs I've had as an adult have been higher paid but far less tolerable.
Since switching to telework and growing my own, I find myself smoking more sporadically than before; sometimes I'll wake-n-bake before logging on, other times I'll wait til well after lunch. No rhyme or reason, i just take a rip when I'm feeling it.

What's funny is, i do "customer service" so i talk to people and as the day goes on, a few bowls deep, my voice must sound "sexy" to people because I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS get people comment on my voice later in the day :lol: men, women, doesn't matter. Also anytime i accidentally fry myself on edibles i always get "woooow you have a great voice" lol

What's the number? I'll call late in the day after you're good and baked.
I think if all special ed teachers blazed up during the day, we'd have much higher rates of teacher retention. Seriously, that's a tough, repetitive job, and those kinds of jobs match up best with smoking. I was a dishwasher in High School, after school for my first job, and I enjoyed the hell out of it. Herb really makes boring jobs bearable. The jobs I've had as an adult have been higher paid but far less tolerable.
If they got paid better, they could afford weed and the cycle of "goodness" would commence. . ...
It's all relative to the individual. Personally I smoke all day everyday. The one time I drove straight as an arrow I got in a car accident. The stats don't lie. I'm just meant to be high 24/7 and I accept that.
Speaking of....
Two well packed cones every night. The first cone is really to tell my system that there will be a second one coming in about 60 to 90 minutes. But during the day I am not really able to light up. So ...

I will brew a full pot of coffee and toss 1 tsp. of well infused butter into the carafe to lessen the bitterness. By the time the cannabutter buzz tails off we are back to the cones.
If they got paid better, they could afford weed and the cycle of "goodness" would commence. . ...
Nah. They're not cool with that at my job and I get paid well. I probably still could get away with it but I don't feel the need to risk it. At most a little smoke in the morning if I feel like it, and after work. Considering it takes me less than ten minutes to get home after work it not like I'm waiting long haha.
I have had jobs where I smoked all the time at work or lunch or whatever but the stuff I do now doesn't mix well and since I enjoy it and get to listen to music it's easy to get through my day.
Funny enough I too used to do forward facing phone customer service. I also used to get hit on ALLLL the time. High, sober, drunk(when I used to drink), didn't matter. I liked working the slower shifts because it happened less talking with less people. Gets tiring flirting with people all day long trying to get them sales! Lmao.
The answer is definitely yes. I have a rule, for anything in life involving stress and stress management, don’t change a thing in your routine. This includes smoking weed. If you’re not in a stressed environment, breaking routine is healthy. perhaps not smoking the evening before work for someone in a stress free environment would be beneficial
The answer is definitely yes. I have a rule, for anything in life involving stress and stress management, don’t change a thing in your routine. This includes smoking weed. If you’re not in a stressed environment, breaking routine is healthy. perhaps not smoking the evening before work for someone in a stress free environment would be beneficial

Cannabis can definitely help some cope with stressful environments. But for some it just makes things worse. I'm one that benefits not just with stress but anger management. It helps me deal with my anger issues that I've had all my life. I once got kicked out of anger counseling for getting mad. Why I was there is a long story I won't get into but they waited to call me at home to tell me not to come back because they were afraid I was going to get mad.

Anyway, I take breaks from smoking cannabis from time to time. Sometimes only a week sometimes a month. I know when to start smoking again when my lady starts telling me I need to get stoned. She's picked up on things over the years and knows when I need to do something to mellow out. I sure love her. I don't deserve her but she's mine and I'd die for her.
... I know when to start smoking again when my lady starts telling me I need to get stoned ...
Gotta love when your partner understands you.

About 1.5 years ago my wife went on a 4 day "sewing weekend" with some friends. I know that sewing weekend is really 4 ladies consuming lots of Black Fly coolers with sewing machines in the vicinity. She knows that I smoke a lot more when she goes to events like Black Fly weekend.

When I got home shortly after she left, I found my supply box on the kitchen island and attached was a hand written note - "Your 72 gram challenge" and a big smiley face. In the box was 4 oz. of my flower, pipes, papers/cones/filters and grinders. My entire kit!! I really enjoyed every toke that weekend.

But I could only go through like 3/4 oz. in those 4 days - I hope I didn't disappoint the RIU fraternity.