My name is Aneria


Well-Known Member
Hi everone, I’m a newbie to rollitup and my name is aneria, I’m a marijuana user and grower, sort of.
Presently I have 5 auto plants growing in 1gal fabric pots, they are 3 weeks old and I’ll be putting them in 5 gal pots tomorrow. The fill is topsoil, vermiculite and perlite. Also, I’m germinating another set of seeds hoping to have a total of 10 plants.
They will be grown outdoor and in a greenhouse. I’m (with the help of a friend) presently building the greenhouse and hopefully it will be completed in the next day or so. What is keeping me from finishing it is I don’t know what covering to use? I’m thinking of clear plastic such as visqueen.
I looking for something that is not too expensive yet it will let the sun rays penetrate the plastic for leaf health
Any and all suggestions are welcomed.
Thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
Also get those autos transplanted soon. 21 days is getting really close to past the window for transplanting an auto flower. They're going to start flowering pretty soon and you want to have the roots established as much as possible before you get there. As far as coverings think about the weather you're going to encounter as far as wind and possibly snow load if it's staying up all year. I've seen several low cost green houses torn apart by high winds. The plastic just wasn't up to the stress. Factor in the conditions for your particular area and like Buck said plan for lots of fans to help move air.


Well-Known Member
Also get those autos transplanted soon. 21 days is getting really close to past the window for transplanting an auto flower. They're going to start flowering pretty soon and you want to have the roots established as much as possible before you get there. As far as coverings think about the weather you're going to encounter as far as wind and possibly snow load if it's staying up all year. I've seen several low cost green houses torn apart by high winds. The plastic just wasn't up to the stress. Factor in the conditions for your particular area and like Buck said plan for lots of fans to help move air.
FirstCavApache64, thanks for the suggestions, I will be transplanting today. I'm setup for the fans so that should not be a problem, I'll check out the section that Buck turned me on to.


Well-Known Member
Transplanting from fabric pots may be pain in the ass, lot off stress for roots. I have done that twice and second time i just decided to cut walls open with the knife, throw them away and switch to airpots for next round.


Well-Known Member
Transplanting from fabric pots may be pain in the ass, lot off stress for roots. I have done that twice and second time i just decided to cut walls open with the knife, throw them away and switch to airpots for next round.
Hi tuksu, thanks for your input, that is sort of what I had planned on doing, sort of. The plants are in small fabric pots right now, I'll cut the sides open and hopefully without disturbing any roots, set it (them) into a 5 gal fabric pot. I've done flowers this was with success. Keep your fingers crossed that I succeed.
To your health.


Well-Known Member
Hello and welcome,there are greenhouse threads here.Use the search to find a proper covering for yours .Be aware ,one of the biggest problems with cannibis is humidity .You will need lots of air exchange,ie fans and openings.GL
Upon reading half a dozen posts from members concerning their experience's with greenhouse growing I've changed my mind about the notion of greenhouse growing. I guess I really am "fickle" as a boyfriend has referred to me and my crazy ideas. I think I'll just toke an auto (wedding cake) and let my mind unravel.
Thanks all for your advise and hope I did not take too much of your time.
Well being to all.


Well-Known Member
Upon reading half a dozen posts from members concerning their experience's with greenhouse growing I've changed my mind about the notion of greenhouse growing. I guess I really am "fickle" as a boyfriend has referred to me and my crazy ideas. I think I'll just toke an auto (wedding cake) and let my mind unravel.
Thanks all for your advise and hope I did not take too much of your time.
Well being to all.
Grow outdoors in the soil ,Autos and a couple photos .You just need pest management game and a little help from mother nature.Having two different flowering times will diversify your chance of a good crop .GL.


Well-Known Member
@buckaclark , your reading my mind, "how dare you", lol. My bubble is busted, actually it just sort of lost air.

I'm back to growing in the nature, sort of the natural thing to do, like taking off your shoes and jumping into a mud puddle, or taking your clothes off and jumping into the pond.

Thanks all for your input and making me feel welcome. I'll be lurking so be kind.