You're not ever going to negate my experience man. No amount of talking. I've said it before, he's the type to tape his children's Christmas presents to the ceiling just to tease them. He wont trade/sell his good genetics, he only makes crosses of them that are weak and useless in preserving the old-school stuff. He certainly brags. You have to sign up and be a VIP member of his site to even purchase his seeds. And worst of all, he will fish around for what you know and suck as much money as he can from you if you don't know what's going on. None of these thoughts I share are based off things I've read, or people i know bashing him. I don't know anyone in online (or offline) weed communities, from dead shows or cannabis cup gathering or whatever. I talked with the guy on the phone many years ago and saw what he was doing. Only recently have I heard his podcasts and his squeaky little voice and fast paced controlling the conversation to his own end.
I've had no experience with him scamming only price gouging and I do believe he has a lot of good cuts, but the way he goes about it is 'everyone is the competition' and is going to take his elite cuts and make seeds and sell them at a lower price and shouldn't be trusted.
Most of the seed companies/breeders I do business with are preserving old school stuff, not hoarding it and keeping it to themselves to sell over priced home made hybrids with catchy names.
I'll put it this way. I rarely write here, and have gone far enough out of my way to warn others. I've dealt with many, many seed breeders, banks, and collectors online over the years and have never had an experience like the one i did with Riot seeds...