2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
House Republicans reveal election legislation likely to be a priority in a GOP majority
House Republicans unveiled election legislation likely to serve as the leading response to concerns about the 2020 elections in a GOP majority, taking aim at “Zuckerbucks” and “ballot harvesting” while promoting preferred election administration in states.

Titled the American Confidence in Elections Act, the bill announced by House Administration Committee ranking member Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) is largely crafted around the principle that states have the primary role in elections.

That draws contrast to Democrats’ main election reform bill, H.R. 1, or the For the People Act, that has a long list of sweeping voter reforms and requirements.

The GOP bill establishes a standards board to serve as a best-practices forum, including on mail ballots, signature verification procedures, timely ballot counting and post-election audits.

“We don’t want to be H.R. 1 2.0. We want something that’s going to work,” Davis said at a roundtable Wednesday. “We’ve been able to craft a bill that’s reflective of ideas from a very large and diverse set of stakeholders and that has a clear path to passing in the House of Representatives next Congress when Republicans take over the majority.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) will be an original co-sponsor of the legislation, Davis said.

The bill imposes a number of requirements to ensure only eligible American citizens vote, including penalizing states’ ability to receive federal funds for election systems if they allow noncitizen voting in state or local elections. A federal judge last month struck down a New York City law that would have allowed noncitizen residents to vote in city elections, though Republicans have repeatedly pointed to noncitizen voting risks.

A section first introduced by Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.), co-chair of the Election Integrity Caucus, would prohibit 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations from directly funding election boards.

The provision is a response to GOP uproar about “Zuckerbucks,” a reference to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg pouring millions into a nonprofit that sent money to election boards in 2020. Republicans allege that the money was used for voter communication efforts without ordinary oversight, benefited “overwhelmingly Democratic precincts” and funded activities that Republicans oppose like ballot drop boxes.

Taking aim at so-called ballot harvesting, the practice of allowing individuals to collect and deliver absentee ballots on behalf of other voters, the bill also prohibits states to use funds on election administration for federal offices unless it includes certain restrictions on who can collect ballots. Only postal employees, family members, household members, caregivers and authorized election officials could collect and transmit ballots for others.

Republican Kansas Secretary of State Scott Schwab offered an analogy when talking about the need for voter ID during the roundtable: “If there’s no cops watching the speed on the highway, then there’s people breaking the law.”

Also at the roundtable was conservative lawyer Cleta Mitchell, who participated in a phone call between former President Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) in which Trump asked Raffensperger to “find” enough votes so he could win the state.
fuck them..."next Congress when Republicans take over the majority.”....when hell freezes the fuck over and sonja henney ice dances with satan....

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Wondering how many diapers Joe has soiled today? Along with his giggling VP.
ahh, so you are a magat troll...i try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but no, you are a trump's ass licking magat.
i figured the fat little fuck trying to save himself the only way he can see how would bring some of you to the surface, just like the fat nasty white grubs you find under the bark of old dead, decaying trees...
ignored. goodbye. i don't fucking bother with your kind any more, no point, you'll die like you lived, ignorant and full of hate and fear. not nice talking to you, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out...we'd have to burn it


Well-Known Member

Former Conservative Deconstructs American Exceptionalism
3,061 views Jul 16, 2022 American Exceptionalism was on full display January 6, 2021 and served as a wake up call for many conservatives, including me. In this video I break down the things I thought were great about America and why I was wrong.


Ursus marijanus
What does a bowel movement have to do with your sexual organs? What you smoking?
Men poo from one sex organ and pee from the other. I thought this was general knowledge.

Women, unlike men, have significant surface anatomy dedicated to sex and reproduction.
Some think this is why neolithic cultures often have naked men (not counting body markings and ornaments) while covering women’s anogenital area.


Ursus marijanus
Actually he has been anti-Trump for quite some time. Cheney also. She makes no bones about being a hard right Republican. But she thinks her aims should be done legally. I do not agree with her politics but she is respectful. That is not a word I would cal a MAGA.
Anyone who voted not to impeach the first time must go with prefjudice: may no longer run for elected office. Once a *rumpsucker, forever a *rumpsucker.

The opposition has decided to go all in on grievances160 years old. That is sufficient reason that they cannot stay. The GOP must be marginalized enough that conservatives will seek a fascism-free right-wing party that will attract anybody who rejects both the misdeeds of the GOP since the war ended (WWII).

I will speak against the GOP the rest of my able life. They have revealed their true nature, and it is South Africa 50 years ago. There should be consequences. They tried to kill America. They’re still trying. A proportional response is to kill the GOP which can be done simply by prosecuting every Maga that had anything to do with the insurrection or other known criminal activity. Then disenfranchising the Party of Greene and Abbott as the centrists and moderates whom the Repugs have so competely betrayed form a new party that will represent all people and not only an aspirant overclass.

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Ursus marijanus
You do that, I am going to piss on the woke lefties.
Can you tell me how the combination of awareness and humility that “woke” designates was chosen for destructive redefinition by tha Overthrow Party?

recently they have accused Democrats of “grooming” kids for statutory rape, which is a clear illustration of the troll tactic heavily used by Repugs: to point a very offended finger accusing the other brand of their own misdeeds. The news has been loaded with morality crimes by Republicans: child rape, theft of funds, voter fraud and, most shamelessly, totalitarian legislation. Reliably, when challenged, they accuse the opposition of far worse.

wanna see grooming? look at the oxymoron that is “Christian education”. About half of us are hell-bent on sabotaging our children’s reality. That is the naked face of doing evil.

Kind of hard to pee on anything if you continue to deny the way things are and work.
Indeed, your ingestion of that fascist lie suggests that you’ve placed yourself beyond actual help. Bummer.