What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Didn’t watch much of either. My best memory of Lucy is when our independent station carried it. Not the show, but the ads. They showed twenty seconds of one of two episodes. One was her filming an ad* for some rather alcoholic nostrum, and by take 5 she could ise her full ana amazing physical acting talent.
The other involved chocolate candies on a too-fast conveyor.

* an ad within an ad! Yo dawg, it ads up
names I don’t know; they must have been before the 60s.

Phyliss Diller was a very successful, loud mouth , campy bitch comedian , in her prime in the 60's......Vivian Vance was Lucille Ball's neighbor in " I Love Lucy "....
She played " Ethel Mertz "you know , the asshole Fred's wife. FYI...
Haven't seen you around ...
Phyliss Diller was a very successful, loud mouth , campy bitch comedian , in her prime in the 60's......Vivian Vance was Lucille Ball's neighbor in " I Love Lucy "....
She played " Ethel Mertz "you know , the asshole Fred's wife. FYI...
Haven't seen you around ...
Fred really was an asshole, according to all the stories i've heard, he hated vivian vance, called her a miserable cunt in front of a bunch of visiting officials once...
Fred really was an asshole, according to all the stories i've heard, he hated vivian vance, called her a miserable cunt in front of a bunch of visiting officials once...

Fred pretty much treated Ethel like shit on the show too. It was similar to reality of the times. When you got married, you stayed married even if you hated each other, and Fred and Ethel played that part.

You wanna talk about radical TV women, what about Sapphire on Amos N Andy?? :lol:

Fred pretty much treated Ethel like shit on the show too. It was similar to reality of the times. When you got married, you stayed married even if you hated each other, and Fred and Ethel played that part.

You wanna talk about radical TV women, what about Sapphire on Amos N Andy?? :lol:

not really "radical" women, was looking for examples of historic "Karens"...i'm not sure vivian vance even qualifies, i know nothing about her personality outside the show...
Fred really was an asshole, according to all the stories i've heard, he hated vivian vance, called her a miserable cunt in front of a bunch of visiting officials once...

That f'ing Fred...what a pain in the asshole ! ( at least in the show )!
I’ve been around. Eleven years soon.

Long time.....I must be zigging when you are zagging!
This earthly plane is fucking tricky enough without that sick, poison swill ! It would be like Marjorie Taylor Greene taking a shit from a hot air balloon with me on the ground looking up with my mouth wide-open having to field it !