What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like


i can't see how they didn't get downgraded a long time ago
Like a warzone. That’s what it would/will look like,

Front page cnn yesterday. Gave me flashbacks to the 16th and 17th century.

As if there’s such a thing as true christianity, they’re all imposters. The imposters “use christian language to cloak sexism and hostility towards”… that’s just using christian language as intended, part of being a ’good’ christian. It’s like accusing a conman of cheating. Quite absurd. 1900 year old desert fables, deemed suitable by the Romans 1700 years ago to control an empire. It took centuries for catholics to burn, behead and rape Europeans and others into submission. This was so successful it is still instilled in many of us in the world today. People (including politicians in many countries) are afraid to speak out against this nonsense.

They hide behind faux respect for freedom of religion, ironically started by Constatine, the same roman who effectively forced this toxic bullshit on Europe and by extension the US. Freedom of religion, much later law to prevent Catholics and Protestants from bashing each other’s heads in. Freedom of religion… perhaps an even bigger scam than any religion.

Instead of destroying this virus called christianity, areas where the romans had less control started their own sects, like eastern and oriental orthodox, lutheran protestants, islam. All imposter christianities, imposter Judaism, imposter pagan believes. Centuries of war was just inevitable.

In 1648 the treaty of Westphalia was signed, ending both the thirty years war (many countries, protestants vs catholics, mainly fought in Germany), and the 80 years war (protestant NL vs catholic Spain). 8million casualties in the 30 years war.
When there was finally peace, sort of, it looked like below. The mess in the center is mostly Germany.


4 decades after Westphalia, the Age of Enlightenment started. Yang gave rise to yin. Good times. Well.., better times. Unfortunately the result isn’t the end of christianity. The biggest lie is to be tolerated, by law. Freedom of religion is freedom to believe and spread lies. Almost every major problem can be traced back to this mistake. It’s a tumor, currently inflamed. It will quite possibly be the end of us all. An animal species encouraged to lie cannot possibly survive. Can’t be like ok I too believe in god but we should listen to scientists when it comes to climate change. Can’t tolerate this mass delusion and get enough people to vaccinate based on scientific evidence. The same scientific truths and reason that makes the bible largely cruel and fucked up bullshit.

“It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what one does not believe. It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.“

Thomas Paine - The Age of Reason.
Should be mandatory material in schools. Should be bitchslapped into some people.
Like a warzone. That’s what it would/will look like,

Front page cnn yesterday. Gave me flashbacks to the 16th and 17th century.
View attachment 5169377

As if there’s such a thing as true christianity, they’re all imposters. The imposters “use christian language to cloak sexism and hostility towards”… that’s just using christian language as intended, part of being a ’good’ christian. It’s like accusing a conman of cheating. Quite absurd. 1900 year old desert fables, deemed suitable by the Romans 1700 years ago to control an empire. It took centuries for catholics to burn, behead and rape Europeans and others into submission. This was so successful it is still instilled in many of us in the world today. People (including politicians in many countries) are afraid to speak out against this nonsense.

They hide behind faux respect for freedom of religion, ironically started by Constatine, the same roman who effectively forced this toxic bullshit on Europe and by extension the US. Freedom of religion, much later law to prevent Catholics and Protestants from bashing each other’s heads in. Freedom of religion… perhaps an even bigger scam than any religion.

Instead of destroying this virus called christianity, areas where the romans had less control started their own sects, like eastern and oriental orthodox, lutheran protestants, islam. All imposter christianities, imposter Judaism, imposter pagan believes. Centuries of war was just inevitable.

In 1648 the treaty of Westphalia was signed, ending both the thirty years war (many countries, protestants vs catholics, mainly fought in Germany), and the 80 years war (protestant NL vs catholic Spain). 8million casualties in the 30 years war.
When there was finally peace, sort of, it looked like below. The mess in the center is mostly Germany.

View attachment 5169388

4 decades after Westphalia, the Age of Enlightenment started. Yang gave rise to yin. Good times. Well.., better times. Unfortunately the result isn’t the end of christianity. The biggest lie is to be tolerated, by law. Freedom of religion is freedom to believe and spread lies. Almost every major problem can be traced back to this mistake. It’s a tumor, currently inflamed. It will quite possibly be the end of us all. An animal species encouraged to lie cannot possibly survive. Can’t be like ok I too believe in god but we should listen to scientists when it comes to climate change. Can’t tolerate this mass delusion and get enough people to vaccinate based on scientific evidence. The same scientific truths and reason that makes the bible largely cruel and fucked up bullshit.

“It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what one does not believe. It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.“

Thomas Paine - The Age of Reason.
Should be mandatory material in schools. Should be bitchslapped into some people.
I believe religiosity to be an effect of our psychology, and one clear indicator that we are actually presapient.
Technology allows our capabilities to exceed our nature. Uncounted cautionary tales have been told about how this might lead to our undoing, with the Terminator and Matrix franchises as examples.
I imagine technology working another way: as the operating details of our bodies and minds become known, we will gain the ability to change our natures from bedrock up.

Fifty million years (arbitrary number) of instinct selected into us the old hard way disposes us toward greed, jealousy, cruelty and all the other survival traits that are making becoming civilized a bit of a hard road.

I predict an explosive radiation of posthuman types and, unless we discover something really new, a galaxy awash with war. I’m rooting for something really new. Like compassion at the level of our deepest impulsrs. And, probably, the realization of a synthetic drive to cooperate better, at which point what was utopian now becomes practicable.

And we can finally wave the need for religion good-bye.

(fantasy addendum. Then God appears and tells us we cannot kniw how LONG he was waiting for this, as religion was the last and most fearsome weapon of the other leading brand, and humanity’s residual maintenance of religion was the one thing contractually binding him from His partying with us and letting les bons temps rouler.)
Religious brainwashing academies. You know what else comes with these types of schools, lots and lots of sexual abuse.

fucking lying cocksuckers, those are just political indoctrination centers, and they won't teach anything but revisionist history and that manifest destiny was a real thing, and remains a real thing
fucking lying cocksuckers, those are just political indoctrination centers, and they won't teach anything but revisionist history and that manifest destiny was a real thing, and remains a real thing
When the massive alien slaver ships materialize in our burning skies, oh boy howdy will we know that Manifest Destiny is indeed a thing!
One the Glaq’nork are unwilling to share.
MAGA, here is the new (old) republican plan for education and the control of women, talk about the Taliban! This was 5 years before women had the vote and were considered persons under the law, a little more than 100 years ago in Anglo liberal democracies. Recently women in many American states don't even have basic human rights, much less constitutional ones and many voters are content with this, despite the polls. Just because half the population is losing their basic human rights is no reason to vote democrat! Most of these people have a long history of fucking themselves at the polls, they have more important issues that have nothing to do with reality, only with their fear and hate.

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really? how about Gertrude Baniszewski? Ilse Koch? Mary Tudor? Irma Grese? Catherine DeMedici? Delphine Lalaurie?
Jezebel? Queen Nevertitties? Something tells me this Ice Age battle-ax could get the senior manager, first try. Archeologists speak of her site and age as the Karenian.
est. 24000 BCE
